15 - Dragons' Politics

Story by Donivahn_Miros on SoFurry

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#15 of Summer Lovin'

SORRY PEOPLE! I know it has been quite a while, but I had a few problems to solve, lost my whole collections of stories when I had to exchange my PC, and still had a hard time throughout my graduation. However, besides all that, I never forgot about you! It just took me long enough to find time to write and have something to continue the story. Since I never forgot the line and plot, I just took my time to remember where I have stopped and get back in full swing.

After all this time, my style might have suffered little alterations to it, but I don't think it was that much. As always, good constructive criticism is welcome and I hope you enjoy!

"Ilnarya..." Magna repeated the name after I had finished saying what I discovered. Then she chuckled. "I know the guardians had been killed and since then I have given the city as lost... Are you sure Athena herself said that she needed knowledge from Ilnarya's library?"

I nodded. My little Silverstar sleeping curled close to my belly. "Athena herself said that for most cases, looking for the city would be a lost cause, but with me being so young..."

"On this she's quite right," Dizaly agreed. "We keep calling you wyvern, but your body works as that of a full mature dragon already. However, in terms of development, it's as young as a wyvern your age. You don't fit the molds, my dear..."

"Okay, that I understand. However, I know that if I wanted, with the power of Thyamat, I would never take more than a few hundred years to check everywhere on the world, a millennium at worst!"

"That's the biggest problem, Eliza," Magna said, closing hir eyes and sighed. "Ilnarya keeps moving from place to place. The only dragons to know its locations are their inhabitants and the guards, any other dragon looking for it will never find it."

"But... there's a way?"

"There's always a way, we just need to think it thought carefully," Rock said, licking my face. Our first son was also sleeping curled close to him.

"Well... I don't know about you but I'm following my children to the dream world. I had my share of problems to worry about for today!" I claimed. Rock only nodded and nuzzled me softly.

Dizaly smiled and nodded, "I'll be getting in touch with my sister again... See you tomorrow, Eliza."

As they walked out of the room, I looked at Rock and gently levitated our children, placing them in the nest with the others. Rock then kissed me deeply. However, I surprised him by stopping the kiss and actually mounting him.

"I thought I was the male dragon around..." he tried. However, I noticed he hasn't tried to pull me out of his back.

"I order you to shut up!" Nibbling softly, at least for a dragon, on his neck, I pressed my body against his. "I, the Thyamat, request your body to test knowledge passed onto me and you shall obey..."

"Just take it easy on me, great Thyamat..." he turned his face to mine and we kissed again.

My dear male dragon soon swung his tail away, clearing the path to my cat-dragon cock slid from my sheath and rub on her tight ass. I stopped our kiss and looked him in the eye with a smile.

"I never thought you to be the one to like being mounted..."

"I am very picky with whom I gave that privilege..."

Slowly I forced my thick maleness inside his tight tail hole, watching him close his eyes in a bit of pain and pleasure. Forcing slowly, getting inch by inch deeper into my lover's body for the first time, I smiled and whispered, "I want to know... about the first one..."

"Long time... ago... shi was... a human size... dragoness..." he started, holding his moans as I moved in and out of him. "Wyvern yet... discovering... about life..."

"You were virgin still?" moaning a bit with my thrusts inside Rock's tail hole, I closed my own eyes and enjoyed the pleasure.

"Back then... never had... the urge... Shi changed that..." I could feel he was already having an erection. I would have to work that out with him later, but for now, I only increased the rhythm of my motions. "Allowed me to... abuse hir... the way... I wanted... Never asked... anything in turn... I insisted and... shi said that... if I was going... though with that... idea... humph... Easy hun..."

"Sorry, love... you're making me hornier... Think I could meet her someday?"

"We'll see..." he closed his eyes again. "Shi asked... to have my... ass... We still... meet on... occasion... Horny dragoness... shi is... Almost as much... as you..."

Hugging him stronger, I increased a little more the thrusts, closing my own eyes in pleasure. "You flatterer..." feeling my cock throbbing inside him, his tail wrapping on mine slowly as I enjoyed the full sensation of his body against mine.

"You're for sure... bigger than hir..."

Then I felt him squeezing my cock a bit stronger than usual, making me moan louder as I released my load deep inside of him. I then licked his face softly, and smiled gently.

"And will you abuse me too?" I asked, already taking my cock from his tight ass.

"Is that an order, Thyamat?"

I purred when she turned to nibble my neck, shivering a bit from the pleasure to come. "Hmmm... For sure it is... And you better not let your goddess waiting!"

Soon enough he mounted me and inserted his cock easily and knowingly into my pussy, making me moan loud of the deepest pleasure I ever felt. "Your wish is my command, my goddess."

Different from other times though, my dragon wasn't gently at all. He shoved his whole dragon meat into my pussy until I felt his groin on my hump, then he took it all out to pump it all again, thrusting strong, deep and fast, holding my tight in a hug against his strong and muscular body.

His claws were scratching my belly under my fur, his teeth on my neck and his strong chest pressed on my back, right between my wings... What a lucky dragoness I am, having such a handsome dragon only for myself! And then came his maleness, thrusting deep and strong into my waiting vagina, stretching me slightly as I, in return, contracted my inner muscles around him, giving him a massage I knew he loved. And then I moaned loud, closing my eyes, enjoying the sensation of him feeling me with his hot dragon cum.

He slid out of me and we curled together and went to sleep finally.

Sometime during the night, our oldest children joined us both in sleeping, managing to get between us and curling to sleep in there. I woke up first and caressed both of our little angels, smiling at that. Slowly I got up and walked to the cave's entrance. I was about to take off and go hunting to my children when I heard the sound of four wings flapping.

Expecting for Ayrana to come, I was a lot more surprised when a golden dragoness stopped in front of me. Her fur shining in the sun, her immense and beautiful butterfly-like wings and six strong dragon paws made her unique and beautiful, smaller than Pyra but still quite a bit larger than a human. She smiled at me.

"You're the new Thyamat, aren't you?"

"May I ask who are you?" I asked.

She chuckled and nodded, "My name is Kernea. I represent the Dragonfly Family and I was sent to offer our support to your cause."

Before I could answer her, though, Magna said behind me, "The Dragonfly Family, always the first to make their loyalty to the Thyamat known."

Kernea bowed and smiled, "Our Queen..."

Magna smiled and nodded, "At easy, Kernea. The bad days are over, and I'm not your Queen anymore. It's now Eliza's position. However, I strongly suggest that, before you start with any kind of negotiations, I take some time alone with my 'student' so I can mentally prepare hir."

Kernea nodded and smiled. "I'll be waiting outside."

Then, the butterfly-dragon flew away. Magna looked at me in the eye and gestured me to come with her to the nursery. There, she curled around a small clutch of eggs, six of them to be more exact.

"I should have explained you about this sooner," Magna said. I walked towards her, looking at the eggs.

"They are..."

"Yours, of course, straight from my sperm sacks." Magna smiled softly, but turned serious again. "Kernea is the diplomat of the Dragonfly Family, part of a clan of dragons that consist mostly of arthropod-based dragons, called Arthragon Clan. Many of them have six to eight paws and at least two pairs of wings; however, there are also exceptions to the rule as well."

"I never thought dragons have clans..."

"It's not something we spread about, for them are mostly groups of dragons that have something in common. Dizaly and I, for example, belong to the largest of all clans, the Reptgon Clan. They are the most usual dragons, with lizard appearance, four legs, strong tail and a pair of wings being the norm. You would belong to the clan of mammal-like dragons, the Drammalian Clan."

"But... You mentioned also families..."

"The Clans are basically to segregate dragons when we join for the dragon games, but those won't come for the next few hundred years. The Families, though, are a lot more political structured. Since Dizaly gave birth to you, you belong to her Family, the Crimsonscale Family. Normally, the Families take upon the name of the dragon that started them. I also belong to the Crimsonscale Family, by the way, as does Rock and all the others."

"Political structured? Dragons have politics?"

"Not like what your people call politics. Mostly it's an 'I don't bother you and you don't bother me' thing. However, when there's a conflict or a war about to erupt, these Families tends to take parts they think are right. They pick the whole family together and in turn they choose a representative to talk in their name. Kernea has been the Dragonfly Family representative for the last seven thousand years."

"And what should I do about it?"

"She will not be the last representative you'll receive, so I highly recommend you pick someplace else that isn't our little cave since sometimes you can receive a few at once. There, you hear what they have to say about their point of view and decide on accepting or declining their support. Don't fear on declining them, though. If a Family decided to support a side of the conflict, their honor will not allow them to join the other side as well. The word of a dragon is worth the dragon's weight in gold, or I guess that's something your people would say."

I have to chuckle at that. "You mixed together a few sayings in one, but I got the general idea. But, do you know a place where I could have those meetings? I would like one close to our home though..."

"There are the underground chambers on this mountain. A cave on the other side at the base of this mountain leads to a large underground small maze, at least for a human. Dragon's smell easily guides them across the maze to the large chamber in the middle. If you want something easier on the guests, ask Rock later to open a clear path there and a possible waiting room for those times you meet a few together."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"One last thing before you go, Eliza." I turned my face to Magna. "The agreements are formalized normally through sexual intercourse. Dragons do not have paper and besides the word of a dragon is more than enough to get by, it is unsaid, at least for us, that offering your own body for the pleasure of the one you're offering your favors to is a token of submission in that regard."


"Kernea's Family, for example, sides with your views about humans and, of course, against Eldaron's views. However, since the Dragonfly Family hasn't started this, they offer their submission to help those who they're siding with. The decisions that our Family makes they will execute to perfection, no matter the cost."

I nodded, finally understanding what Magna said. "So to symbolize this submission, their Family's representative offers his or her body utterly to my pleasure, is that right?" Magna nodded. At first I would be very surprised, but in the end, I opened up a smile, "Well, at least it will give my life a bit more of spice, right?"

Magna chuckled and nodded. "That's a good way of thinking about it."

"Hmmm... Does she feel like a butterfly inside?"

Magna shook hir head and gently slapped my face with her tail. "Okay, now you're acting as a horny teenager of your people. Better you go and fulfill your duty as the one to stir this situation, Eliza."

With a short nod, and smiling, I left her in the nursery and walked back to the cave's entrance. After gliding a little, I found Kernea and she flew in my direction. "So? Where will we talk?"

"Follow me." Then I took her to the chambers Magna had told me about. There, as Magna said, I was easily able to navigate through the small maze to its center, where it held a more spacious chamber than the others along the corridors.

To my surprise, though, Kernea flapped her wings and a beautiful golden shining powder was scattered all over the cavern, she being carefully so that powder didn't hit me. When she finished, the chamber supported a gently golden glow from above, like it has always belonged there. I looked at her and she smiled at me.

"No reason to take over three hours trimming my fur carefully if you can't see it." She grinned. "And I also like your form, the most beautiful Thyamat ever, in my opinion."

I guess I never blushed so hard in my life. But even so, I gave her a smile. "Well, thank you." Then I turned serious again. "But I guess you're not here just to flatter me, right?"

Kernea turned serious too and nodded. "Besides I would love to come just for socialize, it's not the time for that now. I am the representative of the Dragonfly Family and as such, I was chosen to talk in the name of my Family and offer our support to your cause."

Laying down over my four legs and watching her, I nodded. "Please continue."

She took that as a hint that we had as much time as was needed and did the same and lay down in front of me. "The Dragonfly Family has always been dutifully following and protecting humans from the dragons that share the Dragon Demon's way of thinking. My family has a great amount of dragons able to change into real arthropods albeit ones with dragon strength and endurance but no magic whatsoever. And in that form, we had been watching and protecting the humans. It is my family wish to continue protecting humans and, if interaction with them becomes possible, we wish to be volunteers in future peace talks."

"I understand."

"Is there anything my goddess wishes me to do so my word can be believed?"

"I was informed that a word of a dragon is worth its life or even more?"

"But I was also informed you weren't brought up in a dragon society. If you require proof of that, I'll easily grant them."

"I wouldn't hurt your pride in requesting proof."

Besides her face continued stoic, I noticed she was feeling grateful for that. "Then, in the name of the Dragonfly Family, I, Kernea of Powder Wings, offer my body as a token of submission to the will of your Family. For as long as this agreement remains, my body will belong to you."

I gave a mental sigh. Seems like this was a traditional response. Lucky me, I had developed telepathy already and contacted Magna for a proper answer. Then I got up, walking towards Kernea, already reducing my size to match hers properly. "Kernea of Powder Wings, I, Eliza of Love Heart, accept the submission of your Family to mine, and promise not to abuse your trust on the Crimsonscale Family."

Kernea, then, smiled at me. "Now enough with the political games... You'll be the second Thyamat I have the honor to service and I pretend to make you cum at least three times!"

"Hmmm... make it five and I give you a round for your pleasure over mine..." I said already forcing her to roll and mounting over her.

"You got yourself a deal, my goddess..." she then pressed her body against mine softly and I felt my sheath rubbing at the base of her... Only then I noticed she didn't have a tail. She smiled at that. "Is something missing, my goddess?"

Probing the end of her... abdomen with my sheath, I found she had two holes as any other dragons, but hers seemed to be a bit tighter than the others I felt before. Later I discovered that not having a tail, her holes were normally 'locked' due to sphincters there. "Nothing important at least." I chuckled and nibbled at her neck, rubbing and forcing my large penis inside her tight pussy, making her moan in pleasure.

Hugging her tight, I started scratching her back softly and thrusting my cock as deep and as fast as I could, closing my eyes and allowing my instincts to take over. She was way harder than my other sisters and brothers, not having scales to hold her form, having an exoskeleton instead. She also seemed somewhat stronger than them, mostly by how easily the claws on her six paws scratched my hard fur-scale combination and how much her own vaginal muscles squeezed against my maleness.

She looked at me deeply in the eye. Different form most of my family, she didn't have a long neck. However, her body was larger so she mostly made up for the difference. Her muzzle opened slightly with a smile and her tongue slowly slid out of it, thin and bluish. Smiling, I forced my tongue against her mouth and took her on a deep kiss and got a delicious surprise: her saliva tasted like honey!

Losing myself into sucking that delicious nectar from her mouth, I just forced my cock deeper and faster, allowing it to throb more and more inside her. I could feel her pussy massaging my cat-dragon shaft, pressing it as a whole and then releasing, sometimes she would press some parts while relaxing others, just to alternate from times to times. Hmmm... so delicious a sensation that I was really considering her as another mate and I really thought Rock would also enjoy her.

Thrusting harder and faster, I forced her to break the kiss when she moaned and gasped when my cock-tip touched her womb's entrance. She was a bit smaller inside than I though and now she would enjoy a unique sensation as well. I locked lips with her again after a little time and not too long after that, we both cum together, my cock filling her with my seedless sperm as she covered my cock in that sweet-smelling nectar from her nether.

She smiled at me. "One down, four to go... However... I would like you to not hold your seeds..."

"I won't impregnate you. In that regard, I'm still human and only my mates will get pregnant from me." I said, caressing her face.

"Then just take me as your mate..." she said simply, "You know why I have been serving my Family as representative for so long?"

I chuckled. "I guessed you had a hint of a submissive into you..."

"A hint? My goddess... I want to find a dragon to own me UTTERLY! Male, female hermaphrodite... it doesn't matter at all... All I want is to have a dragon to claim me as nothing more than a breeding machine! I would gladly live the rest of my life laying eggs and taking care of children if I have a dragon to return to and to punish me whenever he/she/shi wants, me deserving or not..."

That comment raised a question in my mind. "If dragons usually have this much eggs, how comes they are so rare to find by humans?"

"Young wyverns while they don't have fixed abilities as yet are usually sent to other worlds on the galaxy and they start creating life there. One of them will eventually become the first Thyamat of that world."

"But I thought not even the Thyamat could travel among worlds?"

"The original Thyamat could. And shi gave birth to the only clan that never takes sides of matters on worlds: the Star Dragon Clan. They were breed to live in the space and under the orders of the first Thyamat, are to assist any dragon that wishes to know another world to try life on it."

"Nobody ever told me that..."

"Well... I can't actually blame them. That is basic dragon knowledge. And I doubt you ever asked them."

A point. "Well, Kernea... I'm new to this dragon politics stuff so I wish you to answer me sincerely. If I was to take you as mate, how would our Families interact?"

"Normally, it would be common agreement and one of the sides would join another, if both were first mates, of course. If not, the smaller group of mates joins the larger."

"For example, I'm mated with Dizaly and Rock from Crimsonscale Family. If I mated you, you would join my family?"

"Yes, that's it."

"But, at least for now, I need you to keep under your Family. Do dragons take 'pets'?"

"You mean slaves? That's a dragon that was subjugated by force, very rare in these peaceful times, but quite common in the last Dragon War, or so I've heard."

"I mean 'pet', not slave. The term originally designs a domesticated animal which humans would raise inside their houses. Most of times, pets are small and cute, but there's many different kinds of taste for pets. When put into two person's relationship, a pet is somewhat akin to a slave, submissive and very much everything you said you like, but they're mostly cared as mates, though."

"Hmmm... I never heard something like that before..." then she smiled again. "Does humans have relationships like that often?"

"Normally they mate commonly and they play their holes properly after, but a few just declares a pet sometimes, like I thought in doing to you."

"Then my goddess, I'll gladly be your pet!" if she was a cat instead of butterfly dragoness, I was sure Kernea would be purring by now. "What else can I do for you, my goddess?"

"Give those other four orgasms you promised... hmmm... I've heard arthropod's bodies are quite the elastic when not covered by exoskeleton... Applies to you?" I asked, already taking off my maleness from her love channel.

"Hmmm... Yes, goddess... Why you ask?"

I grow up slowly to my full size, laying at her side and smiled, pointing at my cock with a claw. "You allowed me to taste your honey. Now I'm going to have you taste my milk." I noticed she licked her tongue with her charming thin bluish tongue. "What you're waiting for? Take a deep breath and get my cock down your throat!"

"Yes, my goddess!" The difference of sizes between us forced to stretch her muzzle a lot, but she got more than the tip inside, using my maleness to stretch her throat further as she swallowed more and more of my cat-dragon meaty shaft. When the bulge reached her belly, though, she began to withdraw and I wondered how many times she would be able to do that, only to be surprised by her getting my penis again all the way into her belly.

She started hungrily sucking on my cock, taking it as deep as she could into her mouth and down her throat. It wasn't hard to see the bulge I was causing inside of her and even so she seemed to be perfectly normal with that. I could feel her fangs scratching on my meat, the sweet honey-flavored saliva covering every inch she was able to fit inside of her hungry mouth and her inner muscles compressing and relaxing around my whole thick penis.

I closed my eyes, not able to figure out how she could keep that without even stopping to breath. But I wouldn't complain, instead I gave up into pleasure, scratching gently her hump and then I decided to taste the other fount of honey she had. Using my long neck and my rough tongue, I licked her sweet-smelling pussy and was rewarded with a sweet honey-like flavor down there as well. Then I forced my tongue slowly inside her, easily reaching her womb's entrance as my shaft did earlier and appreciating how she massaged my tongue. She, though, kept swallowing my whole cock and massaging it with her inner muscles.

She was so good in doing that, or it was such a new experience for me (or maybe both) that I ended up cumming way too sooner than I expected, squirting load after load of my hot male milk down her throat and directly into her stomach. She dutifully drank it all, her belly swelling up as my shaft filled and fulfilled her wishes of being abused. When I finally stopped cumming inside her and took my penis out of her mouth, she smiled and licked her lips, looking at me expectantly while caressing her large belly with both of her paws.

"Don't you feel pleasure as female?" I asked, curious.

"Only one time... then my reproductive system goes numb for about three hours. But that's only for physical pleasure and I'm still functional and able to control it."

Then I smiled, caressing her belly with a claw slowly. "You're not a huge cum ball, though. Long stomach I assume?"

She smiled. "Yes, very long. Almost my whole abdomen in fact, but you did stretch me thin... I think I never got this full before!"

"You'll be again soon, I promise." I chuckled and noticed her shivering in pleasure at the thought. "And how long before you digest it all?" I asked already returning to a size more proportional to hers.

"Ten minutes to half an hour. My body works fast over proteins, which it's very rich, and even faster on energetic nutrients. My metabolism is very accelerated..."

"Last question..." I commented mounting on her back already, my huge cock now pressing softly on her tight ass and slowly being forced inside. "How could you hold your breath for so long?"

"Hmmm... I don't... My belly... like some arthropods... secondary respiratory system... I still have lunges though..."

"You do? Then scream the name of your goddess and owner..." Then I shoved my whole cock into her tight ass, making her scream loud before she could say anything else. Only then she screamed my name, claiming I was her goddess and owner as well, and twice. That only turned me on to thrust stronger and faster even, moaning louder whenever my maleness invaded her tight ass.

Allowing myself to moan loud, I kept pumping my cock in and out her tight hole. My claws reached her nicely filled belly, scratching gently to provoke her a bit and she indeed constricted my shaft somewhat inside of her. And what a delightful sensation!

Then she looked at me over her shoulders smiling and showing me that provocative thin tongue of hers. I kissed her again, sucking more of that deliciously sweet honey from her lips, while she made a nice work with her inner muscles, squeezing my penis hard, almost as if she wanted to milk me. I closed my eyes and thrust harder and deeper, forcing her long and beautiful body to bounce back and forth with my thrusts.

When she finally felt my throbbing shaft burst and fill her butt hole, Kernea parted the kiss and looked me in the eye. "You... Won't be looking for other pets, will you?"

"If I will or not, it's none of your business. You are mine to do as I please, remember? I don't have to ask your authorization for anything. You're not my mate... Not as yet, at least..." with a smile, I took my cock from her ass and nibbled your neck. "Now what other secrets you hold?"

"I have an ovipositor... despite I don't feel pleasure from it like you do with your penis, many females says it's a nice substitute. Also, as my other body fluids, it has a sweet lubricant to help eggs slid down..."

"Hmmm... a honey injector, eh? I want a few loads of that honey of yours, my butterfly... And meanwhile, you can have another serving of my male milk..."

"Glad to, my goddess!"

Ancestor's Gift

Where? When? How? Why? These are the questions that all stories tend to be asked by those which wanna prove you're faking it. Then I will start by answering them. The 'where' is the vast arid land of Egypt, a country with a mystical story background...

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STARGAZER: First Ground - 07

Darison's Sunday passed without any more problems, he just had some fun with his mates and pets, and Alkemith, before returning to his room by nighttime. Swampwalker had the dinner ready by the time they returned and, as Darison has got used to, they...

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STARGAZER: First Ground - 06

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