All A Game: Better Than Football!

Just a fun shorty i wanted to do. happy thanksgiving! warning: 18+ naughty stuff the room smelled of thanksgiving as jake stood over the dining room table.

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Breeding the Scavenger

Now polly was the sort to take such things with a laugh and stab the man making the threat, after all she was a shorty for sure, but she had plenty of fight in her, unfortunately the man had turned out to be a manticore in disguise, a large muscular lion with

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Happy Hatchday

#12 of stories for others a shorty story done up for a sweet dragon fella over on fa.

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Sneak Peek - Cerberus: Chapter 2

"you the shorty's roomie?" "you, get the fuck out of our apartment right now!" "nay-tan!" flynn moaned as he flopped out of cerberu's pit and onto the couch. "i miss-ed you..."

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Whispering Twins (Part 12)

She mouthed the words as she danced back into her room, tossing the dirty sleep clothes in the hamper and digging through her dresser for a pair of grey shorty shorts and a black tank top.

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Plus, both emil and kris had a thing for calling teo 'shorty' over voice chat, and in the interest of fairness, i suppose i had to expect that to start coming my way, too. not that i minded that part so much.

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Lionna vs Bloody Battler 2

They got contests for shorties as well as giants, but... these sexy sort of fights are rarer than you'd expect. hey now," she grabs the battler by the back of her head.

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Squeaks vs. Collith 2

Squeaks stands up, looking down at the spider despite being such a shortie herself. she giggles as she sees him struggling underneath her bonds. "don't try to move too much. i don't want you to pull something.

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The Gym

#7 of stories for others a gift of a shorty story featuring ryuuie belongs to kargrash belongs to me.

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Little League

The coach was nice, but the other boys kept calling him 'shorty' and 'shrimp'. "what's wrong, mr. sour face?" jack asked, seeing the fox's efforts to conceal his puffy, frilly diaper. "why do i gotta wear a diaper?" "safety first." jack said.

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Dirty Dog Done Deep

Just a quick dirty shorty warning: 18+ naughty stuff the door slammed behind dave, the toned doberman looking suspiciously around for any of his roommate buddies. "anyone home?"

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Coming Home

#14 of short smuts here is another shortie! have a read and let me know what you think! he'd been watching for a full half hour. he knew it had been a half hour because of the grandfather clock that he'd inherited from his actual grandfather.

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