Stories from Lochwell - The Stranger
"i am a bounty hunter en route to the city of vidarn." the bounty hunter said in a deep, gruff voice that definitely belonged to a male. "vidarn ay?"
To Dream of Darkness - Ch 19
There's a large bounty been placed on you, to be paid on proof of death." "a bounty, you say? i wonder, how did lady portia ever prove her prey were vampires or werewolves, so she could collect her bounty? could you find her?" heather asked.
Kisk's Cow 3
There rides kisk, the bounty hunter, with the bounty, tied up and gagged, walking behind him. but no one is watching the bounty... they all admire his steed!
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.3 Shrad
"you always come back to me." the bounty hunter said to his pet. wyse let out a faint, rumbling whine, and licked gaerid's wrist.
Chapter 17 - The Big Announcement! Eurasia's Dilemma!
However what really caught his interest was the bounty presented under the dragoon of fire, the amount not updated yet in the bounty boards, "that worth 300 million now? for causing our bounty business to boom?
Breaking in a New Toy (3/3)
A bounty hunter spends years hunting down one specific creature, a synthetic rubber jackal that had one of the highest bounties on their head that they had ever seen.
Achievement Unlocked
Despite trying to look noble about it all karashu couldn't help but swallow hard as the two got ready to claim their bounty.
The End of a Rivalry
"done with the bounty yet?" "bounty? no, no. i'm not done yet." "how long has it been? a month?" cozar grunted. "two months, actually," the hawk grinned. "what?! this mission should've been done weeks ago!"
September - Alternative Payment
The bounty was 700. that looks like it's barely 100." the bounty guild's bondsman just sighed at her, obviously having heard this sort of thing in the past. "it's 120. and the bounty also specifically said the stag was wanted _alive_.
Bang for Your Buck
Using his irritation as a reason, the bounty hunter showed no mercy and pounded hard and fast into the other.
Shadow Part 1
"who posted the bounty?" he turned and smiled even wider. "lupino." to be continued... shadow, pedro, maria, lupino, ricardo, rachel & rizzo (c) 2003 donald moore
The Adventures of Captain Nevos
The adventures of captain nevos: volume 1 the bounty hunter bungle "inmate 62169, please step into the yellow circle."