The New Slave

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Heh...I got convinced to make a story out of an RP. This was something between me and PebbleLion that happened yesterday, and I wrote it up this morning. I hope that you guys like it.

The New Slave

The road up to the dragon's mountain was, in truth, little more than a compacted dirt path. Few travelers took the path up to the mountain, save for those that were invited, and there were quite few of those indeed. The dragon who called the mountain home was not one that invited just anyone up, and those that came up uninvited were either fireproof or testing their luck.

It was on this path that the dragon brought his newest invitee up to his home.

They made a bit of a strange pair, with few similarities between them. A pendant hanging around each of their necks with the wand and staff crossed over each other - the symbol of a magus - began and ended the list, in fact.

The dragon himself was fairly tall, standing nearly seven feet in height. His wings were tightly furled against his back, and black scales poked out past a robe nearly as dark as he was. His arms were lean and his legs the same, without the girth of some of the dragons that wandered the world as warriors. He carried a staff in hand, and had several different pouches attached to the belt he wore around his waist. A few books were shoved in, as if hastily grabbed and unable to be stowed elsewhere, and he walked without shoes, clawed toes digging lightly into the earth with each step, propelling him forward a little faster than the average step might.

His companion was...different, to say the least. A person that he met at a local meeting between the mages of the district, the lion stood a full foot, if not more, taller than the dragon. His fur was charcoal gray, with his mane just a slightly different tone of it. All across his body, muscles threatened to burst through the expensive cloth he wore, a suit that was a bit more modern than the traditional robes that the dragon wore. Like the reptile he walked beside, the lion was barefoot, though more of out of the fact that his feet were too large for any but the most handmade of shoes than out of a choice in the matter.

The two of them walked side by side up the side of the dragon's mountain. From a distance, one could see lips moving, but even up close, it would be hard to tell what they were talking about. Spells, rituals, theories of the otherworlds; it spilled from their lips like water, neither hesitating to mention the most esoteric tomes or the most obscure references to support their arguments.

As they reached the entrance to the dragon's cave, the two of them shook their heads as one, the lion the first to speak after. "You're never going to believe that Argamon's theory on emotional submission, are you?"

"No sooner than you're going to believe the idea of Gelashar's proposal about the enchanting nature of different species and their body parts," the dragon said in return. He chuckled, shaking his head. "But it was a good argument, and it killed the time on the way up here."

The two of them stepped through the cave entrance, walking down a short tunnel before they rounded a bend into an open cavern. The dragon's home looked crude from the outside, but the inside was surprisingly ornate; the stone was smoothed down, polished until it shone like burnished metal, and there were pieces of stone furniture that looked as though it was carved out of the cavern itself. Which it was, of course.

Reflections of the two of them appeared and disappeared as they walked past gold and silver wall hangings. Not plates, crowns, or functional pieces of metal, but simply plates of the precious metals, polished and cleaned to the highest polish. Every so often as they walked by, the dragon looked over at one of them, enjoying the look of his reflection in the valuable metal before walking on.

A pair of the stone seats were close together, and the dragon gestured to them, sitting in one as he waited for the lion to sit in the other. Hiding his slight smile by leaning on his hand, the dragon said, "I'm glad that you were willing to come up here. Not everyone is so willing to walk into a dragon's lair without bringing along a lot of friends."

"Considering who you are, I don't think I have anything to worry about." The lion shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Besides, after you get past the reputation that you have for yourself, Draconicon, you get to the real stuff. You only invite people up here that you're interested in; you don't dirty your cave with the bones of people that you want dead or tortured or anything."

"And besides, you think you can take me in a magical fight."

"That as well," the lion admitted with a little chuckle.

The dragon doubted that the lion could do any such thing, if it came down to that. There was a reason that he always went down to the meetings between mages, and it wasn't because he wanted to learn more; it was to keep an eye on his competition, and to find new little toys for the next few weeks.

The lion hadn't been in the level Draconicon considered competition, but he was an exceptionally good looking feline. He usually didn't bring people taller or more muscled to his cave, but Pebble was a special case; there was some quality to the feline that escaped his ability to define, one that fascinated him, and he wanted to find out what it was.

And then...then he would have his fun.

Draconicon shook his head, blinking as the lion asked him a question. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You have a shower, right?" the lion repeated. The dragon nodded his head, and Pebble smiled. "I'd like to go wash up before we continue our conversation."

Nodding his head in understanding, the dragon gestured to one of several different tunnels leading out from the cavern. "Head down that one, and take two lefts and a right; that'll put you right in the bathing chamber."

The lion nodded his head in return before getting up, walking off with the same powerful stride that had carried him up the mountain. And every step of the way, the dragon watched him from behind, white eyes glued to the underside of the lion's feet as he walked off, a little smile on his face.

Draconicon waited until his guest was out of the cavern, and far enough down the tunnel to be out of earshot before reaching down to the crotch of his robe. He fondled himself lightly, rubbing his growing shaft through the silk cloth. "Not yet, not yet," the dragon muttered under his breath, even as his member grew from half hard to fully erect in seconds. "First I have to figure out what it is about him that is so fascinating...and then we can fuck him."

Figuring that Pebble would be a while getting clean, the dragon walked over to one of the metal panels on the wall. A little fiddling in the gap between metal and wall found the catch that released it, and he gave it a little tug, pulling it open like a cupboard door. He grabbed one of the many books that lay behind the metal, and shut the metal sheet behind him as he made his way back to his seat. "Let's see...strange attractions...let's see if Olamoar has anything to say about this subject," the dragon muttered.

Parchment with elegant letters and illustrations flipped back and forth as the dragon searched through different spells and alchemical creations that could invoke strange attractions between two individuals. Many of them were almost pornographic in nature, showing humans - that old extinct species - and anthros together, as well as kings submitting to obviously lower class individuals. There were even a few images where male and female submitted to the beasts of field and plain, allowing them to have their way with them.

Amusing, certainly, but all the methods described didn't match what he felt around Pebble. There was something subtler at work here, Draconicon thought to himself, flipping another page in the process. It was remarkably intriguing.

Some time later, just as he was getting ready to put the book back and get another one, Draconicon heard the sound of claws tapping lightly along the ground. He blinked, reaching up to rub the blur that had settled into his eyes from reading so long, and then turned his head in the direction of the sound.

A soft blush covered his face even as a smile did the same. "Well...that's a good look for you, Pebble," Draconicon said.

"I thought you'd appreciate it," the lion said as he stepped into the cavern.

His fur dripped slightly, but he was mostly dry. The only bits of moisture that remained were in the mane, and that was drying fairly quickly. The part that Draconicon appreciated, however, was not that the lion was wet, but that he was naked.

Without his suit to hide most of the muscles, the lion was even sexier to look at than before. The slight dampness that still stuck to the charcoal fur only enhanced that, as it caused the fur to lay slightly flat against the muscles, allowing them to show through even easier than usual. The dragon's eyes scrolled down over the lion's body, going all the way down to his groin, and then stopped.

The lion's sheath was pulled down slightly, just enough for the tip of his shaft to stick through. Though the feline's cock wasn't so large as his own - particularly not now that it was soft - there was something...entrancing about it. The slight hint of barbs along the head, uninflated as the lion didn't seem to be aroused yet, sparked thoughts in the dragon's head that he hadn't felt in some time. Not since...since...

"You definitely like what you see," Pebble said as he made his way over to his chair again. He sat down again, but rather than looking like a businessman in an office room, he put one leg up, pointing one foot in the dragon's direction. Heavy balls sagged down between the lion's legs, laying on top of the stone seat rather than falling a little bit short, and his sheath leaned slightly to the side, the weight of the soft shaft inside keeping it from standing up completely straight. "I imagine you'd like to take a closer look, wouldn't you, little egglayer?"

"Egg...what are you talking about?" the dragon asked, his face flushing bright red as he shook his head.

"You are the one looking at my cock as though it were what you wanted most in the world, you know," Pebble said. The lion spread his legs a little further, his toes wiggling slightly, and Draconicon couldn't help but look at both his guest's feet and his groin. "You certainly look very interested."

"That's...because I haven't seen a lion naked before," he said. True enough, though perhaps not the true reason behind this.

"Well, if that's the reason, you won't be staring much longer, will you, my little egglayer?" Pebble said with just the slightest hint of a smirk on his face. "Just look away when you're done, and we'll say no more of it."

Draconicon planned to do just that, but he found it harder than he expected, particularly when the lion's cock started to rise further out of the sheath. It wasn't the normal fleshy color of a cock that he was used to, either, but a large black shaft that caught his attention. His nostrils flared as the shaft continued to rise out, a soft hint of musk in the air. It wasn't his own, he realized; his own smell seemed almost buried under something else, something stronger and more...dominant.

The lion said nothing as he continued to watch, but that was somehow all the more humiliating for the dragon. His eyes seemed locked to Pebble's lower body no matter what he tried to do, flicking between the large lion's feet, balls, cock, feet, balls, cock. Each time he made the circuit between the different parts, he found that the large black shaft had pushed out that much further from the sheath, that more of the lovely, suckable cock had pushed itself out.

He groaned, reaching up and pushing a hand to his head even as he kept staring, even as his nostrils kept flaring at the strange smell in the air. These...these thoughts weren't right. It was like he was being...there was something strange here. Something different. He wasn't...he didn't always thinking of sucking cock when he saw it. What...what was...

"I probably should have told you, back at the meeting," Pebble said, his voice coming as though from a distance away. "My body has a scent to it. It's almost an addictive smell, one that gets stronger and stronger the less clothes that I have on. It has a rather captivating effect, I've found."

More than a little bit of one, the dragon thought to himself as he found himself drawn further and further in towards the lion. He was leaning on the edge of his seat, in fact; how had that happened?

Pebble chuckled, pulling his leg back down, though that did little to disguise his throbbing cock. It had reached full length, a thick eight and a half inches of lion meat, and the tip was covered in barbs. None of them were huge, a couple of centimeters each, perhaps, but nothing more than that, and they didn't look like the painful ones that were on the wild lions out there. These ones looked...well, they looked all too pleasurable for the dragon's comfort.

"Tell me, Draconicon...were you inviting me up here, hoping to make me into a play thing?" Pebble asked.

Draconicon found himself nodding before he could stop himself, and the lion's little chuckle made him blush. "I thought that might be the case. People that smell me and don't know how dominant I can be often have that idea at first. But I doubt you are thinking that anymore, are you?"

"I can't...can't say that I do," Draconicon admitted. He groaned a bit, breathing through his mouth for a few breaths, clearing his head a bit. "I have to...I have to say, you aren't so..."

"It's hard to think, isn't it?" Draconicon nodded at the lion's statement, and the lion nodded in return. "That's alright. Put your feet up, little egglayer. My dragon needs a chance to relax, while I tell him just how things are going to be from now on."

Nodding his head again, the dragon gestured at the cave floor. A little black fire leaped from his hands and struck the stone, cracking it. From the crack rose a smooth square of rock, pushing up until it lifted the dragon's feet off of the ground, pointing his soles towards his guest...though whether guest was the right term any longer was something that was up for debate.

Pebble got out of his chair, and Draconicon watched as the lion took a seat at the other side of the foot rest. Large lion hands gripped one of his feet, and he blushed as the lion started giving him a foot massage. A very good one, for that matter, thumbs digging into his scales and finding just the right pressure points to relax him.

"You see, I've known about you for a while, my dragon," Pebble said as his hands worked on the dragon's foot. "A mage, a writer, a dragon that tends to find some sort of companionship in what people he lures into his mountain. Oh, I know you treat them alright; there's no worries there," he said when the dragon started to open his mouth. He chuckled. "You haven't had any complaints from them, I imagine.

"But I've heard other things as well; about the 'slayers' that have made it to this cave, and who have walked out with their skin."

The dragon blushed at that, his toes curling lightly as the lion's fingers reached up to rub them as well. Those had been embarrassing; an orc and an elephant, the only two slayers that had gotten in and gotten past his defenses. A long night, that had been...a very, very long night.

Thankfully they had gotten their memories removed later, getting rid of any chance that anyone would find out what had happened to him. At least, so he had thought.

"You've had other people dom you before, but you've always slid out before they could claim you completely," Pebble continued. "So many tricks, so many spells you have. But none of them will help you this time." The dragon watched as Pebble stood up a bit, and blushed as the lion dragged the tip of his black cock against the dragon's feet. "Because I have something you want...something you need."

"And...what is that?" Draconicon panted. He could feel himself getting more and more excited despite himself, and it wasn't just from the lion's scent. There was something to his words, something that was driving him to submit, something that wanted to give up. He didn't know what it was...and he didn't know whether it scared him or delighted him.

"Affection." The lion paused his massage, and the dragon couldn't hold back a moan as the rough feline tongue dragged across the bottom of his foot. "A skilled tongue." The same tongue dragged across his other foot, and he shuddered again. "And a strong hand. One that's willing to take you in hand and guide you."


"And this." The lion stood up, and this time, the big black barbed cock was right in the dragon's face. He could see a slight hint of pre on the tip, and the smell from it washed over him, nearly knocking him flat. His cock throbbed hard in his robes as he saw it, and he half thought that he might cum from the smell of the lion's scent alone, the sight of his cock only making it harder to resist.

The lion's hand pressed gently on his head, and the dragon found himself pressed against the lion's shaft. "You want to submit to me, my dragon. My egglayer," Pebble said, his voice coming from so far above and so far away compared to the musky maleness in front of the dragon's face. "You need a guiding hand. Take mine, my dragon...submit to your lion."

His mind raced, trying to come up with some sort of response, something that would get him out of this. He thought of spells, he thought of tricks, he thought of so many things that he had used in the past. The smell wasn't controlling him, wasn't stopping him. Why wasn't he fighting back?

And then he realized something.

He didn't want to fight back.

The realization made him go half limp, and the hand on his head turned into something that was as much support as it was direction as the dragon realized the truth. He didn't want to get out of submitting to this lion. He didn't want to pull back, or become this lion's top. There was....there was something entirely right about the thought of being the lion's dragon. He didn't know what it was...didn't know if he'd ever know what it was...but there was something intrinsically RIGHT about it that he didn't want to deny.

Slowly, he pressed his tongue past his lips, the forked tip giving the lion's shaft a gentle lick along the underside, stopping just before the barbs at the tip. "I...I will submit..." he whispered.

"I knew you would, my egglayer."

The dragon grunted as he was suddenly picked up by the lion, carried along one of the tunnels. "But there's a better room for you to learn your place than here..."


Thirty minutes passed, and Draconicon still couldn't figure out how the lion had so easily gotten him to do so many things so fast. His face was bright red as he sat on his own bed, looking down at his toes. The claws at the tips were painted purple, and he could see the color difference all too clearly. It looked so...feminine, compared to what he normally looked like, but he had gone with Pebble's request to paint his toes without so much as a batted eye. It had been so easy to give in.

The lion looked at him from a seat a little past the foot of the bed, a hand lazily stroking up and down the large lion cock. Even from here, Draconicon could see the barbs on the tip flattening on the downstrokes, and rising up again as soon as the hand was out of the way. He trembled in anticipation, wondering what it would be like to have that thing inside of him; his hole was already twitching terribly, and he knew that the lion could see that too; his robes had been removed before he got on the bed, and told to paint his nails.

A small part of him wanted to say that this was still something that the lion was pushing him to, but that part was lying. His cock was harder than it had been in months, and he was just barely resisting the urge to reach down and stroke it. He knew that if he did, he would be over the edge in seconds, and then the lion...his lion...his master wouldn't be happy.

Draconicon couldn't stop himself from smiling as he looked at Pebble's cock again. That was going to be filling him any second now. And he couldn't wait.

The lion gestured with his finger, a circling motion, and the dragon rolled over onto all fours. He lifted his tail, and he reached back, pulling on one of his ass cheeks to expose his hole. Oh god, he thought, it was twitching so hard, winking at the lion. "Please...please sir, you know I need you...I'm aching inside with how empty I feel...just...please fuck me...please shove it in," he begged, knowing on some level that it was what the lion wanted.

Click, click, click went the lion's claws on the stone floor as he walked over. Draconicon felt the mattress shift slightly as another weight got on it, and bit his lip to keep from whimpering as the lion's claws touched him along the underside of his snout. They dragged back along his body, circling his neck until they reached his spine, and then slowly trailing along that. If he were a mammal, he would have gotten goosebumps, but as it was, he merely felt the shivers that they sent down his back. His tail rose ever higher in response, curling over his back, until the lion's fingers slid around the base, and settled beneath.

A single digit brushed over his hole, and the dragon hissed in pleasure as he felt the light touch over his winking orifice. He wanted so badly for the lion to shove it in, but his master just teased him, grinding the meaty tip of the finger over his hole rather than sliding it in.

"Your begging will improve over time, my little egglayer," the lion said, his voice soft, but full of both affection and amusement. "But not a bad first attempt."

"I'll do better...better the next time, sir," the dragon managed to whisper. He leaned his chest down a bit further, trying to put his ass on display better for his master, better, hoping to entice the lion to fuck him with his finger, or something that would at least sooth the empty feeling inside of him.

No finger...but there was something better. Draconicon's eyes went wide as he felt the wet warmth of a tongue between his ass cheeks, powerful fingers digging into the base of his tail to keep it up high as the lion attacked his ass with eager licks. "My dragon now. Mine," Pebble...Master Pebble said from behind, and the dragon found himself nodding against the covers of the bed, shuddering as his hole flexed beneath the lion's rough tongue.

Lick, lick, lick, each one going in a slightly different direction, tugging on his hole and pulling it, opening it, relaxing it with each and every lick. He shuddered as his cock throbbed at the extra stimulation, his shaft bouncing up to smack himself in the belly from how hard he was and how turned on he was.

He could feel the drool from the lion's heavy licking sliding down his backside, rolling in drops and streams down his ass cheeks and over his balls, only to drip from them down to the sheets below. Draconicon shuddered, unable to do much but raise his ass up a little further, and reach back with his hands to spread his cheeks further for the lion. Something that his master seemed to appreciate, if the purring that came through after was anything to judge by.

But it was getting harder and harder to avoid asking for the master's cock. The dragon's mouth was almost too busy with moans and pants and growls of lust to be able to do anything else, but every so often, he had the temptation to beg for his master's cock again, to beg for it to go up his ass, and fill him up the way that the tongue wasn't yet. He wanted to be be be used.

For one minute, two, three the lion kept licking at the dragon's hole. He shuddered, moan, and there were times when the lion's grip on his tail was needed to keep him from falling over from the overloaded feeling of pleasure. His hole twitched, sometimes catching at the lion's tongue, but the lion never actually shoved it inside of him. Never gave him the filling feeling he craved, not to the degree he wanted. Lick, lick, lick went that tongue, drool lathered over his ass, making his scales shine in what he hoped was an inviting fashion.

A fourth minute of rimming, and the dragon was gasping and squirming, his mind on fire with the need to be fucked. "Please master!" he begged loudly, his cries only slightly muffled by the blankets around him. "Please fuck me...fill me...need it bad...I need your cock...I need your big barbed cock in my ass now!"

The lion ignored him, and continued rimming. The dragon's hole twitched and burned with the need to be filled, and he knew that the lion, that his lion, could feel the way that his hole twitched and begged. He knew that his master could tell that the dragon needed to be filled, and yet the teasing continued. At this rate, he felt that he might cum on the first thrust, the second if he were lucky.

Five minutes, five full minutes of tongue lashing later, the lion pulled back. The dragon shuddered, trembling and gasping as his master loomed over him. "Now I think my dragon is finally ready for me," Master said with a chuckle.

The dragon felt the barbs of the lion's cock press against his hole, the shaft sliding up between his ass cheeks for a moment or two, letting him feel the sheer thickness of the shaft that was about to take him, before it slid back down. The black length seemed to throb against his hole before it suddenly thrust forward, spearing him hard and fast and making his eyes nearly bug out of his head, a scream of pleasure and pain springing from his lips before he could stop it.

Barbs dragged along the inner walls of his ass, and he could feel them tickling and teasing him in a way that no smooth shaft had ever done. He bit at the covers of his bed, punching holes with his teeth through the blankets, but it did nothing to stifle the moans and grunts he made as his ass was finally filled, as his prostate was roughly ground against. His cock throbbed, twitched, on the verge of orgasm and leaving runny bits of pre along the covers below...but he didn't quite cum.

His master had only seen fit to give him a certain amount of cock. Not quite half, but still immense inside of his ass; four inches, thick, barbed, and expertly thrust in against his prostate, it felt massive, taking him back to the first time he'd been taken...but better. Better by far.

Gasping as his body shook at the shock of how fast the lion had taken him, the dragon slowly managed to turn his head to look back at his master. His breath came in gasps, in short bursts, but he managed to speak anyway. "Please...just...just a bit more...I can take it...I need it...please master, give me...give me your cock."

The lion said nothing, and he turned his head around, lowering his head again in submission. He couldn't help but try and wiggle his ass back, trying to get more into his hole despite the lion's silence, but it was impossible. Large hands and clawed fingers had too good a hold on his rump cheeks, and no matter how he tried to push back, he could not get the leverage to overcome the strength of the lion's grip. He knew every trick, it seemed, every little wiggle that a person could give to try and get a little more control, and every one was denied to him. Whimpers and growls spilled from the dragon's mouth as he tried to get more inside of him, and he tried for nearly a full minute before giving up, lowering his head and chest back down to the bed in submission.

He wasn't even aware of it at first, but as nothing happened, as the lion seemed intent on giving him time to adjust, the dragon found himself muttering under his breath. "Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me..." the words trailed off, endlessly repeating as his body burned for more of his master's cock, wanting to feel it sliding further into him, filling him up properly.

A few more seconds passed before the lion's purring suddenly spiked, growing louder for a few seconds. A few claws rubbed along the sides of the dragon's body, and he shuddered as his master spoke what he had desperately been wanting to hear. "That's my good little egglayer," Master said.

Then he started moving, and the dragon felt like the earth moved beneath him.

The lion's hips were powerful and the thrusts were measured, he could feel that much. No more of his master's shaft than the first four inches slid inside of his ass at any time, and he could feel that more could have slid in if the master wanted it. He didn't dare try to slide more of the lion's cock into his ass after the first try or two; it was still just as impossible as before, and too much resistance could tempt his master into pulling out. That was the last thing he wanted.

Besides...he was just about to hit his first orgasm.

He'd wanted to hold out, he'd wanted to give the lion the satisfaction of a sub that could hold out, but the master's thrusts, the barbs of his cock, the way that the massive shaft stretched his rim and tickled his insides the way that it did made it impossible. Master slammed his cock in hard every time, each thrust hitting his prostate right on like a battering ram, as though he was trying to milk the dragon for his cum.

He'd succeeded, as the dragon came within a minute of the lion's thrusting actually starting. He roared in climax, his body tightening up, muscles clenching everywhere as he spilled his load on his sheets. The lion continued to fuck him from behind as he came, that barbed cock rubbing him all too well, teasing out more and more of his juices, almost like he was little more than a fountain for the larger male. Draconicon shuddered, suddenly grateful his chest was already pressed against the bed and the sheets, knowing he wouldn't be able to support himself after an orgasm of that strength.

Just because he had his orgasm, though, didn't mean that the lion was going to stop. The dragon panted softly as his hole was hammered into, the strange feeling of no hips or crotch hitting his ass drowned out by the sheer pleasure his master gave him through this hard fucking.

Five minutes went by, and then ten, and the lion hadn't slowed down at all. The dragon grunted as he was rocked back and forth on the bed in the lion's hands, unable to believe the sheer control that his master had over himself. He looked over his shoulder, thinking that Master must have been getting tired, or at least sweaty.

Only the latter was true, however, and the lion looked down at him with one of the toothiest grins that he had ever seen. Draconicon shuddered, but not in fear...but in longing.

The fifteen minute mark passed, and the lion's expert thrusting slammed into his prostate enough to bring his cock back up. The dragon's shaft leaked against his belly, leaving his scales shining, particularly as the lion teased him with a slight touch of his hand. Another, foreign touch, warm and strong, sent shivers through his body, even though it was only for an instant before the hand went back to his scaly ass, squeezing it between the lion's harsh, furious thrusts.

Twenty minutes, and the dragon came again, spilling another load upon the sheets below. The smell of sweat and musk were all that he could taste, all he could smell; the lion's musk was stronger than his, drowning his draconic musk in lion sweat and sex. It only made him hornier, encouraging him to buck back against the lion's thrusts, trying to get more of the master's cock into his hole, but it was impossible. The master would not give him what he wanted, not until his lion was ready for him to have it.

He couldn't believe that his lion was still going so strong. This was longer than almost any male he had seen go before, particularly without sheathing all of his cock into his submissive. Even the dragon couldn't go this long without cumming, at least not without some sort of help, and he would have sensed anything on the lion that would have given him that kind of help. This lion was a wonder...a incredible male...and one that was as implacable as the seasons.

Draconicon thought he might have blacked out for a second, because when he opened his eyes again, there was more in his ass than there had been last he remembered. The barbs scraped and rubbed against parts untouched, and his yelps and growls of pleasure gained new volume, even as the lion pounded another orgasm out of him. His ass tightened hard around the lion's cock...but not so hard as it had done in the first two orgasms.

A part of him wondered why...but then it was dismissed. The lion, his lion, was still fucking him. That was all he wanted, all he needed.

The minutes stretched out ahead of him, with no way to know how long this had been going on for. Every so often, the lion slid a little more of his cock inside of the dragon's ass, and every time he did that, Draconicon felt another orgasm approaching. He had no idea where the lion's stamina came from, or how sore his ass was going to be when he was finally done, but he knew that it was going to be worth it.

There was a small puddle of cum on his bed by the time that he felt the master's crotch collide with his ass, and the dragon's head reared back with a roar of pleasure as he was finally filled fully. He grunted in pleasure, his words stolen by the pleasure that filled him, by the cock that filled him; all that mattered was for his master to finally have his orgasm, for his master to get a climax that was as good as all the ones that the lion had leveled on him. How he could give it, he had no idea, but his body moved on its own, desperate to find some way to give it to the lion.

Each thrust was a thunderclap against his ass, making the cheeks burn with the feel of impact, as though the lion's crotch and hips were paddles landing along his scaled rump. He normally never felt such things, but the lion's thrusts were that hard, that powerful. It didn't take long before he was knocked down again, the harsh thrusts holding him against the bed while the lion both milked him of all his seed and took his pleasure at the same time, all reminding him of his new place in life.

His toes curled against the sheets, purple claws digging holes into the blankets as the lion's cock finally started leaking pre in his ass. Draconicon's hole was so battered and used, but he could feel the heat, the slickness of the lion's pre. That...that had to mean he was close, some part of his brain thought. The thought of being filled with the lion's cum soon had him energized again. Short lived energy, but energy nonetheless.

Tightening and squeezing, releasing and pushing on the cock that slid into him, the dragon tried to push the lion forward, push him over the edge, but the self control that his lion showed, even as his thrusts and breaths got a little ragged, was astonishing. Growls from above warned him that nothing would happen until the unnaturally powerful lion was ready for it to happen, but that didn't stop him; his body was on auto-pilot. It wanted the cum from the lion, wanted his seed, and it would not stop until it got it.

He wasn't sure how long it took...but the end results were worth it.

With a roar that echoed through the cavern, his lion rammed his cock forward and let loose. The torrents of seed that splattered around his insides were more than the dragon could have imagined, and he panted in dry orgasm as the cum not only filled him, but shot out of his loosened hole, splattering against the lion's balls as well as oozing down to drip off of his own.

The lion's orgasm went on and on, and he felt the barbs pressing against the insides of his ass, feeling them pulse the same way that the cock they covered did. They expanded lightly, pressing into him, pulling back, pressing in, pulling back, and his own dry, half painful orgasm continued as long as the lion's did due to the extra stimulation.

He was dripping and wet as the yawning feline nuzzled him lightly from behind. One hand pressed against his rump, patting it a few times, and his lion said, "Good egglayer."

Slowly pulling out, his lion seemed to have to struggle to get his cock free. Draconicon felt every little wiggle, every little tug as his master pulled his cock free, and he gasped as the cock POPPED free of his hole. A flood of cum oozed out of his gaping ass, white goo sliding down black scales towards his drained balls, and a little shiver went down him as his muscles twitched in post orgasm bliss.

However, the lion seemed like he wasn't quite done yet. Draconicon felt a furred grip on his ankle, and he looked over his shoulder at his master.

Pebble rubbed his large black cock against the dragon's feet, sending little shivers up and down the reptile's body. His cock lifted again, unwillingly and painfully, but up it went. Strings and strands of musky lion cum were rubbed and dragged over his feet, making the scales of his feet slick, making them marked with the lion's seed. The musk and scent from them rose to the dragon's nose, and he knew that he was going to have a hard time not thinking of his master for a while.

As his big charcoal lion rubbed his cock between his toes, Draconicon smiled weakly. "Please...please tell me we'll do this again soon," he managed to say.

"When you recover...probably in a week or so," Pebble said. He smiled, and Draconicon blushed as the lion kissed him on the cheek. "Now...sleep."

The dragon tried to protest, but the sheer exhaustion that had been lingering over him for the entire second half of the hour plus round of sex finally caught up with him. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he fell back into the bed.


He came to some hours later, but there was something new. Something...around his toes.

Draconicon pulled himself upright, grunting softly at the soreness under his tail, and looked down at the base of the bed. He blushed at the purple on his claws, reminded that what had happened was...most definitely not a dream...but there was something else.

Around his big toes were toe rings. A gold one on the left foot, and a silver one on the left. The bands glowed slightly with strange runic symbols, symbols that the dragon knew meant magic, but ones that he didn't quite recognize.

Tucked into the silver one was a slip of parchment. Arching an eyebrow, the dragon reached out, pulling it out and unfolding it.

Dear Egglayer,

It seems that you're quite willing to submit to your new master, so I took the liberty of making my mark on you. Namely, the toe rings that you now wear. You will not remove them; they are there to show just who you belong to, just like the new color of your lovely toes.

There was a little business that I needed to take care of outside of your cave, but I'll be back to see you tonight. Tomorrow morning at the latest. Make sure that you're ready for me. You are mine now, my dragon. Remember that.


The dragon put the paper down after a moment of reading it, looking down at his toes and the rings upon them. It was so surreal. He had been the one that was in charge of his life for so long. He'd been the one that ruled over others, he'd been the one that held the leash. And it was all turned on its head.

Despite that, a small smile slowly slid across his snout. Last night...last night had been amazing. And now, he had a chance to experience it again...with a lion that was intelligent, interesting, and more than a little fascinating.

This was going to be fun...

The Giants of Eteria: Part 1

The dimension of Eteria was, as a general rule, jaded to the strange happenings that occurred on a daily basis. When people turned into giants, the sky caught fire, the land turned into pudding, and the Prince of the plane was regularly poofing people...

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Writing Stream 7: Growth

**The Cook's Carefully Crafted Cock** **For Daryll** The smell of cooking food filled the house, and it was strongest in the kitchen. For Daryll, there was no better smell in the world, and despite the plan he had in mind, he took a moment to smell...

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A Well Trained Servant

**A Well Trained Servant** **By Draconicon** It was almost painful to see the armadillo sitting on the edge of his seat, thinking that he had a chance for the job. Perhaps in the house of someone with lesser standards, but not here. Not in his...

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