2 : Cuckolding

Story by Malix12 on SoFurry

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If you tried to write a function to describe the relationship between the vagueness of writing and the erotic...ness of writing, you'd probably not have had very much sex.

What does my story lack. Tell me, and I will surely take your criticism into consideration - and ignore it. Joking, or not, idk.

Enjoy reading.

"Is that how it started?" The older reptilian voice asked me. "Sort of. I mean, I started dating Tom in August, Britney in September. But like," I stopped to drink some water."Are you alright?""Yeah, But the day after that... event." I paused awkwardly, "When I -""Yes, you were very descriptive. The day after that Saturday, go on." He had humor in his voice, which made the plaster collar around my neck seem less tight."Yeah, well that's when I got a text from Britney...""[So ur homecoming is coming up right]""[Yeah]" I knew I could only take one, but I figured from the beginning that Britney was probably going to win. She'd be the most adamant about it."[So...]"I rolled my eyes. "[Do you want to go to Homecoming with me?]""[YES!!]" She had only taken seconds to text back. How cute. I liked seeing her smile, so I could just imagine her bouncing in her desk right now. She was always so far away out in our sister-school. In the desk next to me, Tom peaked his shoulder over."Who you texting?""No one." He didn't pry. "[My dress is red i like rist corsages an what restaurant are we going to]"I couldn't even pay attention in my first three classes with my muzzle buried in my phone, debating every last detail with a hyper little fox, but at lunch I had a distraction. "Put your phone away, Grover." He called me by my last name in a fake adult voice. It was Tom."You're not Weiley." Weiley was our disciplinarian, who loved to run crusades against cellphones."I sure hope I'm not, especially if I'm about to do this." He grabbed my paw and pecked me on the side of my muzzle, without regard for a few wayward classmates who could be roaming the halls. He walked onward, dragging me along, and I shoved my phone in my pocket. I loved when he'd do stuff like this.He pulled me along into the restroom, checked every stall, and pulled me in with him locking the door."In a bathroom, really?" I tease. In fairness, the handicapped ones were spacious enough.He looked embarassed. "No other options," he shrugged."Whatever," I leaned in to his fuzzy-feathery muzzle. "So what are we doing here?" As if I didn't know."Depends, are you hungry?""Are you?" I'm talking down but looking up at his muzzle."Dun'no, but I've been drueling to see you again since I left your house." He pushed me against the stall. My phone buzzed and he grabbed my paw before I could check it."Oh really?" He was breathing down my neck."Yeah," he picked the buttons on my uniform, reaching a feathered black paw to rub my chest, before reaching down to unbutton my pants."Please me, Crovy." I giggled at him. He just stuck his

tongue out at me, and then on to the tip of my sheath.My shorter length was better suited for his muzzle; Tom was able to bring my shaft and knot into his waxy mouth whole. He had, for some reason, a really firm tongue, giving me a strange feeling as something so soft wrapped so tightly around me. I was as pent up as he proclaimed to be, and before long, was shooting into his mouth, as he pulled away. He coughed a little."Sorry," he kept rubbing my knot. He had some drops on his muzzle. "Come here." He hugged me again, so warmly, while I pulled up my pants.

 "You want to go to homecoming?" He asked me. Stoic and unspoken Crovy wanting to take a boy to his Catholic high school prom? No way."Not really." He looked relieved. "Why not?" Just a little concerned, "I thought you were one of the more flamboyant types. Raising hell for conservatives or something." Real classy analysis. Honestly, I had loved the idea of doing that. But... Britney really wants it. More than he does."Everyone's expecting it." I lie. "They all know, it won't have effect." He agreed. He couldn't hide that he wanted nothing to do with it. "Also the music sucks ass." I told the truth this time. "But thanks for asking." I pecked him on the cheek."Sure thing."To fill the silence, I laid my head on his lap, still in the stall. My phone buzzes again, reminding me of the twenty or so messages Britney had probably left. "You're pretty popular today?" He asked when I started digging through texts.Do I tell him? Maybe just say Britney's a friend. Yeah, I should do that."Nah, just my mom forgetting how to use group texts." Or not.

3 : Cuckolding

"Thanks for taking me, Wolfie. "Glad to have you with me." "Yeah, I - " she shoved the large drink I had bought her into my paws, " - I'll be right back." The drink was almost empty. "It's down there by the - " "I know." She scurried off. While I...

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1 : Cuckolding

"You poor thing," the cherry-eyed vixen whispered to me as she clung to my shoulders. Her white-tipped ears sweetly bent downward."I know." I poked her on the nose, with a smile. She had such a cute smile."I can't believe they have you working all day,...

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