Dreams On The Breeze 1 - The Great Cave Deceptive
**THE CHRONICLES OF FINALGAMER Dreams On The Breeze** _"For some years I have been afflicted with the belief that flight is possible to man." Wilbur Wright_ Another world was welcomed unto him by a light breeze, the feeling of the...
In the Limelight: Chapter 2
David gasped as he stepped inside the deceptively huge club, dazzled and dasped as he stepped inside the deceptively huge club, dazzled anbd azed by the sudden onslaught of lights and sounds.
Resistance fight desires trying to defeat me stabbing like a blade in and through the fragile conscience stuck in this hell fighting through the devil screaming free me please from my past regrets grab the hammer and break through the boards of self deception
Angels and Demons
A quick poem on the nature of deception. first of all, this isn't nesicarily a story but this was the catagory it fit best in. second, this was written some time ago and may or may not still reflect my views theology wise.
The Meaning
We have undercut and sidestepped you using your own tactics of deception and subterfuge.
Setting (For Hardcore Roleplay Group)
Stick to the safety of the city walls or expose yourself to the abnormal magics and creatures that make the deceptively beautiful landscape inhospitable for many.
Dead Man Walking
My emotion my fears and my savior a secret devil disguised as a saint a beautiful and perfectly painted pair of angel's wings protruding from beneath your stricken reality a demon deighty hidden behind a cloak of intricate lies and webs of spidery deceptions
Riven, divided, sunderedly broken, every wherefore of everything, silent and spoken, bereft of deception and brought to the fore, its dragon is cast from window and door by the beneficent beast that divides by the sword.
A Somewhat Sexy Summoning
Do not lie, mortal, for i see into your soul and can smell any deception."
Daggers and Poisons
When you have a dagger laced with poison this is the most deceptive. the initial blow may not be enough to kill you and you might even think you will be ok. however the poison will eventually corrupt your system and eventually murder you.
The Intro to my story...
Would my body just be a shell for my soul or would i actually live a good life and not have all the thoughts i have now of love & deception. as i sit here writing this, i remember the ring i used to wear on my marriage finger and remember my first love.
Programmed To Lie
Cold to the touch, cold in the eyes; as he stares into my empty soul, and my broken heart as i cry; but in fact it stares into a source code, full of deception and lies; a person i loved was a robot i began to despise.