Cliche Gay Story - Part 3

She's a fox, you know how those sneaky foxes are... mother fuckers.

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The Zebra noms a zebra...

The game between the home team and sneaky f.u. had taken the attention of everyone. it was just as well, he needed to think about how to deal with his meal. dain didn't partake of predation to often, but knew exactly what he was in for.

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An Ode to Snakes! (A slightly Surreal Poem)

"it isn't our fault, the devil is sneaky he doesn't speak for us, he's totally creepy!" we say to the believers, all righteous and mad but they still don't like us even though we're fab!

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day 10: relaxing and loving bread

The turtles and lizards were sneaky and one startled me a bit. the foxes played and did some fooling around, it was cute and made me a little horny.

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Story #4 - TMNT 2012 Raph and Mikey's Butt Play

Raph takes any chance he can to get it up there, while trying to be sneaky so mikey doesn't find out. little does he know, mikey...likes it. mikey knows about raph's little secret desire.

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Bumpy Ride [Sketch]

Max grimaced as he looked down the aisle of the bus. At this time of afternoon, during a _weekday_, there really shouldn't have been this many people riding. His radar-dish ears flicked to the sound of his sister checking her ticket behind him, and...

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Legendary’s in heat

As he began thrusting he could feel the warmth of her tail and knew where it would go, but before he could ponder any more, one hardtail slamming both jewels up with no chance of escape only to flatten like pancakes and thrust harder and harder only for a sneaky

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The Mix-Up 1: Enduring It

Somehow he must already have known about what was going on...and a jealous fox was a sneaky fox. "jeez, i'm sorry, bowen.

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Lab Rat

Doctors can be so sneaky sometimes, and vaccinations are part of that sneakiness... the poor catox gets to learn that the hard way. enjoy! ark hated going to the doctor. the grey and white catox loathed needles, checkups, and everything about all of it.

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Halloween Party

The first thought that came to her head was that momo should have joined the special ops division of the army for her sneakiness. the next thought came out of her mouth, "oh... my... god. that sneaky little bitch."

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Finding a new way of life is the hardest along the way

With silver streak sitting down behind the controls with ice sitting back in the passenger area with the children allowing sneaky to snuggle up beside hir.

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Penguins of Madagascar: Truth Ache

The penguin commandos where busy with their latest top secret undertaking; operation sneaky peak as skipper called it.

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