The Realm of the Winter Prince: The Slumbering Maiden

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#2 of The Realm of the Winter Prince

This is the new installment of the rp between me and Nate the Great1.

The offspring of the Winter Prince and Wintermane are caught in a plot by a jealous, malicious magus.

The Realm of the Winter Prince:

The Slumbering Maiden

The sun was shining in the afternoon and the sunflowers in the royal palace garden had never looked so beautiful. Hatari and Wintermane were there having a picnic together. They were enjoying the splendor of the sunshine and the smell of the flowers, but the white lion couldn't help but feel that there was something missing in his life with the one he truly loved.

A saddened look crossed the feline's face, causing the zebra to ask, "Winter, is everything ok?"

"Oh, I'm fine I guess," Winter said shrugging his shoulders."It's just that I feel that I need to hear the patter of little footpaws or something like that."

"You mean you want a baby." The Equine pulled the big cat's back to his chest and hugged him from behind.

"Mmhmm," the lion nodded and he snuggled into Hatari's arms whilegiving a low purr.

With a noticeable sadness in his voice, the striped horse declared, "Unfortunately, that is one thing I cannot give you."

Suddenly, there was a small voice from inside the picnic basket. "PSSST! In here," called a tiny voice. Wintermane picked it up and there was the unicorn, Spring. "I can help you," she said in her tiny little voice. "

You can?" Wintermane said happily.

"Take one of those fruits of truth and bring it to me," she said.

Hatari wasted no time in fetching on of the fruits from Buddy, whom was the keeper of the fruits, and returning.

Once she had the fruit, Spring pulled out a magic wand, waved it around toand turn the mystical produce blue. "Once you eat it and mate, you'll have a child in about nine months from now," she said, and then she disappeared. Without saying a word, Wintermane ate the fruit until there was nothing left but the core. He looked to Hatari and smiled. "You ready?" he asked.

The huntsman looked around the clearing to check for the presences of others. Then, he pulled the younger male into a tongue filled kiss.

Winter hugged Hatari's neck and rubbedhis tongue along the zebra's in the kiss,and he felt a yearning to be filled by his beloved.

The zebra accepted his love's kiss and slippedhis hooves into the lion's brown pantaloons to fondle the firm, round ass.

Wintermane undressed himself and layon his back spreading his legs apart. He purred like a kitten when he felt the zebra kissing all along his chest.

The equine dominantly bit the prince's neck as he disrobed his bottom half, exposing his rapidly hardening horse cock.

Winter moaned at the bite and panted heavily. "Hatari... I need you in me, please," pleaded the lion.

The horse positioned his thick, jet, battering ram of manhood at the feline's entrance as he slowly pushed against the needy pucker.

Winter moaned as he felt Hatari enter, and he whimpered slightly at the pain and kissed the zebra.

The stripped male cuddled his cherished prince as he kissed him and hilted inside the smaller male.

"Make me full and make me feel good," moaned Winter as he jerked his own member off.

Hatari ran his member gently in and out of the lion's tail hole as he panted from the lustful emotion of the moment.

Wintermane panted and moaned as he stroked his own member to keep in rhythm with the zebra. "Ha-Hatari...I'm gonna cum...Please...fill me up...cum inside me," Winter moaned.

The horse whined as he released his torrential load into the tom's frame. Still in his sexual high, he kissed the younger male forcing his tongue in.

Wintermane cried out in the kiss and then sighed. "I love you, Hatari," he whispered softly.

As they nuzzled their foreheads, they heard someone yelling in the distance. Buddy was at the top of the hill looking for the two lovers. "Hey, Winter and Hatari, I have news! It's Nathan! He's pregnaaaaaaaaaa..." The excited jackal tumbled down the hill and landed on top of the horse and big cat.

Winter gasped and helped Buddy onto his feet. "Are you okay? You should really be looking before you start running," Winter said

"Nathan's pregnant!" Buddy exclaimed in his excitement.

"What?! Well, so am I," Wintermane said happily as he and Hatari rushed up to see me sitting beside Arbane with hisarm wrapped around my shoulders.

Dirion was sitting on the ground with his ear against the scale's belly, even though he is not far enough along yet.

"Well Dirion, I guess that makes you the big brother," I said hugging the boy.

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" The teenage elf asked expectantly. Buddy led Winter and Hatari into the throne room.

"I don't know yet," I said looking up at Arbane.

"He's not the only one who's going to have a child," the white lion said hugging Hatari as they came in.

Dirion immediately got up and placed his hand over the feline's stomach.

Wintermane chuckled as he watched Dirion listen in on the progress.

Suddenly, Dirion wrapped his arms around the feline prince's stomach. "I can't explain it, but I feel like this was meant to be."

"It is?" Wintermane chuckled ,and he hugged the young elf back. "Well, I'm sure you and our child will be the best of friends."

During the following months, Dirion spent more time with Wintermane and Hatari as he watched with fascination at the change in the feline's stomach.

Then one day, while Wintermane was sitting in the garden with Hatari and Dirion, it happened. Wintermane was just sitting there when all of a sudden he felt a great pain in his stomach.

"It's time!" Dirion said urgently as Hatari picked up the lion in his big, strong arms.

Winter was carried to the nursing wing, and he screamed in pain as the contractions kept on going.

They joined Nathan, who was having contractions of his own while Arbane held his claw.

We both screamed, and I gave birth to a little boy while Winter had a tiny lioness cub.

Dirion was frozen with inaction, unsure whether to help with his little brother or the female cub that he has felt some strange, prenatal attraction to.

Arbane came to my side, and Hatari was at Wintermane's. We both held our children close in our arms. "I think we ought to have a Christening for Wintermane's little girl," I said, "What's her name?"

"Well, I think I'll name her Selena," Winter said smiling at his beloved daughter.

Dirion rushed out and ran down the hallway from the feeling of uselessness within him. Wintermane cradled his snow white cub in his arms as he panted from the experience of birth.

I looked up confused as to why Dirion would run out. I asked Arbane to see what was troubling him.

Teroso, who was standing close by with the other protectors, raised his hoof in protest. "I will see to Dirion. Master Arbane you should stay with Lord Nathan and your newborn child." He assumed feral form and galloped down the hallway after the young elf.

"I hope Dirion is alright," I said looking up at Arbane and at our newborn son. Soon, Teroso caught up with Dirion in the garden.

The young elf was sitting under a shady tree as his knees were held tightly to his chest.

"What is troubling you, my young friend?" Teroso asked as he turned anthro and sat beside Dirion.

"I...I froze up...and I was no good..." The boy looked away in shame. "What if it was a life and death situation with two people I love dearly...?"

Teroso held the young elf in a hug. "That won't happen," he said."You are your father's son, and, when things seem at their darkest, just remember to never lose hope."

"But..." The lad trembled in the embrace. "I feel that something is going to happen...and...and that I'll need to step up soon...It scares me."

"Don't worry," Teroso said softly, rubbing the boy's back."Everything will be fine. Trust me."

On the day of the Christening for Selena, the four guardians of the seasons: The Snow King, the Summer Stallion, Spring and Autumn had each brought a gift to the infant Princess Selena. Spring offered Selena the gift of beauty; Summer with the gift of grace;Autumn with kindness. However before the Snow King could give his, a blast of wind made the doors fly open and a shadow crept into the hall and out of the shadow raised a black raven in a flowing black robe.

"Why it... it's the Phantom Shadow," gasped Spring.

"What does he want here?" glared Autumn, but Summer quickly silenced him.

The raven was almost ten times much worse than Exortos had ever been.He walked up to the king and said calmly and cooly, "Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Wintermane. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and..." he chuckled when he sees me, Arbane, and the other protectors."How quaint...even the trash." Then,he turned back to the king and said, "I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation."

Dirion, witnessing the intrusion of the dark magister and despite his own inexperience, tried to draw the sword in the scabbard strapped to his back. However, the jet bird glared at him causing his body to freeze from his perceived fear.

"Aw... feisty, aren't we?" the raven chuckled then looked back at us.

Hachikogrowled, "You didn't get an invitation because you weren't wanted. Unfreeze Dirion this minute!"

The Phantom Shadow gasped but then chuckled at Hachiko's comment. "Oh dear... what an awkward situation. I had hoped it was due to a mishap. Well in that event I'd best be going," the raven said, acting hurt.

"But you're not offended, your excellency?" Hatari asked.

"Why no, your majesty," he said. "And to show I bear no ill will, I too shall bestow a gift on the child." The protectors stood close the cradle as the Phantom Shadow walked up to the cradle then he said, "Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed, grow in grace and beauty...beloved by all who meet her...However before the sunsets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and die!"

Wintermane was so shocked that he grabbed the infant and held her close to him, andthe Shadow chuckled evilly.

"Seize that monster," Hatari said.

"Stand back, you fools!" The evil raven roared, knocking some soldiers off their feet with a giant gust of wind before disappearing into darkness. As his evil laughter echoedthroughout the hall, Dirion became free to move around at last.

"Don't despair, your majesty. I still have my gift to give to the little princess," the Snow King said. Then, he began his chant: "Sweet Princess, if through this wicked wizard's trick a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give to thee. Not in death, but just in sleep, and from this slumber you shall wake with true love's kiss. The spell shall break."

The elf dropped his sword and ran to the group, kneeling on one knee in front of the Zebra and lion right afterward. "I won't let that happen. I'll watch her every second of the day and won't allow any harm to come to her." His body began trembling with emotions.

I watched as Wintermane knighted Dirion and then gave him a hug. "Thank you, my friend," he said.

In the coming years, Dirion watched Selena like a hawk as she grew up. The elf even moved into Wintermane and Hatari's castle. While he tirelessly trained, he was there for every mile stone in the lioness' life: her first steps, the appearance of vertical zebra stripes and mane on her body, her studies and tutoring in all aspects of royal life. He left her side only to visit his parents and little hybrid brother from time to time. As for the young hybrid, Hanayuki (Decland chose the name) grew up largely without the presence of his elder brother. The youth had an elfin body, save for the dragon scales that covered his torso, back, and pelvis along with the dragon wings that spread forth from his back. He had Arbane's fair skin and blue eyes as well as Nathan's red hair and blue scales. He treasured what little time he got to spend with his older sibling. It is also worth noting that their shared bond and magic with the Winter Prince somehow gave his protectors eternal life. Nathan, Decland, and Buddy all stopped aging around the age of twenty-three, and Hachiko and Teroso hadn't aged a single day as time continued to pass.

It was upon Selena's sixteenth birthday that she was starting to get a little restless. "Dirion? How come I never get to go anywhere by myself?" she asked the young elf. Unknown to her, her father Wintermane had spindles banished from the kingdom, and Dirion was sworn to keep the curse secret from Selena

Dirion, now in his mid-thirties but retaining his looks from his mid-twenties, pat the young lady's head. "I'm sorry, young princess, but as I told you before the world is dangerous. Far too much so for a princess to be unattended." The elf, clad in green and white robes bowed apologetically to the feline as he bent on one knee. "I understand your restlessness, my princess, but please bear with me." "I'm sure she's heard that line more times then she has cared to." A voice, with a note innocent observation sounded from the window. It belonged to Hanayuki, who wore only a white bottom robe and elfin sandals, as he used his wings just outside the window.

"Look. I'm not a kid anymore, and I'm Selena. Why do you always have to call me princess?" Selena said getting a little ticked off at the formality.

"I'm sorry, Selena. Please trust me when I say this is for your own good."

"Then, how come I'm always being watched like I'm some kind of prisoner?" Selena said as she ran inside to her room feeling upset that she never got to have any fun.

"Wait, Selena." The elf chased after her, but he was cut off by the slamming door. "I wish I could tell her everything," the fair-skinned male thought to himself. Meanwhile, Hanayuki was talking to Selena through the window. "It is bad that you don't get any time for yourself."

"Yeah, it's bad enough that I'm always being watched by your brother... yet still I can't help but feel safe whenever you're around," Selena said smiling at Hanayuki.

The hybrid blushed slightly. "Well, it's only natural. We are childhood friends after all."

"Yeah...but I feel as if we're much more than that," Selena said as their faces drew near to each other.

"Hey, I got an idea. Let's get out of here and go to the town and have some fun. Dirion won't notice if we're quiet while we're leaving." The hybrid smiled mischievously and laughed which made him pull away from the window slightly. Along with a slight rebellious streak, Hanayuki was also ignorant to the emotions of others.

Selena smiled and climbed out the window with Hanayuki. "Oh wait,I forgot something in my room," Selena said."I'll be right back." She ran back inside alone and looked around for her shawl. She never traveled without it. Just then, a voice called out to her from the shadows.

"Selena," it called softly and some strange music was playing,and Selena suddenly felt hypnotized by this haunting melody. She saw a shadow which opened a secret passage behind the grate of the fireplace, and Selena walked through it. From the hallway, Dirion heard her name being called along with some spooky music. Dirion stood up in shock. "The Shadow!" he gasped.

Hanayuki rushed inside and gasped in horror as the passageway closed up, cutting them off from Selena.

Hanayuki raised his fleshy hand to the sky and froze the wall in an attempt to shatter it; however, the action was for naught. The stone wall was unscathed.

"Dirion, what should we do?" His voice held a note of urgency.

"Call for Dad," Dirion said as he sent fireball after fireball at the back of the fireplace. Meanwhile, Selena followed the light into an empty room ,and it took the form of a spinning wheel. It was moving and she drew closer.

"Touch the spindle," the voice echoed in the room. "Touch it I say!"

Selena reached forward and accidentally pricked her finger. She started to get dizzy and fell to the ground.

The spinning wheel then transformed into the Phantom Shadow.

The hybrid rushed outside to a nearby tree and drew an ancient circle onto the trunk. Then, he placed his hand on the symbol and sent an S.O.S through the roots to the nearest available person forhelp. "Dad and Papa are out of the kingdom, but someone has to be close by." Elsewhere, Decland and Teroso were honing their magical skills at a river about half a mile from the castle.

Suddenly, there was a dark shadow underneath Hanayuki, and he fell right through the darkness with the Phantom Shadow's evil laughter ringing out throughout the entire castle

Declan, who has grown slightly muscular with age, notices the symbol on a nearby tree and answers the call just in time to hear Hanayuki scream as he is pulled into the unexpected abyss. "Teroso, Hana needs us."

However, it was too late. Hanayukiwas already gone. Meanwhile, Dirion heard the echoing laughter of the Phantom Shadow, right before black arms came out of his own shadow and grabbed him, pulling him into his own shadow.

Dirion fell onto a cold, hard, stone floor. Because he fell on his back, he grunted in pain from the impact. He managed to stagger up and look around the room to see Hanayuki unconscious.

There was some chuckling in the dark. "Have a nice trip, my little elf prince?" the voice said. Dirion knew all too well who and what it was.

"Phantom Shadow, you vial fiend. Come out and face me! I'm not the same child you know from sixteen years ago!" He drew forth his sword from the scabbard he kept at his side.

Suddenly, there was a beam of light shining down upon Dirion and then another upon Hanayuki, who now was being possessed by the raven himself. "Surprise," the hybrid said in a distorted voice.

Gritting his teeth in anger, the elfin prince declared with a growl under his voice, "You vial magus, leave my brother alone. He has nothing to do with this."

"Oh, but he does," the raven said in Hanayuki's body. "You see, you're the one who led him into my trap in the first place. You who helped him get close to the princess only to be sucked into my darkness at the same time. However, if you'll excuse me for just a moment. I have to check up on someone."

Hanayuki fell to the ground and gasped as he came back to his normal self. "Wh-where am I? Dirion, how did we get here? Where's Selena?" he whimpered as he felt Dirion's arms around him. Meanwhile, I sent for Hachiko to sniff out Selena and find her. Me, Wintermane, Hatari, Arbane and our protectors followed the hound until we got to the bedroom.Thanks to the strength of Teroso, we broke the door and searched the room. The akita was scratching at the fireplace and then his paw landed on a brick which triggered a mechanism for a secret passageway. We ran down the corridor and up some stairs and then we came to a room and stopped. Standing there in the room was the Phantom Shadow, the raven himself. He had a smile which you find on a person when they are triumphant. "

Did you honestly think you could stand a chance against me?" he scoffed. He held the side of his long robe and said, "Well, here's your precious princess!" The cloak flew to the side to reveal Selena's unconscious body, lying motionless on the ground. The Phantom Shadow laughed as he vanished into the darkness of the shadows, but his laughter still echoed through the room until it faded. Hatari and Wintermane rushed over and held their half lifeless daughter's body and wept mournfully for the loss of their dear child.

The Elder brother held the hybrid in his arms as he calmed the boy down. "Right now, all that is important is pulling yourself together and finding the princess." At and his forces broke away from the groups to search out his offspring. Soon, an elfish magus found Hanayuki's magical signature. "Sir, they are below us in the deepest depths of the castle."

"Dirion, there's no way out," Hanayuki said. "I'm scared." They hybrid hugged his brother and cried softly into his chest. I came forward. "Stand back," I said as I created a drill of ice and started to boar into the earth and form a tunnel to the two boys.

"Hana, if you want to save Selena, then you need to man up," Dirion said in a slightly raised voice, calling the weeping hybrid's attention. "I know you have feelings for her. If those feelings are indeed true, then you need to help me rescue her and defeat Phantom Shadow."

"But what can we do?" Hana said and tried to make a hammer with his powers but all he got were three snowflakes. "Wha....What has happened to my powers?" he asked confused.

"Oh yeah, about that," cackled a voice out of nowhere, "I put some magic restraining collars around your necks so that means no magic." Suddenly, Hanayuki stood up and grinned as his eyes turned black. "Now, where were we?" the possessed hybrid said grinning evilly at his brother. "Aw, yes. You two were going to fight each other to the death." Suddenly, swords appeared on the wall, and the hybrid grabbed one and went straight for Dirion with it.

Dirion deflected the blade and held is ground in a defensive stance. "You are the lowest of men, using a boy as a shield. Face me yourself." The prince gritted he teeth in anger.

"Oh, now where's the fun in that?" the raven's voice chuckled in Hanayuki's body as he knockedDirion off his feet with a sweep kick.

The Elfin prince hit the ground, landing on his back with an anguished grunt. When all looked done, a rumbling could be heard at the top of the room.

Suddenly, a black mist went flying out of Hanayuki's chest, and he started screaming in pain. On the ground, the Phantom Shadow glared at the two boys and started to create a fire ball. "And now, we end this," he growled and started sending torrents of fire, hoping to roast the boys alive,

However, I saved them by creating an icy wall after my drill burst through the ceiling of the dungeon.

"Well, if it isn't the great Winter Prince? I do apologize, but you were not invited to this party." The raven narrowed his eyes onto the azure scale.

"Well then," the raven said grinning. "Let's blow the roof off this place." Suddenly, there was a blast of darkness, and I protected the boys as the ground caved in and we fell in an arena. We looked over to the Phantom Shadow, and he was in a spinning whirlwind of black mist when I noticed that it was getting bigger and bigger. Just then, I saw one scaly head poke out of the mist...then another on the other side. When the mist cleared, I nearly lost my breath as me and the boys were beheld a 7-headed hydra.

Never having been without his powers, the hybrid cowered behind his elder brother as he whimpered in fear and pain. Dirion stood his ground and held his sword in front of him. "Selena is trapped in the upper floors, and Hanayuki is defenseless without his magic," he contemplated to himself as he thought for a solution. "My worst fear, two people I love are in danger...and I'm powerless..."

Just then, Teroso appeared, and he created swordsand shields for the two boys.

Hachiko, being the bravest dog and having absolutely no idea what to expect from a hydra, started running forward towards the beast in his feral form with his teeth barred; however, the akita scampered back to the group when the middle head of the hydra started emitting fire out of its maw nearly turning Hachiko into a hot dog.

Dirion turned to his younger sibling. "Hana, we need to fight. I know you're not experienced in melee combat, but Selena will be gone to us forever if we don't stop the Phantom Shadow. You may not be able to use your magic right now; however, you can still fight as long as your body is able to move." The elder prince looked deep into the tear-laden eyes of the hybrid.

Suddenly, Hanayuki looked up and then stood,looking at the hydra. He stepped forward,and the hydra laughed. "HA HA HA! You're sending the wimpy kid out here to slay me?" guffawed the Shadow."Oh that's too- AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Just then, with an unexpected surge of strength and good aim, Hanayuki hadpicked up his sword and threw it directly into the monster's heart.

The shadow screamed in pain as he fell towards the ground. Upon impact, the spell he cast on the area was shattered, and they were returned to the palace's throne room.

Hanayuki raced to Selena's room and found her asleep on her bed. "Please...don't leave..,I love you," he whispered softly, and then he kissed her gently on the lips. At that moment, Selena's eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at the hybrid and smiled.

The hybrid wrapped her arms around Hanayuki's neck and pulled his body closer to hers. The kiss was held for many, long passionate moments. After breaking the lip lock, the fequine said, "Hana, marry me." The half-dragon smiled and embraced his beloved girl tightly to his own body. Dirion arrived at the door to the room, just in time to hear the proposal. As a look of heartbreak began to appear on his visage, he ducked behind the door, without even being noticed by the adolescents inside.

Hanayuki kissed Selena lovingly and then he created an engagement ring made of ice and slid it onto Selena's finger.

The two were soon wed. The ceremony was attended by all in both kingdoms.

Even Dirion was best man. Selena hugged him tightly. "Thank you for everything," she whispered and kissed his cheek.

"Although he was smiling on the outside, the elder prince's heart was torn. He loved his brother so much, but he had always felt that Selena would be his. All these years, he couldn't think of any other reason why he was so drawn to her from the moment he sensed her conception.

Meanwhile, Hanayuki laid Selena on the bed as he stripped off his shirt, and he began to lovingly kiss her while caressing her body all over.

The female hybrid laid back and let her husband set to work. In reciprocation, she brushed her tail over the scale's chest and laced her fingers behind the half-dragon's neck to pull him closer to her body.

Hana slowly began to slip his hands inside Selena's dress and gently slipped the lioness out of it and began massaging her nude breasts.

The manned feline purred from her beloved's touch. "Did you invite Dirion?" she used her claws to gently massage the male hybrid's neck.

"Dirion? I tried but he refused the offer," Hanayuki said as he looked his beloved in the eyes.

Just outside the room, the elder elf prince stood with his hand hesitantly floating inches away from the door. The fair-skinned man quickly turned when he heard footsteps in the stone hallway. He reached for his sword but sighed with relief when he saw Buddy. Now, the jackal was not the same stocky hound he used to be. Years of service and training for the Winter Prince gave the canine's body a sleek, toned frame, and his golden fur shined brighter from the time he spent outside. Since he attended the wedding, he was in ceremonial robes, instead of his usual loincloth and arsenal belt.

"Hello, Dirion," the handsome canine said with a warm smile, "What brings you out to this side of the castle?"

"I...Well...Hana invited...That is...I've been the princess' sworn protector for her entire life, and..." A blush began to form on his face. Despite being in his early thirties, the elf was still acting how he looked, in his late teens.

The jackal put a paw on the elf's shoulder and a finger under his chin. "It's okay," Buddy said softly, kneeling down so that he and Dirion were eye level with each other, "You can tell me."

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" The elf tried to advert his eyes from the jackal's.

"Okay," Buddy said standing up, "How about we go the garden? I'm due for century duty out there anyway. We'll have plenty of solitude there."

Dirion followed the archer to the garden. They sit by the golden fountain. Under the rainbow produced by the spouting water, Dirion spoke. "I'm jealous of Hana...I mean that I'm the one who's been..." Meanwhile, the halfdragon lay nude on the bed, with his black member standing straight out of his slit as his bride pawedat it coyly.

"Maybe we should see how they're doing?" Buddy suggested, sensing that it might be better to show Dirion how close Hanayuki and Selena really were. Selena purred as she sucked on her mate's member,and she cupped his balls in her right paw to fondle them a little.

The Jackal pulled out a vial of red powder. "This is something Teroso has been developing from the fruit of truth." Without another word, the canine sprinkled some powder into his paw and blew it into the prince's face. as Dirion was coughing, the archer poured the rest of it into the fountain. "Ooooooh!" was all the young male could managed to utter out as he felt his wife's work on his inexperienced flesh rod.

Then,Selena lay on her back, pulling her muzzle offher husband's member and she spread her legs apart. "Turning the mouth is fair play," she purred and then moaned as she felt Hanayuki's tongue inside her slit.

Just then. Dirion's eyes became fixated on the water, where he saw the sex unfolding between Hanayuki and Selena. He also felt his member rapidly hardening inside his form fitting-robe. Buddy chuckled as he walked a few yards away to give the virile elf some privacy.

Selena moaned and purred as her insides grew wetter by the minute. She was ready for Hanayuki to take her for the first time that much was for certain. "Hana...I just want you to know that I'm grateful to you for giving me my first time in mating," she said as she sat up and hugged the young hybrid tightly

Dirion blushed as he began to caress and fondle his own, elfin member. Then, in a lustful heat, his hands fumbled clumsily at his golden sash.

Hana hugged Selena tightly and kissed her cheek. "It would be an honor and my pleasure, Selena," he whispered and slowly pressed his member inside the lioness, making her moan sweetly as it came into her slowly, breaking her virginity along with it.

The elder prince was now breathing heavily as he literally ripped away his white robes and began stroking his ten inch cock. Gazing into the water, he re-positioned himself on the edge of the fountain and planed his feet in the water to be greeted with a warm loving sensation of the newlywed's atmosphere.

Selena whimpered and purred as Hanayuki's thrusts hastened,and she gripped her arms around Hanayuki's neck, pulling him closer to her body as he was wrapping his arms around Selena's back and shoulders. He kissed along her neck and then their lips met. Their tongues danced inside and out of each other's mouths and Hanayuki grunted as he felt his seed getting ready to blow, and Selena was getting close as well.

Dirion was rampantly beating his own schlong as his one moment of sweaty, heated, carnality was about to erupt in his own jizz.

"Han... Hana.... I'm ready for you... I can't hold it back anymore," whimpered the princess. "Neither... can I," grunted Hanayuki as he thrust once more,and he released his seed inside Selena.Simultaneously, the lioness let loose her fluids onto her husband's member.

"That felt... good," panted Hanayuki with a tired smile and then he kissed his wife passionately, "I love you, Selena."

The lioness nuzzled her beloved dragon/elf under his chin and purred. "I love you, too," she said softly.

Dirion's orgasmic moans almost echoed in the garden as his own male juices fired fourth from his member into the water. In the post-climax sensation, he fell unconscious, just in time to be caught by the Jackal before he hit the ground.

Buddy smiled and then carried the sleepy, elfin prince to his bed chamber. "Sleep well, young one," he said softly.

Too tired to even respond the elder prince curled up in his white sheets and nestled a pillow beside him with a smile. The fruit of truth had shown him what was truly important: Hanayuki and Selena are happy, and he had a key role in that happiness.

I came by with Arbane and saw that Dirion was at ease in his sleep. I smiled and hugged my mate. "Come on, Arbane," I whispered. "Let's get some rest."