Handle With Care (1/5)
His suspicions were confirmed when the tentacle that was gagging him had subsided and he felt his latex tongue lick against the inside of his rubber maw; the suit wasn't just covering him, it was transforming him into a rubber dragon!
Taking A Personal Day
"renzyl - my favorite rubber dragon pet" was engraved on the one that renzyl held while chrono's read "chrono - my favorite rubber raptor pet".
New Royal Guard
Sei pulls down a rubber sprayer and starts to spray k-2003's white rubber tail coating it in a nice thick layer of yellow rubber. k-2003 wiggles and squirms as it feels the warm rubber cling to its now rubber yellow rubber tail behind it.
From Trainer to Pokémon
Through the rubber, soul could smell the pokémon's musk. his cock twitched uncontrollably, struggling to escape its latex prison.
Returning the Favor (1/2)
Maybe a rubber drone?" serathin chuckled as he grabbed a bowl and a spoon so that he could get his own dessert. "a rubber drone?"
Land Sharks
K-2003 meanwhile unravels the long rubber body suit of solid thick black rubber, darker and blacker than k-2003's own rubber skin. the rubber is marked with dark blue highlights. "so i have to wear this?"
The Balloon Fraternity
There the rubber sealed finally shut tight, locking his entire body in a prison of white rubber. as soon as he was completely encased, sam suddenly felt the rubber squeezing in hard on him.
Handle With Care (3/5)
Newlyn moaned as the rubber pressed against his latex form was causing his lust to get pushed to the limit, feeling the part against his groin push away slightly as his latex cock grew erect and caused even more pleasure from sliding up.
Sharing the Ultimate Experience (7/10)
The cheetah called out, the rubber dragon turning towards tony as the rubber had already formed over his waist and became a thong that contained his rubber cock.
How to Enter Dragon Heaven P7
Only pressed the rubber closer together.
An Offer you Can't Refuse
The latex that now seemed fused to his own body.
Sex on the Beach
At that, feeling the latex coming up over his neck and face, he breathed in deeply, letting it happen as it coated his face and head with the fluid orange latex.