The Waffle Truth

The observation bubbles on top and bottom of the ship were both packed with people who wanted to see the planet the tigers came from.


Alien's Encounter (Vore Story)

Complete with two rodent-like incisors on the top and bottom lip, acting as the gate to that wonderland. and they were opening wide to accept the squirrel inside!

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Dragon Cove (2021)

Phil saw those large sharp triangular teeth that glistened with the slimy saliva that formed, then those teeth opened slightly as the big red fleshy tongue slid out to lick over the top and bottom rows of those mouth choppers.

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Into The Future: Chapter 5

"now beginning the sanitation process, please keep your hands to your sides and legs apart," the voice instructed as a low siren bleeped for a few times before a mist of chemicals came from the top and bottom vents.

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The Farm - 3

She drags him towards the end of the barn, forcing him to walk fast on his hooves until they stop at the door of a stable with the top and bottom doors bolts, two neat, but rusted padlocks ensuring that the occupant is safely and securely contained.

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Detour! Part 1

Each pack visibly showed the top and bottom magazines, but the three middle ones were a mystery. it was pretty much an easy way to quickly sell overstocked items.

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The Borden Event

He continued to take notes as he measured down along her body, checking at her udder, then hips, butt, thighs, knees and top and bottom of her calf muscles. "alright," the bull said calmly as he put the tape measure away, "now please sit back down.

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Rory and his Grandma

His cheeks got soaped first, then his teeth, top and bottom, followed by a very thourough scrubbing of his tongue. rory could only sit there and take it, though he did keep gagging and trying to spit out the soap.

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Drown your Sorrows

From her hands a little past her wrists she had orange fur spotted to show her true heritage, and a little past her elbows on the top and bottom she had an off-color yellow-orange solid strip of fur that matched the area around her beautifully chiseled face

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Lost in Dark Waters

The pools of his white seed could be seen in her mouth and bridging between her top and bottom rows of teeth. she was unsure what to do with it and let it linger in her mouth until her dealer made up her mind for her.

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A Day Trip (pt 1)

A giant pair of long fins emerged along the tail's top and bottom. it looked like the back half of a giant morey eel was growing out from behind her.

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Zyrizaura - the Void-Morph Dragoness

The lining of the collars have a silk-like fur that hangs out from the top and bottom of the collars, while the rings on her horns have soft feathers made of a organic crystal-like material hanging from them.

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