Vulpine Reparation

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#3 of The Shepsisters & Yote

Never return a Mistress' toys damaged. She may hunt you down with whips, ropes and a ready toy bag to teach you a much need lesson...

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Definitely happier with this story and feel very good about it. This is one that I think, "yes, I GOT the characters", and who wouldn't be happy about that? The sex is deliciously wicked and the lead up is plausible, considering the nature of the characters involved. It was difficult to find something that would be believable, because the Shepsisters are basically at the top of their game in the intelligence (assassination) field, did a vixen get one over on them? I think the idea I ran with is simple and plays into their complacence of believing that they are better than the best.

Also, Dora <3

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Commissioned by Daniel Yote

The Shepsisters (c) Daniel Yote

Foxy (c) Foxy C Yote

Story (c) Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Vulpine Reparation Written by Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare for Daniel Yote

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The door slammed open, ricocheting off the panelled wall with a resounding bang. The German Shepherd sitting at the desk snapped her head up, eyes narrowing beneath a split, brunette fringe. Her sister twitched a disinterested ear across the room, lounging across the arms of a straight-backed chair that appeared far from comfortable regardless of her best efforts. Glancing at the open doorway and the red fox framed within, Dora rolled her eyes and passed a pink gun between her paws, tail dangling between the arm hard seat of the chair. Foxy bared her jaws in a feral grin, firearm held loosely at her side.

"Evening, ladies."

Neither of the Shepsisters moved and one may have chanced that Danica, the brunette, was surprised. Unusually clad in latex suits - crimson for Danica and magenta for Dora, both with black accents - the Shepsisters seemed perfectly at ease in their headquarters and entirely unperturbed by Foxy's presence in their private 'office'. Shivering as if she was suppressing either a sneeze or a fit of the giggles, the vixen skipped across the room and plopped into the only free seat in the room before the desk. Dora looked between the vixen and her sister with a curiously cocked eyebrow and tugged at the neckline of her outfit, only serving to show off her breasts. For all the outfit displayed, it was difficult to believe that the gaping v-neck was comfortable or useful to the ladies in any manner. Foxy much preferred her tan trousers, muted green tank top and leather jacket for casual work: they were far easier to move quietly in than shiny latex, as pleasurable as it may have been for other scenarios.

At last, Danica shifted her boot-clad hind paws to the floor, leaning forward as if to invite the vixen into her confidence. The fox shook her head with exaggerated slowness, the playful grin never leaving her muzzle. A muscle in the dog's dark snout twitched.

"How did you get in?" Danica's claws traced a circle on the shiny desk.

She did not wait for an answer, one ear swivelling towards her lounging sister, displaying as little concern as she.

"Sister, shall we?"

"Oh, I wouldn't try that if I was you," Foxy crossed one leg over the other, eyes innocently wide.

"And why is that, fox?" Dora's tone was laced with scorn. "You're not tucked up in your little den tonight. These are our headquarters. The only reason you got this far is purely for our own amusement."

"Oh," Foxy's expression fell, though a cheeky smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Goodness me, I would never have guessed. How silly of me to think that I had come this far and reached my objective. That said, where are your heavies, Shepsisters? Shouldn't they be bursting into the room, right about," the vixen turned her wrist as if to check a watch that was not there, "now?"

All three turned to the door, the Shepsisters with an almost bored air of expectance. Not a soul was forthcoming.

"Shoot." A giggle bubbled up from the vixen's throat. "Looks like you're out of luck."

"What the fuck have you done, you red bitch?" Dora snarled, upper lip curling back and eyes rolling in an edge of fear.

Leaping to her hind paws, Dora holstered the gun that she had been toying with and snatched a pair of pink pistols from her hip. There was a loud 'click' as the safety was released on both of her trademark firearms, one for each paw. Foxy's tail flicked against her thigh and raised an eyebrow, one paw casually resting upon her hip.

"That's hardly intimidating, darling," she informed the infuriated canine.

Rising fluidly, Foxy startled the Shepsisters, Danica scraping her chair back as her paw emerged with her own firearm, the canine prepared for anything. But the damage had already been done. The vixen stroked a thumb over the top of her gun, feeling the sleek metal encased within her paw. She would not even need it. A pity.

"Truly my calling should have been in intelligence." She raised a paw to her forehead as if lamenting some previous choice. "If a mere vixen could so easily outsmart the oh-so-renowned Shepsisters, how well does your reputation hold up?"

"Shut up, fox," Dora growled, the rumble raising the hairs on the back of the vixen's neck. "Sister, I have had enough of this."

She paused, her boots seemingly frozen in place as it suddenly became more difficult to hold her pistols steady. What was going on? The Shepsister swayed marginally, every muscle locking in place to maintain some semblance of balance, though it was as if the energy was being drained from her body. Danica leaned forward on the neck, breath rasping in her throat as she strained to keep herself somewhat upright, blue eyes simmering with barely contained anger. Half-turning on the fox, Dora snarled, though the gesture was half-hearted at best and she could not muster the energy to intimidate as her vision paled to grey.

Smiling blandly as both canines slumped to the ground in turn (Danica's muzzle bounced off the desk) Foxy took a slow, deep breath. She calmly flipped the switch hidden against her hip on the back side of her belt and surveyed her handiwork, the Shepsisters felled by such a simple yet effective gas. It had of course been odourless, but she could not help but feel that they had become complacent. It was no matter to her business to them, however, and another triumph on her part, if nothing else. She had a bone to pick with those two dogs and they would learn to respect foxes and their property by the conclusion of the night.

"A vixen has some tolerance to poisons that you do not," Foxy told the unconscious canines. "And now? It is my turn."


Dora woke slowly, groaning as she returned to the world of the living. Her head pounded as if she had gotten into the liquor cabinet - she had a tendency to go more overboard than her sister - and her limbs felt like liquid sealed within a furry skin. Just what had that bitch done to her? Struggling to move, it swiftly became clear that her limbs were bound, which was hardly unexpected. Blinking, the canine's vision returned, colours appearing through the grey haze. Fur tickled her nose and she fought down a sneeze, eyes opening comically wide. Her sister's crotch was pressed into her face.

Maybe she had been on the liquor after all.

Wriggling, she blinked quickly and found her near surroundings coming into focus. She was certainly well bound against her sister, Danica lying upon her back with Dora settled somewhat more comfortably on top. Neither was able to see much of the room they were in as hair, fur and limbs obstructed their mediocre view and Dora blew sharply through both nostrils, struggling to blow her blonde fringe out of her eyes to no avail. Arms were tied to the opposing partners legs and allowed for some movement and the warding off of 'dead' limbs but little more. Danica twisted and jerked against her sister, testing the meagre limits of the ropes and finding them lacking. This drop of freedom that was not really freedom riled Dora to no end and a rumbling growl built in her throat, teeth bared.

"Nice to see that you're awake. I was starting to worry."

Foxy's voice dripped with sarcasm and the nude vixen paced closer, pausing when her black hind paws were an inch from Dora's muzzle. Though she writhed like a snake, Dora could not get close enough to sink her teeth into fur and delicious flesh; instead, her teeth snapped shut upon nothing more than empty air. Beneath her, the other Shepherd grumbled and arched her back viciously as if to throw her sister off.

"Move your god damn leg, sister."

Danica's low, muffled snarl came from somewhere in the region of the blonde canine's legs. Warm breath washed over Dora's thighs and the dog squirmed against her will, hardly able to allow her sister space with how tight their bindings were. The vixen padded soundlessly around them in a circle, passing Danica's muzzle with a pleased murmur. She held a dark brown, leather quirt in her left paw and traced it wickedly down Dora's spine, drawing a shiver from the dog even through the latex. It had been a shame to mildly destroy their gear, something that worked with heat and camouflage that Foxy was only mildly familiar with, but easy enough to slit the material so that their sexes were fully and erotically revealed. The fox mused upon how long it would take them to grind upon each other's muzzles without further coercion, but that would take the fun out of her plans.

"Tonight, we are going to play a little game," Foxy grinned wickedly, a flash of sharp teeth glinting between her dark lips.

"Maybe we don't want to play," Dora grunted sullenly, tail pinned down over her exposed rump. "Name your price, we'll pay up. But don't think we won't come for you later, you whore."

"Maybe you don't have a choice," Foxy countered, ignoring the offer and threat in turn. "I'll keep this simple, darlings. Your muzzles are nicely placed: start licking. The one who doesn't make their sister cum has to lick me. Think of it as a consolation prize. Or additional training."

Neither of the Shepsisters moved. Dora cast her eyes defiantly downwards, staring at the floorboards beneath her muzzle and Danica's pussy. Just where the hell where they? Danica's mind was on other matters.

"Why are you doing this?" Danica sighed, the edge of acceptance but never defeat in her tone. "We don't even know you, beyond your name in circles of...pleasure, let us say."

"Funny you should ask," Foxy tapped the quirt against her paw. "You don't happen to remember a certain coyote you came across, less than a month ago?"

Dora's stomach dropped and she glanced up with a nervous yet girlish grin at the vixen, peering from beneath her blocky fringe. Oh, she did indeed remember that coyote. He had yelped beautifully when beaten, so that Dora only wanted to beat him more. He had also been very good with his tongue. And taken a strap-on like a pro.

It had been a shame to send him home.

"He was yours?" Danica was incredulous. "Well, we must commend your training."

"Yes, I saw you had plenty of use out of him." Foxy slapped the quirt down without warning across Danica's exposed thigh, raising a line of fire over the side: the dog howled. "Like so. I do not _appreciate_my toys being returned covered in welts and bruises, too sore to use. Unlike you bitches, I take care of my possessions."

While Danica recovered from the unexpected blow - it shouldn't have hurt as much as it did, considering the latex - Foxy dropped into a crouch, grabbed the Shepsisters muzzles and shoved them into each other's pussies. Grunting her disapproval, Dora could do nothing but wrinkle her nose distastefully as Danica's scent and juices were smeared over her nose and lips. She found herself drifting and flattened her ears to her skull, biting back a whimper. She would not. But if it had been another time... The scent was intoxicating. Just one lick... Swallowing hard, the canine shamefully stole a lap of Danica's pussy, making her partner yelp in an unruly mixture of surprise and pleasure. Satisfied that the blonde at least was submitting (and that what Yote had told her of the Shepsisters was proving true), the vixen turned her attention to the stubborn, panting brunette. Her gaze smouldered.

"Time for a taste of your own medicine. Lick."

Twisting her fingers into the canine's shiny, brown locks, Foxy forced her muzzle between her sister's thighs, moving her muzzle up and down as if to simulate lapping. The dog resisted obnoxiously, grunting and groaning in denial as her own sex was stroked and teased with the tip of a familiar tongue. If she did not make her sister cum first, she would have to lick that fox... Disgusted by her actions and denying the first stirrings of pleasure in her loins, the canine snuffled and pushed her tongue tentatively into Dora's rapidly moistening cunny. It was not as if it was something that she had not done with her sister before, after all. Just not with a damn fox with her paw in her hair and on her rump, caressing like she was a piece of meat. The thought brought tremors of excitement to her nerves, though they were nuances that she would never, ever willingly address.

Dora moaned unashamedly, letting herself go. If she did not think too much about the situation at her paws, it was as if she was relaxing in Danica's boudoir, teasing one another to greater heights of pleasure after a strenuous day in intelligence. Ladies had to have their release, after all, and why should she not enjoy? Digging her muzzle in deeper, the dog closed her eyes, losing herself in her sister's heady, feminine scent, enveloping her in light musk until Dora's world narrowed. She 'saw' only the pink flower of a canine sex before her tongue and lapped with gusto, tongue swirling and flicking oh-so-lightly over Danica's clit until she moaned with need. Dora suppressed a grin. What were the stakes again? Against her better, initial judgement, she was enjoying the deal. It would be sweet indeed to win the proposed bet, forcing Danica to tongue the vixen as compensation for not being able to bring Dora to orgasm. Shivering, Dora traced the outline of her sister's cunt with the edge of her tongue and resolved to make Danica scream in climax.

The canine would not know what hit her.

Unaware of Dora's near traitorous intentions, Danica exhaled warm breath over her sister's pussy, ruffling the pubic fur. She wished she had a gun in her paw, but her paws were well bound, clenching and unclenching in such a position that she would have required some degree of contortionism to stand any chance of pulling a Houdini-esque act. The blasted vixen had tucked the knots well away from questing fingertips so that escape would have taken some thinking - if she had had the peace and opportunity, that is. Tail sweeping the few free inches between her legs, Danica struggled to concentrate, teasing the soft folds upon her tongue with the finesse of a true lover.

Somewhere above, the canines were vaguely aware of the fox moving, placing each hind paw with great care. Dora started as a long, phallic shape came into view, understood exactly what it was in the next second and even found the heart to flash Foxy a conspiring grin. Slickened by Dora's skilled tongue, Danica's cunny gleamed with sexual juices in the low light, an inviting target for what Foxy had in mind. It was an easy task to thrust the knotted vulpine dildo into Danica's warmth - something from Foxy's travelling toy bag that she had brought along - and the canine's moan was truly delectable. As Dora languidly lapped over her engorged clit, the vixen worked the dildo deep into the canine's pussy, popping the reasonably sized knot in and out of her with little concern for Danica's comfort. Letting her head fall back, Danica panted heavily, succumbing to the pleasure as the vixen giggled.

Kindly enough, Foxy knelt over the canines, settling herself astride Dora's back, and presented a second vulpine dildo to Dora's dripping hole. Teasing the tip through the moisture, the vixen smiled privately at how the needy canine whined and arched, desperate for the slightest taste of pleasure. Her sister was too caught in her own stupor, perhaps more used to receiving than giving even in decidedly compromising situations. Without warning, Foxy thrust the full length of the toy inside Dora's cunt and the canine yelped into her sister's sex, admirably not pausing in her lapping, despite her tail wagging fervently. Danica's laps slowed as Foxy worked the dildo deep into her, the stretch of the knot demanding more attention than the dog had to give.

Her sister, neglected, had complaints of her own, however: why should she be doing all the work? Dora grunted and growled, trying to grind her clit on to Danica's lazy tongue, the dog more focused on panting than giving her pleasure. Had she forgotten the bet of sorts? Danica may as well be doing nothing at all with how little stimulation she was feeling! Resigned to a rather one-way sixty-nine, Dora shuddered under the smooth thrusts of the dildo and consoled herself with the mental image of Danica on her knees, eating out the vixen. Already she could feel Danica tensing under her tongue, a sure sign that she was approaching orgasm. Foxy noticed it too.

"Seems someone's falling behind..." Foxy tapped the whip against the visible curve of Danica's rump, delighting in how the Shepherd squirmed. "Sweetheart, if you wanted to bury your muzzle in my cunt so badly, all you had to do was ask. Politely." She laughed, the sound echoing almost imperceptibly. "No need to deliberately fail a friendly competition. Or are your skills just so inadequate?"

Danica snarled and Dora's leg jerked against her arm. What was she doing? Or not doing? She would not fail! Like she wanted to touch that fox bitch...unless she could breathe life into her own sadistic side. To hurt her, to cause her pain, to be the one holding the whip. Oh, the torturous things she could do to that fox. Losing did not bear thinking about. Growling meanly, the German Shepherd threw herself into the task of bringing her sister to orgasm, tongue lashing Dora's clit as Foxy continued working both dildos into her victims. Her concentration wavered and she cursed her traitorous body for betraying her, for allowing pleasure to slip through discipline's mask.

It was too little too late for Danica. Her sister moaned and dove into her sex, spurred on by the renewed licks, adding fuel to the fire flaring into explosive life within Danica. She tried to stop it, think about anything else, but her orgasm could not be denied under such an eager, skilled tongue. With a long, drawn out howl, she rocked into orgasm, twisting and writhing as her head fell back, baring her throat, and the canine lost all sense of the world around her for several blissful moments. Electric sparks of ecstasy ricocheted through her body with a mind of their own and Foxy, the sly vixen, drove the dildo in exceptionally hard, dragging out the canine's climax for as long as physically possible. It seemed some time later that Danica collapsed to the floor, every muscle slack, though it was still under a minute in reality. Orgasms had a way of doing that to a fur.

"Well, well, well." A smirk danced across the vixen's black muzzle. "It would seem that we have a 'winner', so to speak."

The canine swallowed a groan. What could she do? As soon as the vixen was in range, she would bite her, she vowed. She'd regret making a Shepsister do anything she did not want to. Cruelly, Dora stole a lap of her sex, making her jump, too sensitive after climaxing. Were the two of them in on something? No, it could not be. She would not do that. Would she? Maybe Dora had simply not desired to have her muzzle between the vixen's thighs either. The fox in question tapped her foot upon the ground and gestured behind her, beyond Danica's view.

"Danica, if you please."

Danica shook her head and glared at the fox. If she pleased? Had the dull fox forgotten that she was, well, immobile? Just another ploy. The vixen clapped a paw to her muzzle.

"Oops, so sorry!" Foxy giggled. "Forgot you were a little 'tied up', as it were. Let me help you with that."

Shoving the dildo in deep so that it remained locked within the canine's sex by the knot, Foxy rolled the canines to the side and picked carefully at select knots with agile fingertips, separating the canines. The knots came loose with ease and Dora was rolled on to her back, blonde fringe falling across her eyes. Both dogs were still bound paw and wrist, but Foxy took the liberty of tying Dora's wrists to her ankles, just to ensure she would not be able to bite at the roles; she would have to twist uncomfortably to try and Foxy would see immediately. Grabbing the scruff of Danica's neck, Foxy dragged her to a now visible chair, seating herself and thrusting the dog between her spread legs. Her ears pricked at a whimper from Dora, whose eyes were painfully pleading.

"Don't worry, darling, we'll come back to you later," Foxy reassured the whining dog. "Can't have you being left out when you did such a good job!"

Grabbing the canine's ears, Foxy cocked an eyebrow at the stubborn Danica, letting the dog run her eyes over her curvaceous form. When she thought the dog had had enough time to admire (would there ever be enough time?), Foxy licked her lips, betraying her own eagerness.

"Now..." The vixen dug her fingers between the corners of Danica's teeth, opening her mouth so that her tongue instinctively lolled out. "Start licking, darling."

Held as she was, Danica could not bring her jaws together without causing pain to her sensitive gums. Thus caught, the dog unwillingly lapped over the vixen's sex, tasting her feminine musk and sweet honey. Her pussy lips were dark and bare, barely hiding the tasteful nub of a clit peering from beneath a neat hood. Danica pinned her tail down, ever conscious of the dildo lodged within, juices soaking her own thighs. There was another way she could go against the fox, however... Cackling inwardly, the canine licked listlessly, barely grazing the vixen's damp sex. She really had enjoyed tormenting the two of them, if her condition was anything to go by. Foxy was not one to be denied, however, and glanced down at the canine as if severely disappointed.

"A rather pathetic effort," Foxy sighed. "Do all dogs require special motivation?"

Reaching behind, Foxy released Danica's muzzle and brought forward the quirt instead, the light shining upon the dark, luscious leather. It was enough to make Danica quail, though not before she felt the sting upon her rump. Growling, she thrust down the pain and rubbed a bound paw against her thigh. She shifted on to her knees and pushed her lips over the vixen's clit as another lash stung her rear, expertly delivered. As she licked harder, fighting to please so that the constant, biting pain would stop, the vixen grew wetter, aroused by humiliating the dog. Danica realised with a sinking feeling that she would not dare bite the fox with that tool in her paw. She could strike anywhere upon Danica's exposed back if she so chose, or even under her tail. There were all manner of ways to cause torturous pain and arousing pain with such an implement, something that Danica was learning too well. Each stroke of the quirt sparked her arousal as her rump took on a warm glow. Dora watched on, lips parted and thighs squeezed together, quietly whining.

Forced to please and torturously aroused, Danica dug her tongue into the vixen's pussy over and over again, fighting to subdue her own moans and whimpers. She shifted her weight as the glow turned to harsher pain, lines of fire erupting across her rump, the like of which she had not felt for a long, long time. She could not stay still but she dared not pull away either, it was simply not worth the risk. The vixen enjoyed every second of the dog's predicament and her desperate licking only served to push her hard towards an orgasm that she held off as long as possible - for her own pleasure, of course. Dragging Danica's muzzle in close, Foxy humped the dog's tongue like a bitch in heat until her jaw fell slack and she climaxed with a series of loud, breathless moans.

Sated for the moment and basking in the glow of her fading orgasm, Foxy unceremoniously thrust the canine away, letting her tumble to the floor with a soft 'thud' of impact. There was one other she was eager to teach a lesson and the night was ticking on whether she noted the passing of time or not. On her side now, Dora begged with wide eyes, mind fogged over with the scent of sex and overwhelming need to orgasm, to feel pleasure that she was never denied. That was what her toys (living) were for - to give her pleasure so that she did not have to go so denied. Whimpering, Dora allowed Foxy to roll her on to her back with a gentle hind paw, legs pulled up towards her chest.

"Now, my darling," Foxy rested her hind paw on Dora's chest, pressing lightly between her breasts. "Time for you to have a taste of what you did to my coyote."

And though she was sure that every bruise and welt would be paid back in full, Dora trembled in anticipation.

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