A Chance Encounter
Amethyst started to thrust backwards, careful not to go too far and suffocate trouble, but wanting more stimulation as the red dragon brought her skilfully to orgasm.
Moon Scythe - Chapter 2
Caseel's breath was coming faster and faster, he felt like he was being suffocated by the bag. then he was falling... to be continued.
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 6 - The sense of freedom...
You'll freeze to death or suffocate or explode! or you'll suffocate, freeze and explode at the same time!' blain just frowned at me with a puzzled look... i was watching the discovery channel waaaaaaay too much for my age...
Tulip's Fart Snuff
He began to suffocate in his unconscious state, tulip none the wiser to his condition; not that she really cared too much.
MoonDust, Chapter 27
It won't be comfortable, but at least we won't suffocate." aaron gave an amused snort. "not as soon, you mean. we got no way to recharge the power packs."
Typical Morning (Kamilla & Samira)
"yeah, riiight, i'm sure he would have done just the same if i let you suffocate him?" "well, ain't like you woulda had to wait long to find out~?"
Meal Time Fun
He walks over, stepping on the pichu's head, smearing his cheek in the dust, just enough so he doesn't suffocate.
A Thing for Star - Chapter 13
After we did quiet down, dad leaned in to me and said "neptune was lying on top of your airway and you started to suffocate. when you did, neptune had taken you to the door and even tackled it to get out attention. so how do you feel?
A Thing for Star - Chapter 12
After we did quiet down, dad leaned in to me and said "neptune was lying on top of your airway and you started to suffocate. when you did, neptune had taken you to the door and even tackled it to get out attention. so how do you feel?
23 (DSV Nautica) Wrecked
She was being suffocated by all of this knowledge. only one thing kept ringing through her head consistently. "celeste...celeste...celeste...."
14 (DSV Nautica)Starcrossed paths(AU-945)
With them we will suffocate."aki stayed quiet for a few minutes, contemplating their almost null options. she nodded silently before heading back to the bridge. the erebus rumbled and diagnostics appeared. the propulsion conduits were repaired.
Ch. 1 : Getting Doped Up
"_ he knew he was nearly crushing her with his muscular bulk, but was careful not to suffocate the girl. his thick tongue lolled out of his mouth and dripped saliva on her shoulder.