Chroniques de Miyori - Un Aigle Egare Partie 2

Il m'avait expliqué comment les « sans-castes » étaient traités, torturés en pleine rue, parfois violés et éventrés pour le simple plaisir ou un mot malencontreux.

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Highschool Life Chapter 9: A Cat's Weakness

"they told me," rue says shyly, raising his paw slightly. "b-but i went home right away.

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Descent Into Madness (A1, B11, C8)

rue made his way up to james and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "you got this, bud." evan approached james from the other side and said, "you look awesome.

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Broken Prophecy (Book7, Chapter5)

rue-dee-poo. rue-bear, as she calls you; you're the only one who knows that aris falcon took her son. other than me, of course. but i knew everything already, right? how else could i have shown up out of the blue to save you from being shot?

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Titan's Championship League Week 1 Story

He stopped at the intersection of boulevard de l'assomption and rue de marseille, taller than the traffic lights and growing far too big to fit on the sidewalk now.

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Siege (Chapter11, Act1, Book2)

rue made his way up the hill; momentum carried him over the crest. he bashed through the door of a metal command trailer, breaking the top hinge. the crooked door stayed wide open, unable to close anymore.

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day 72

I here screams and the few people like my self running it seem as if what ever the creatures are they are here i see some poor git crashing his car it had his hollow family in with him trying to escape poor bustard i just hope rues ok well guess i am like

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Greenwood - Shooting Star FR

Les fines gouttes tombaient avec lenteur, éclairées par les lampadaires jaunâtres des rues vides de la ville créant des halos cerclés d'une fantaisie multicolore.

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Vilanova's tale behind his regret

His father will rue the day he ruined the day he destroyed the lives of his family, friends, dreams and his people he so lovingly cared for. he caries on with faith and sword held high.

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"no," the elk finally replied flatly, his attention not even leaving the rue as he rebuked the waiter with one of the very few words he had spoken that day.

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La Dame de la Louve Blanche

Outside a boutique on rue de rennes, vicky and her private eye gave the police a wide berth. the owner of the boutique sat on the steps in front of them.

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With a Little Help from my Friends (Chap17, Book8)

rue fled back into the depths of unconsciousness. where had he heard that voice before? he couldn't recall, and conscious thinking was difficult at best for the moment. x x _twenty-five years ago_...

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