Furr: The Inner Shadow Chapter 1
#1 of furr: the inner shadow this is the first chapter of a new story that may become a indie rpg game in the future. i am not that good at writing but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
Scratch Post 1 - Inner Editor
The inner editor does not care that you are just trying to get things started. the inner editor does not care that you are at your most vulnerable. the inner editor just wants to feel the satisfaction of you going back and fixing the problems it spots.
College Bound: Chapter 5 - Practice
It's been a few days, I'm sorry! But I've got a new chapter for you all to read. I'm sorry that it might be a little short. The week's been pretty hectic (further explained in the Journal). But now, more College Bound! **Warning:** This story may...
S1 C1 E2 "You And Me"
#2 of inner-beauty written by. thatonefurry770 ~ from the creators of "stay for the party" and "the fazbear crew: series"...
S1 C1 E1 "Routine"
#1 of inner-beauty written by. thatonefurry770 ~ from the creators of "stay for the party" and "the fazbear crew: series"...
The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 18
#18 of zistopia: inner city blues so, heh, this is the chapter where things really start happening. introducing a few new characters, many of whom i hope you'll love. as always, feedback and love are all appreciated.
The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 16
#16 of zistopia: inner city blues so, uh, i am continuing this. it's hard to explain why i stopped. suffice to say that, well, i had hoped to get this published. and i actually got very close. after reading it, i was only denied due to it's length.
College Bound: Chapter 3 - Keeping Secrets
Here's more story! omg I really need to stop writing so quickly or else I'm just gonna hit a wall and I'm gonna be in Writer's Block, but I can't help it! I get these ideas in my head and I have to write them down! And before I know it, I have another...
College Bound: Chapter 2 - Wackadoo's
" * * * such inner conflict. what do you guys think? what's nate hiding? i'm not telling. well, at least not yet :p thanks for reading!
Yes, Sir | by DolphinSanity
That little "crybaby" sting at the end of the sentence was his inner critic passing judgment on... everything. like it always did. himself, others, it didn't matter.
Whisper of the Mountains: Chapter 3
The change of inner monologue had him glance around, catching a wisp of a shadow darting from the roof of the sushi hut. zephyr started to talk, but he flicked his ear and squinted. "hey, i think i saw something again.
Whisper of the Mountains: Chapter 2
In retrospect, Wairu rarely ever had the desire to visit the temple and the Pool of Serenity. In his many years at the temple, he had been given the chance and the opportunity, but he never really wanted to. No matter how much he wanted to learn and...