Story That Doesn't Have a Title Yet Because the Author Isn't Too Bright
"sounds like your planning something fun, i have to ask, what does it include?" asks sean. "i was inspired by your little performance out their, oh, and after that, let's just say that if he was a virgin before, he defiantly won't be after tonight."
The Ancient Mariner Part 4: To much Cheating
Can we do something fun? anything pleas?" the pup said still nose to nose with ryan. "well how about we play a little truth or dare huh?" ryan said as he sat up and put the pup on his lap. "sure you go first... truth or dare?"
A Game and an Afternoon.. "Snack"
She also avoided a good chance for something fun in the shower. _ugh, girls are so damn weird._ what came next surprised him.
Paradise chapter 4
You all came here to see something fun?" the three heads continued. the crowd roared and yelled. "but first. any of you have question for us?" cerberus said. suddenly a large amount of hands come from the crowd.
A good night
"wouldn't you like me to shove something fun up this nice ass of yours?" cat muttered some obscenity into her gag and raphael gave her another hard swat with his hand. where had the paddle gone? had he put it down when he had gone to get the gag.
A New Idea
He wanted to try something fun. his newfound powers let him do basically anything he wanted, but only if it was kinky. he always spent hours as he tried thinking of new things he could do with his nightfury girlfriend.
Lightning in a Dragoness
She goes down to try to kiss him, but whispers, "...this feels like something fun..." he just smirks before he presses his mouth to hers, his tongue pulling her warm muscle into his maw and sucking for a moment until he breaks away.
Commissioned: Chester's rings
Strong and dangerous... and something fun for the ladies..." he grinned, tapping his genitals, before hissing over the pain of his changing head. slowly, his head grew a muzzle, his nose becoming stronger and his hearing better.
Gift of a Giraffe
What -" "heh, i thought you might want something fun to try out that new body of yours." "so you...did that?" "not that hard, with all the things i've found." "..." "you want it?" "gods, yes." "then follow me."
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 33
He said he has something fun planned. for us, anyway..." bones said.
Measuring Up
fun, and something pretty damn hot... a threesome, for example..."
Kinktober Day Twenty-Five: Transformation
You have an apartment, and you pay for it with the income from your corporate job... you paid for all of your necessities with ease, and even splurged occasionally on something fun, like a new console, or the latest game to come out.