The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 6: Walker

If we hurry, we can rendezvous with the convoy before they suffer too many casualties." "roger," responded slippy again.

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Under the Shifting Wastelands

She could even hear her spotters slow breathing as he watched the convoy move through the plain. "two seconds." rj whispered.

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Sticky Situation

She just hoped that she could meet up with several other engineers that had also been deployed to assist the convoy.

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The Victoria Chronicles - 11, A Possible Lead

The man said that he hadn't been able to catch much due to the speed of the convoy and how quick everything had happened.

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Out The Door

He had been part of a convoy that i was attached to; then a roadside bomb and an ambush had changed it from a convoy to a few survivors. after that i bought him a beer and we became fast friends; the rest is, as they say, history.

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The Digimon Wars Rewrite Chapter 2

The outer part of the convoy was being protected by all the greymon and a few other champion level digimon while in the middle there was everyone else. michael, lilimon and tailmon were in the front of the convoy.

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MoonDust, Chapter 18

"hello, the convoy. this is colonel hasara, lately of pons pbm base. might i ask where you're headed?" the voice that answered her was deep and gravelly. "captain collins out of zagut.

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Radioactive Toy (or The Post-Apocalypse Pygmalion) Part 2

All three evacuation convoys would meet outside london. from there, it was into the london bunkers for safety and to pick up on what they'd been doing.

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Little hero and little thief, opposites of each other, but what if they are secretly family?

Konga's convoy even had a helicopter patrolling above it, so it'd be impossible to keep the identity of the ambusher of the convoy a secret, especially if kipu would help in doing so.

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Kyle: day 2

Kyle got into his truck when he noticed a police convoy on its way so kyle waited till they passed before he turned on his tuck and backed out and headed for the convoy.

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(CH12) From Soldier's Rifle, To Dragon's Wing's (Book 1)

We then joined a convoy of 17 vehicles that were going to leatherneck and needed an escort team. about 30 minuets later, we  reached leatherneck, where a c-130 was being loaded. there were service men and women loading into the aircraft to go on leave.

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Stricken City

The old human soldier looked out the passenger window of the dump truck, the lead vehicle in a convoy, and watched as the city passed by.

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