Learning to Swim - Part XXXVII

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#37 of Entropy Series

The twins head back to their roots, only to learn the true nature of the world.

Here it is, the last full chapter of ~my first book~. It feels great to say that. Out loud. All day. In fact, I think I've found a new cure for hangovers. Accomplishment is a powerful thing, especially for people that lack self-confidence like myself.

Personally I think the ending is a tad soft, but I like to end dramatically or impactfully as a few of my chapters have shown. It's fine though in the greater scheme of things as events of the next volume take off soon after this one. Besides, there's still a fun epilogue planned so there might be a better ending to come of that. For now, enjoy the story content that more is to come, guys.

Thank you for all the support and for making me feel at home at SoFurry. <3

As always, this story contains adult content and explicit sexual imagery. If you aren't allowed or don't wish to view such material, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged.

"Not exactly how I wanted you to meet the family."

Ilaria looked up from her action figures as her father hurried into the house and threw a rifle on the table near the front door. "Papa! You're home!"

The door slammed shut behind him, but only after a strange glowing fur slipped through the gap. He rested his own rifle against a nearby wall and adjusted some sort of gas mask over his face. "Yeah, agreed. I could hold things from outside instead though..."

Iolvin beat his twin to the punch and reached up to hug Vasily around the waist. "Pops! Did you bring us any--"

"Not now Iolvin. Hurry and go into the basement for me. It's important. Okay?" The husky waited for Yoyo to nod in agreement and run to the basement door before diverting his attention back to the stranger. "Carbon, bring my daughter down and clear a safe zone. I need to find Cathy."

"Right. I'm on it." The graphite and cyan fur went over to Ari and fell to a knee. "Hey, baby girl. We need to go downstairs for a while."

Ari threw down her toys and backed away from the hybrid. "No! I don't like it down there. Go away, scary guy!"

"Oh, sorry about this thing." Carbon rolled his eyes as he pulled off his mask and replaced it with a nostril tube tucked in his collar. "So then, why not? Your brother isn't scared."

"It's dark and scary."

"Your name's Ielunschra, right?" The older otter mix smiled and offered a paw, his paw pads and webbing showing lime green with a cyan glow. "I'm Carbon."

Ari took his paw and gave it an exaggerated shake. "I don't like that name..."

"Mine? It's a bit strange, huh?"

Ilaria shook her head and pulled their paws to her chest. "No... My name."

"Aww, well then how about... Lulu? Baby Lulu sounds cute."

Ilaria pulled their paws to her face to inspect Carbon's odd glow. "That's better... Hey, this is cool..."

Carbon looked down at his own paw and then grinned. "I've always been lit up like this and I've never had to be scared of the dark either. Maybe you'll feel better about the basement if you stay near me?"

"What do you mean ~a bomb~?!"

Ilaria looked into the kitchen after her mother's shout. "What's a bomb, Mister Carbon?"

"A very bad thing that can hurt us a lot. We need to go to the basement to make sure we're not hurt." Carbon stood and looked down at the young otter below. "You think we can go downstairs together, Lulu?"

"I'm not sure..."

"Come on. I promise it'll be fine... baby Lulu..."



Ilaria snapped awake at her brother's rousing from the side of their transport HMMWV jeep. "Hmm?... Oh, Yoyo. Hey."

"All I get is a 'hey'? You must really be out of it after all." Iolvin held the door open with his hip and reached into the rear cabin, picking his twin up into his arms. "You realize it's not easy lugging you around like this, right?"

"Are you saying I'm fat? We're twins, you know. Works both ways." Ari brought her left arm around her brother's shoulder to help him as best as she could, pecking a quick kiss on his lips once she could pull herself up. "Seriously, I appreciate the help lil' bro."

Yoyo backed away from the jeep and kicked the door shut before going for the front door of their house. "So that Optik guy is going to talk to dad. We have a while to get things together."

Ari reached her arm out to grab the door handle since her brother's paws were full. "Yeah, about that... What do you think of him--of Carbon?"

Yoyo waited until they were through the door before he gave his answer. "The blue guy? I'm not sure. He seems to be on our side, even after all that shit. Didn't talk much on the way over hough." He softly shoved the door shut with his shoe and then headed to the couch. "And I know it's silly, but I can't shake the feeling I've seen him before."

"Yeah... That's just silly..."

"My whelps!" Catherine ran over from the hallway near the kitchen and gave the two an overly-enthusiastic hug, sending Ilaria toppling free onto the sofa below. "Thank the gods you're alright."

Ari smacked right into her injured shoulder, instinctually grasping at it and hissing through her teeth due to the pain. "Crap, mom..."

"Oh no! What's wrong, baby girl?"

Yoyo sat down and slid his arms beneath his twin again. "Mom, she popped her shoulder out yesterday. Gotta keep her weight off it a few more days."

"Oh, poor thing..." Cat nuzzled her daughter and pulled her into a softer hug by the waist. "I'm sorry. At least that accident didn't end like the last time--or worse, gods bless. Wait, but that was two days ago...?"

"Accident...?" Ilaria sighed out of confusion and simply nuzzled her mother back. "We got into something much bigger after that. I'm sure our guest will explain better. Even I don't quite know what's going on."

"Oh, that Major Optik? He's a sweetheart. Spitting image of his father too, mask and all." Cat smirked and stood back up, and only now did the twins realize their mother's exotic and quite revealing attire. "His father was my first, you know. Really had some fun tricks in the sack."

"Mom!" Iolvin stood up himself, trying to hide the beginnings of an erection in tandem with his twin. "Please don't mention that. Ever."

"Especially not when you're dressed like ~that~." Ari was sort of forced to look at her mother's curves in her position, admiring the scant coverings of her traditional sirat wrappings. "Actually, why ~are~ you wearing that?"

"Oh, sorry. I used to wear these every day until we had the two of you. I guess I just changed my priorities or something once you blessed our lives. I decided it might be good to change them back."

"Well it makes me uncomfortable knowing my own mom's going commando in something like that." Ari nudged to the back door with her snout. "Set me by the pool, Yoyo?"

"Sure." Iolvin heaved his sister over to the sliding door and Cat shoved it open for them. "Thanks, mom. You coming outside like that or...?"

"Oh, just remembered... I'll go grab something first, maybe check in on your father." The twins left their mother behind as she slid the door closed behind them. "I'll be right back, lovelies."

"She's in a pretty good mood considering what happened. Maybe we should be afraid, haha." Ilaria pointed to one of the pool chairs that was in the shade of the house. "Oh, that's good there."

Yoyo carefully laid his sister down across the chair and stood back up. "Yeah, she's acting a bit too... I don't even know. You think you'll be fine here for a bit? I'll go grab your old leg and those other things you wanted."

"Sure, I'll be good. It's a nice day." Ari let her brother walk off a few steps before adding in a sultry parting remark. "Come back soon and we'll make it an even better one."

"After what that liger did to you, you deserve a proper time with a guy." Yoyo slid open the door and passed through. "Need to get those old rags off you to change your clothes anyway. I'll be back in a few, Lulu."

Ilaria rested back and closed her eyes, controlling her breathing very strictly to push back the dull pain in her neck and shoulder. "Not sure how we'll do anything with me like this, but anything with Yoyo's better than that maniac."

"Who's a maniac?"

Ari fluttered open her eyes and stared up at her mother who must have passed right by Yoyo a moment ago. "Oh... Nothing, mom."

"Well it's good to hear you and your brother are still ~getting along~ at least, hee." Catherine was indeed in a cheerful mood, leaning over her daughter holding bolts of some kind of red cloth. "Mind if I join you a while? I've got something for you."

Ilaria tried to sit herself upright but found the lack of her entire right set of limbs too debilitating for the action, offering her good paw to her mother instead. "If you can help me up, sure. So what's that?"

"Oh, just something I've been working on these last few days to take my mind off of you and Iolvin." Cat pulled Ari up and then sat sideways next to her on the same chair. "I know you've never really been into my old customs and everything, but I've started thinking we should try to change that. This is a big part of all that."

Ari took the three pieces of cloth and pulled them across her lap. "What, some scarves or something?"

"Not exactly..." Cat smirked as she tugged her folded top and adjusted its tension fit. "I realize now why you've always hated these things. Honey, if I'd known you were endowed with extra gifts I wouldn't have ever argued over getting you to wear our people's clothes."

"So this is one of those? A 'sirat' or whatever?"

"Yes. I thought about making you a sarong what with your extra bits, but those are for children and I wouldn't want to put that image upon you."

Ari checked the strips of material much more closely now, noticing there was indeed sewing work done to what was normally a very plain outfit. "So you made me one of these. Is there some sort of reason to that or are you just getting spiritual on us all of a sudden?"

"There's a perfect reason. I'd like you to wear this for your wedding, dear." Cathy picked up one of the strips and showcased parts of her custom work. "I went ahead and made the outer rim wider so you could wear these with some kinds of panties if you wanted. It's not normal to wear undergarments but I figured you'd have good reason to hide things better."

"You... You actually did this? Mom..." Ari reached out and pulled her mother into a hug. "I love it. I've always liked our culture but the thought of these ~loincloths~ always scared the hell out of me. Gods, I never wanted you to find out I was--"

"Beautiful? Ielunschra, sweetie... I'll always love you, no matter what happens. I'm your mother. So..." Catherine put the cloth down and then reached for her daughter's shirt, pulling it upward slowly until she started wincing from her arm. "Sorry, dear. I just want to see how it fits so we can make changes."

"Woah, not out here! What's the rush?"

"Well, Mister Optik said he'd give us a few days to have a ceremony, right? I'm so glad you wanted to get married at the lake with us just like your father and I did. That's sweet of you two." Cat cautiously worked her daughter's shirt over her head until her whole top was bare. "You're so beautiful in the sunlight, honey. You'll do this sirat justice."

"Wait, I'm not sure--"

"Here, I'll show you how it goes. It's really easy once someone shows you." Cat brought a strip up to Ari's bust and gave it an angled fold, the strip heading up and over her breasts in a chevron from below like a bikini. "You make two pockets like this and it's a lot like a bathing suit. Let me know if you need some extra support though, since you're a bit better endowed than most of our people."

The two tail ends of cloth met behind Ari's neck for another fold, this time twosting the two ends together with a flat juncture. The two lines led straight down like a neck tie and then flipped over each other again, the cloth thinning out to strips. These then wrapped back around to the front and met in the fold beneath Ilaria's breasts to create a bra belt of sorts. The ends overlapped through each other again and were finally pulled full-circle to be fed once more into the breast lip, holding the whole top together with friction alone.

"Oh, you look just gorgeous in this honey." Cat made a few small adjustments and then sat back to admire the fit. "Looks about perfect for the top. Now you need the skirt..."

"Um, I'm already dying of embarrassment. I think the Bradys just got a free show." Ari tried to avoid her mother's paws for their assault on her pants but her disability betrayed her. "Think we could just take this inside, mom? Please?"

"Nonsense. If you want the real Pacific experience you need to show a bit of fur every so often." Cathy unclasped her daughter's pants and worked them down until Ari was wearing nothing but her panties, though they offered little cover with her half-mast cock poking out the top lip. "Oh, forgot about that bit. Well... I'll make this quick then."

Catherine took the longest strip of fabric and measured out a certain amount until it started to taper a bit thinner. She thankfully used this to cover Ilaria's crotch, then wrapped the remainder around the waist. The cloth made a full circle around Ari's waist to form a thick-banded belt that tucked neatly beneath the front drape. From here the cloth thinned out, being wrapped behind again to fold a joint just above Ari's tail.

The end of the strip was loosely fed to rest on top of the front drape loosely, awaiting some sort of final touch. Cathy then took the remaining piece of fabric and simply gave it an angled fold. She reached the piece behind to rest over Ilaria's tail, then fed the ends into each side of the rear fold joint. Except for the one loose strip the outfit now very much resembled Cat's own, Though proportionately longer to fit her daughter's proportions. Ilaria's new skirt had a large front drape that went down to her knees and covered to her inner thighs, as well as twin tails that fell down either side of her tail to meet in the middle with similar coverage as the front.

"Damn, I didn't think I'd get it right the ~first~ time." Cathy straightened Ilaria's drapes and laid her back against the chair, slowly standing wide-legged over her daughter's groin with Ari's panties sneakily hanging around her finger. "It's still missing a crucial part, though."

"Wait, when...?" Ari looked a bit lower and saw a hint of her mother's orchid as the wind lightly rustled her skirt. "Hey, don't push your luck. I'm not feeling really--"

Cat reached for a pink and blue shell on her hip and unclasped it, allowing her whole skirt to unravel to the ground. She sat down and ground her nethers into her daughter's right thigh, evoking a large tent in the nearby cloth. "My mother gave this to me, so I think it's appropriate that I do the same."

"M-Mom?" Ilaria reached down and pushed her erection to the side, only to have her paw batted away by her mother. "Really? Like this?"

"Can't do it any other way." Cathy took the straggling bit of Ari's cloth and pinned it to her skirt using the heirloom. "Much better. Just one last thing we need to do."

"Gods, let me guess..."

"You know the rituals. You can't wear one of these until you've been through your first heat..." Cat's paws played with her daughter's length through the rough material, then threw the cloth aside to expose her to the world. "...and you can't be married in one until you've mated in it, hee."

"Ooh..." Ari throbbed stiffer as her mother played with her tip and stroked her base. "Wait, does it even count if it's with my own mom?"

"When a girl goes into season, it's not uncommon for the whole family to help her out as well as the males of the tribe. Whoever sates that heat claims her until the next season, too. My sister claimed me three straight seasons, truth be told." Cat slid herself forward to grind her clit against her daughter's artificial one with a shock of surprise. "Oh, now that's fun. When did you get these?"

"When Robyn and I did this." Ari held up her paw and showed her mother the ring that was quickly healing into place. "We sort of made a friend of the piercer."

"Ooh, kinky. And damn that ring looks great on you." Catherine slid up Ilaria's whole length and ground the piercing on the tip for a moment. "I've never had anything like that in me, so this should be fun."

Just as her mother started pressing that tip into herself, Ari coaxed her to stop. With a bump against her mother's cervix Ilaria groaned and steadied her confused mother. "Wait, mom. Not without a condom."

"Silly. You said yourself you don't need those." Cat started rocking her hips and again her daughter stopped her. "Wait... You're serious? If you can't get me pregnant then why not?"

"Well, about that..." Ilaria stared up at her mother and smiled. "I might have been a bit premature in saying that."

"Hmm?" Cathy put a paw to her tummy and rubbed lightly, feeling her daughter through fur and flesh. "Wait... Oh gods, you're not saying you might have gotten me pregnant, are you?!"

"No, nothing like that." Ari placed a paw below her mother's ass and lifted, the elder otter finally getting the hint and separating from her. "Mom, you're going to have a grandchild."

"A... Oh ~gods~, baby girl. That's great!" Cat slid forward and clasped Ari's paws, completely forgetting that one was out of action. "How? I though--"

"Ow. Calm down, mom. Robyn just tested positive a day ago, but there's a catch." Ari pulled her arms free and gave a forced grin. "It could be Yoyo's too. We're genetically the same so... we sort of doubled our chances..."


"Mom? And Lulu?!" Yoyo stood in the open doorway gawking at the two, his eyes locked on their glistening crotches. "What...?"

"Iolvin, honey! I'm so happy!" Cat spun around and ground reverse cowgirl style on Ari's stiff flesh. "Why didn't you tell me earlier you two were expecting?"

"Wait... what?" Yoyo walked over to his siblings and sat down at his sister's hindpaws. "Why didn't you tell me you were ~fucking Lulu~?"

"Yoyo..." Ari slid her mother to the side to rest in the gap her missing leg created. "I didn't want you attacking her in her heat too so... I sort of didn't mention it. I'm sorry, Yoyo."

"Damnit, Lulu."

"Hey, no fighting." Cathy scooted forward and cupped her son's balls through his jeans, soon completing her assault with a drawn-out kiss on his lips. "Now kiss and make up."

"Mom?" Soon Iolvin's cock bounced out of his fly and kissed the fresh air. "Hey, you don't need to do this. I'll just leave you--"

"No, I need your help Yoyo." Ari angled up her cock and pulled the tangled cloth fully to the side, exposing her clam to her twin. "I need to break in this sirat. Please... fuck me."

"Wait, does he need a rubber too?"

"No, I'm basically sterile inside. It's safe even if he's not."

"That's ~not~ true, but close enough." Iolvin got on his knees and crawled up to his sister, pressing his cock tip to her warm slit. "But I can't say no to you if you really need it, sis. Do we need to have mom here though?"

"Her ritual. I'd like to see it done properly." Ari pulled on her top and popped one of her modest breasts free, allowing her twin to suckle and nuzzle it. "Besides, I trust her the same way I trust you. You should too."

"Good enough for me." Yoyo shoved his hips forward until he nudged his sister's inner barrier. "Damn, sis. You've really gotten used to this."

Cat pressed a paw between her legs and wedged the other between her children to stroke her daughter's length. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but make sure you finish inside your sister or it's no good. You have to mate her in earnest."

"Well how's that helping?" Ari placed her paw on her mother's and guided her to move the full range from base to tip. "All you'll do is get my wedding dress dirty that way."

"That's the point. You're supposed to get it messy. Season it like a skillet, if you will." Cathy pulled Ari's cock out to the side and gave the head a light suckle before continuing. "And only wash it with water so it stays there. Think of it as power-starching. It's part of proving your worth as a mate."

Yoyo adjusted so his mother could have easier access and then started thrusting shallowly but quickly. "Is ~that~ what we're doing? I remember how this one goes. It always sounded like fun."

"Wait, she taught you all of this stuff?"

"Y-Yeah..." Iolvin jerked spastically and pulled himself free, a few blasts of cum painting the underside of Ilaria's member as well as landing on her tits, covered or otherwise. "Shit. Ah... S-Sorry, sis. It's just... I can feel..."

Ari bit her lower lip as she fought the urge to have a mini-orgasm of her own, the sensation sharing itself over the twins' mental link to build twice as intensely as normal. "I... I can feel it too..."

Cathy took her paw from Ari and went to test the life left in Yoyo'd cock instead. "Ah, he's good. Just sprung a leak." She slathered her webbed paw in his magenta cream and then played with his balls, pulling Yoyo back into his sister even as he drooled more. "Back on the saddle, mister. You know you can't stop until you claim her."


"For Robyn, of course. Marriage always takes precedence."

Yoyo sat still a moment and let his climax calm down, buying him a window to work up his sister without worrying about blowing again. "I'm gonna go pretty hard, Lulu. That okay?"

Ari nodded and prepared mentally for faster strokes, but was completely taken off guard when her twin slammed right through her cervix and forced his knot into place in one rough motion. "Fuck, Yoyo! The hell?!"

The otter looked to her speechless brother first, but frowned when she spotted her very surprised mother beyond. "I... I thought he liked men so..." Catherine stared at two of her lubricated digits that were lodged knuckle-deep into her son's ass. "Sorry!"

She tried to wiggle her fingers free but that only led to Yoyo yanking his knot out and hammering it back inside his sister's overstuffed pussy. "Shit, mom... Gods, that feels ~amazing~..."

Ilaria cringed at first, but after she became accustomed to the rough motions of her brother she noticed something. There was an unplaceable yet wonderful sensation in her nethers that was actually coming from her twin's head, and the feeling was far too similar to her own G-spot to be pure coincidence. "W-Wow... I feel ~that~ t-too."

With the new encouragement Cat continued fingering herself and her son, even deciding to suckle his nuts while she was there. "Mmm... glad you--ah!--like it."

Soon Yoyo was yanking his entire length free and forcing it all back inside his sister multiple times a second, distending her belly every time he bottomed out and receiving a kiss to the balls on the way out. "Fuck, I'm gonna... gonna blow soon."

"Gah! I'm al--!!" Ilaria lashed her tail about wildly as her pussy squelched and milked her brother's throbbing cock. "I'm cumming!"

Ilaria clamped down like a searing-hot vice, making her brother's knot lock in place on his next and final thrust. While her pussy had no way to spill its bounty of fem cum, her spire of flesh launched large volleys and ropes of amber-orange all over her chest and face. As the pressure became too much for him, Iolvin too lurched in utter bliss. He ground deep into his sister, his semi-prehensile otter cock worming back and forth inside his sister's ever-expanding womb.

With perhaps the strongest peak he'd ever felt, Yoyo filled his twin sister with enough fuchsia jizz that in mere seconds she looked about ready to birth twins of her own. With her belly distended beyond belief it didn't come as a surprise when Yoyo's knot and cock popped free from the overpressure. As Cathy ground her fingers inside her son to draw out his climax, Yoyo painted a last few heavy streams directly into the base of Ari's tail, soaking the back of her new tribal dress in just the way it was intended.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. Good job, Iolvin." Cathy gasped as she withdrew her fingers and stood up with a wobble, inspecting her children's handiwork from a better angle. "I'd say you're ready to get hitched, alright. Might want to hop in the lake to wash the bulk off first though."

"It's really just the scent you need anyway." Carbon casually walked out from the house and gave the group a good look. "Looking as radiant as ever, Cat."

The twins tried to cover themselves in their own ways but Catherine simply re-wrapped her skirt and held it taught with her paw. "I'm sorry? We didn't meet sometime when I was drunk or something, did we?"

"Cat?" The blue-trimmed otter stepped right up against the smaller woman, lifted his mask, and passionately pressed into a kiss. "Don't tell me you forgot ~that~?"

Cathy took a step back and mumbled a few foreign words to herself before once again looking the Major in the eyes. "Carbon?"

Iolvin tucked his manhood back into his pants while using the rest of himself to shield away prying eyes upon his twin. "But he's ~our~ age. You don't think he's...?"

Ilaria quickly straightened the front of her sirat and tucked her chest back beneath her top so her brother could relax. "The same guy?" Ari thought back to her dream from during the ride over and ducked her head into her shoulders. "Yeah, probably."

"Still trying to have your way with my mate, I see." Vasily came out from the house and pulled up right beside Major Optik, throwing an arm over his shoulder with a hearty laugh. "So what's going on here?"

"Looks like Cat's showing the kids the ropes." Carbon readjusted his hair and then worked his mask back into place. "Good to see she's still the same old minx."

Cathy threw up a paw and pointed at the guest's chest out of the blue. "It can't be you. It's been what? Twenty years?" How...?"

"Good genes," Carbon joked.

Vasily sighed and moved to his wife's side now. "You know the kids, how they're different now?"

"Yeah..." Cat took a look at her children and then to the similarly-glowing otter before her and started building her own hypothesis on the matter. "Oh. I never even thought about... ~Oh~."

Carbon smiled apologetically to Cathy for the mental trickery he'd caused. "I honestly forgot how long it's been. Twenty-thirteen, right?" He peered past her and gave the twins a better look, particularly admiring their mess. "Sorry, but could I have a minute with these two? If you're done teaching them whatever that was, of course. Mating ritual?"

"Ielunschra needed a proper wedding dress..."

"Oh, ~that's~ what you were doing. You know yours ~still~ smells like Carbon, right? Now ~that~ was a night." Vasily stopped reminiscing as Cat jabbed an elbow into his side out of mild embarrassment. "Sorry, hon. Come on. Let's let them talk while I give you the scoop."

"Um... yeah." Cathy wrapped her free arm around her husbands waist and allowed him to take the lead back inside. "Nice seeing you again, Carbon."

The pleasure's all mine..." Carbon locked his eyes on the otter's tail as she walked away, hoping for the odd peek of her folds as the cloth swayed to and fro with no luck. "Maybe we can relive that night sometime. Be nice to catch up more intimately later."

"Maybe," Vasily chuckled as he opened the door.

Cathy playfully slapped her paw on his chest and frowned for a moment. "Don't be a bad host, puppy. Carbon, our bed is always your bed."

"Well go on inside before I test that offer." Carbon smiled as he watched the couple close the door and walk away, then spun on his heels to look down at the twins. "So, you two up for a chat?"

Ilaria winced as some of her brother's seed drooled out of her, her paw going to rub her deflating belly. "Could we maybe--ah--do this a bit later? I'm sort of preoccupied."

"Well it's important so I'd rather not." The Major pulled open his belt and shoved down his pants as he closed the gap, his erect length bobbing beneath his shirt. "Maybe we can kill two birds with--"

"Hey! Put that away!"

Iolvin once again shielded his sister from Carbon, though this time for her own defense. "Back off, buddy. The fuck's wrong with you?"

Carbon stood aghast for a few seconds before flinching back into action, his paws reaching to reclothe his loins. "But I thought... Well, you're still laying down like that and you said you were... um..."

"Shit, that's right..." Once the Major started backing away the nature of the misunderstanding came to Yoyo. He looked to his twin sister and shook his head out of shame. "I forgot. You signal that you're done to any suitors by washing yourself off. Hell, mom even just said it and I wasn't listening."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. I thought your heat wasn't settled down." Carbon walked over to the pool and stared into the water. "I was just trying to respect your customs, after all."

"Well I'm not in heat for one thing. I've just never done this whole thing before." Ilaria pulled on her brother's shoulder and sat herself upright, the position allowing her to drain a tad more efficiently. "Besides, does it look like I can drag myself into water like this?"

"I'm truly sorry, Ielunschra. I was just a bit excited already and I didn't think." The smaller otter spun back around and checked on the two, noticing right away that more than half of Ilaria's added bulk had managed to work out onto the concrete below her. "Is there something I can do to help?"

"Grab my leg, maybe." Ari looked to Yoyo and sighed as she began calming down. "You did find it, didn't you?"

"Yeah but... it was dead so I plugged it into the charger." Yoyo looped his arm below his sister's and started to pick her up. "I'll help you to the pool though."

Ilaria grunted as her injured shoulder was torqued at first, then eased her head to rest against Yoyo's shoulder for the short ride. "Thanks, lil' bro. What about your clothes though?"

"Got more in my room. Don't worry about that."

Carbon moved over towards the lakeside facing edge of the pool and stared out at the scenery. "Take your time. I'll just be over here so you can have some privacy."

As Yoyo walked into the pool and submerged Ari she focused on the murky trail in their wake. "Thanks. I'm not quite as... ~liberal~ with this sort of thing as my mom yet." She took a breath at her brother's cue and allowed herself to be dunked below the water's surface for a few seconds. "Pah... Ugh, now my fur feels even dirtier."

Carbon pulled up a chair and sat, eyeing something moving on a small island ahead. "There used to be a nice waterfall where your mother grew up. I know that did the trick for her." He squinted and made out exactly what was moving in the distance, a feral otter rolling on it's back and playing with pebbles. "It's sort of a shame nobody can go back there now. It was beautiful until the war ruined the island."

"The Reclamation War? Mom was here in Wildebrooke during that." Iolvin steadily helped Ari to stand on her one leg and then peeked over to the Major. "I know that because ~we~ were here for that."

"Not that war." Carbon closed his eyes and leaned back, heaving a drawn out sigh at the memories flooding through his head. "The Third World War."

"What? No way." Ilaria waded her way to the edge of the pool and used the lip to steady herself. "Who the fuck are you? I remember you when we were kids. You helped when the bomb hit and you haven't changed a bit from that day. Hell, you even look my age and yet you're saying you're what... fifty, no ~sixty~ years old? And now you're acting like it's ~nothing~? Like we wouldn't notice?"

"So you remember that, huh?" Carbon sat up and turned around in his seat, averting his eyes when he realized he could see Ilaria's nipples through her soaked top. "Yes, I'm saying that. I'm also not dumb. I know you'll behave about the same. Hell, you might even ~outlive me~ for all I know. That's why we need to talk."

Yoyo waded his way over and started running his paws down his sister's clothes and fur, attempting to slick off any remnants of their previous fun. "So you had an accident with that machine too?"

"No." The Major turned back around and forced himself to watch the feral otter play. "That foundry is part of me. The workers it creates are encoded from mine."

"So... we've got bits of you inside us?"

Ilaria stopped her twin's cleaning motions so he's listen better. "I think he's saying the nanites inside of us were designed from his. He was the lab rat of the project or something."

"Still, no." Major Optik sat up straight, yet his eyes were now locked on the front of his deck chair. "I can't say much out here; it's not a secure location. I will say though that there's more out there than the world knows, and most of it is hellbent on destroying everything. That foundry is one of the few weapons we have against that evil."

"So we're ~weapons~ now?" gawked Ilaria.

"Yes and no. You're gifted in ways I never thought possible, ways we might never be able to replicate." Carbon whispered something to the area ahead of him and then turned to check on the twins again. "The foundry is just a tool that helps my own contraptions. Your accident was just that. The foundry should never have been delivered to your lab, and I apologize for the trouble it's caused."

"Then what exactly are you saying. Why are you telling us ~any~ of this?"

Carbon stood up once more, heading over to the others to kneel near the water. "I made a promise to your father long ago. I gave him my word that I would keep you two out of danger as long as I lived. We came here today because I needed to break that promise, and he deserved to have a say."

"So we're in not safe?" Ilaria pulled her upper body out of the water with a hop and held herself there for a few seconds. "You're the one responsible for caging us up, aren't you?!"

The dark-furred otter met Ari's gaze but couldn't hold it, his head drooping as she fell back down. "Yes. Things are bad, and I can't afford to let any potential leads go to waste. I knew who you two were, but for the sake of countless others I had a duty to investigate deeper."

"And that includes having me ~raped~ over and over?! How the fuck does that work?!"

"Raped?" Carbon lifted his gaze, his eyes radiating true concern. "If any of my crew touched you--"

"That fucking liger did more than ~touch~!"

"...Mottledft. I fucking ~knew~ he couldn't keep that shit in check." The Major fell backwards to sit on his tail. "I'll do whatever I can to see he gets what's due, but I can't change what's been done. We'll have to talk about what you'd like done with him later if you decide to come along."

"Come along?" Iolvin grabbed the lip of the pool and joined his sister in peering over. "Wait, back up a minute. What's that mean?"

Again Carbon dropped his snout to the ground. "I want the two of you to join us. We aren't powerful enough on out own, but with the four of you we just might stand a fighting chance of saving this planet."

"Four?" Ilaria reached out and grabbed Carbon by the base of his mask. "You said us, but ~who else~ are you thinking of?"

"I'm giving you a choice here out of respect, but two of the others with you will just have to be drafted--Mister Rustfelt and that wolf girl. I also have to take claim to those two robots as well as they're government property. The others are free to go if they agree to stay quiet."

"Fuck! Not Dee!"

Ari pulled her brother down into the water, pushing to the side for a hug. "It's alright, Yoyo. We'll work it out." She snapped her eyes to the otter above them, a fire burning behind her vision. "If you take them from us you'll only hurt us more. Yoyo and Adrian are in love. Ashe is our little sister. If you can't see the bad that does then I'd like to know how you can keep a straight face."

"I didn't... Wait, your sister?" Carbon looked back to the house, then to a patch of ground nearby. "I didn't realize Vasily had any wolf in him..."

"We loosely adopted her. She's still my fucking sister though."

Carbon looked back to the twins, his eyes settling back into the fury of Ilaria's own. "She has skills we really need... even if she's your sister."

"So it's a matter of skill, is it?" Ilaria heaved herself up from the pool with both arms, icy pain wracking her injured one. "Or is it determination? Heart?" She hooked her stump over the lip and brought her whole body up, using her tail to help propel her out of the water. "Well then I--gah!--have a deal for you."

Carbon tried to help the girl out of the pool but was shaken away, so hard in fact that Ilaria nearly fell back into the water. Getting the hint and quite a bit surprised at her resolve, Carbon slid back and made room for Ari. "A deal?"

Ilaria pushed herself so she sat with her leg in the water, looking to her brother for approval. «How badly do you want to be with Dee?» The twin slowly nodded back as he understood what his sister was proposing. "Carbon, I have some requirements if we're going to join you."

"Okay." The Major honestly perked forward in interest. "I'm listening. No harm in that."

"Robyn. You have to take her with us as well. She's one of the best engineers I've known and she's always up for a challenge." When no blurting of disagreement followed, Ilaria pressed her luck. "And Adrian's sister too. She's the one that made these changes work for us. We need our doctor or we're not coming."

"Sister?" Carbon found reason to complain there. "I didn't know he had a sister as well. Still, I'd rather not rope more furs into this if they aren't already."

"Ellie... Elliot. She likes to be seen as a female..."

"Oh. I can sort of relate to that, I guess." Carbon stood himself up as he pondered the offer, slowly pacing his way towards the lake. "That's a tall order, Lulu."

Ari turned around to face the Major, a scowl on her face. "Ilaria. I'm not a kid anymore and you don't know me well enough for that name."

"Right." The otter paced his way to the edge of the water, heaving large breaths of air on occasion as he thought over the offer. "Extortion isn't exactly fair play, and keep in mind I don't have to play by the rules either. I could just drag you away myself, you know."

Ari rolled onto her front and groaned as she pressed upwards to her stump and knee. "You think you hold all the cards? What, because of a fancy title and some crummy story about bad guys?" She formed a crutch out of nanites and struggled to stand up, drawing the Major's attention. "Well I've got more invested in this little decision than you ever will, I'm willing to die for my friends, and I'll even kill you right now if I can save them."

Carbon watched as both twins now started closing in on his location, despite the flaw that he could simply swim to safety. "Hmm... I see." He turned back to the lake and watched as another feral otter joined the first, what appeared to be the mother of the whelp. "So you only go as a package? I'm allowing you to get married to Miss Winchester before we leave so she can stay safe at home. I was told about your child, you know."

"And that's not enough. We share everything together. ~Everything~."

The Major threw his arms behind his head and huffed a deep sigh. "Two weeks, standard training. They have to meet my own standards or they both go back home." He turned back around and almost flinched backward, Ilaria having made her way much further than he'd have expected and pointing a nanite knife his way. "Is that acceptable?"

Yoyo walked up behind his sister and forced her to lower the weapon. "What about Ashe's dog, India?"

"She's blind. Can't hurt to give her back her guide dog, right?"

Carbon looked to his side and gave a slight nod. "Anything else?"

"We'll leave it open for discussion." Ilaria dissolved the knife and offered her left paw for an awkward shake. "As long as you're willing to prove your loyalty to this family, I'll trust you."

Carbon took her paw and then offered his right to Iolvin. "Then we have a deal."

Iolvin accepted the paw and the terms. "So where do we start?"

"We give your sister some time to heal. For everyone's safety I'll request we stay at the base though." Carbon looked to Ilaria and smiled as he released from his shakes. "There's a nice resort on the civilian decks. Good honeymoon material."

"Maybe ~we~ should have a say in when we get married." Ilaria leaned back and then dissolved her crutch, leaning into Iolvin instead. "I'd like to be at my best for my wedding day. Maybe have all my limbs too."

"I can handle that." Carbon smiled as he went to gaze upon the island otters. "You're a tough bargain. Reminds me of your father, and of his too."

"You knew our grandpa? We've never met him, so--"

"Later, Ilaria. I don't need to remember him so well right now." Carbon slumped down to sit on the shore, content that things were settled for now. "Glad to fight alongside this family again, guys. It's always an honor. Now go pack up your things and put them in the truck, please. We need to get going soon."

Ilaria groaned at the command. "But it's still the morning. We can't say a proper goodbye at least?"

"That's what I'm afraid of." The otter chuckled as he played with the water using his tail. "Your mother's giving me ~that look~ and I'd rather not give in to spending the night."


Iolvin tugged his twin's arm and allowed her to prepare for being lifted. "Come on, Lulu. I still need to grab my stuff and you need some towels."

Ilaria nodded and hopped up, correctly trusting that her brother would swoop under to catch her. "Right. Lead the way, Yoyo. We'll see you in a bit, Carbon."

As the twins made their way back to the house Carbon corrected them. "Call me Major Optik at the base. Okay?" He allowed the two to walk away and then spoke to his side. "They really do remind me of him. Full of life, compassionate... but brave like their father."

A tiny plant girl faded into Carbon's sight right where he was looking. "You can't change the past, Carbon. Don't go trying what you did with Vasily again."

"I won't, Evelyn. Just keeping a promise." Carbon returned to the otters on the island, the mother now lovingly grooming the child. "They learn to follow their dreams in this world sooner than you think. Now we just need to make sure there's a world left for their own children to dream."