College Brings About Change
As the first week of the new semester went on, bruce looked forward to a tuesday/thursday class he had signed up for. the teacher was new, so he hoped that, as the first class to be taught, it would be a breeze to pass.
. \*\*\* thursday, mid-afternoon, companions inc. meeting room "we can engineer them to your exact specifications, miss dewilla. your every whim, your every desire- we can combine them into the perfect companion."
The Stallion Roomate
As the day went by i figured out that on every other thursday he would vanish, and today was thursday. as the day went by i followed mitch around everywhere.
Dark Heart Chapter Three
This thursday should be alright for us so meet us in the park, okay?"jonathon nodded to the attractive woman and said that thursday around six-thirty would be perfect seeing as that was about when his shift ended.
Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 6
The timer was set to turn the power off at 12;30 p.m. on could spencer really have set this whole thing up? there again was another setting, displaying that the power be returned at 5:50 p.m. on thursday night.
Master's Plaything
Should have something up next thursday as well and am going to try and be better about actually posting these weekly.
Zootopia AU :: Warmth ::
Every thursday wolfard found himself dragged along to wombats eatery, it wasn't a fancy little restaurant by any means of the word. but it was the location of the establishment as he came to note, that kept his partner going back every thursday.
Wanna Go See a Movie With Me?
"well, i guess the next time i'll see you is thursday, right?" "no. the next time i see you won't be thursday. the next time i see you should be tomorrow. we should spend some more time together, let's meet next lunch break."
High Tea Café -Flyer
**ice cream thursday:** almost done with the week? come and sit for a treat! our ice cream bar, cakes and desserts explode over the menu, with hot teas, coffees and chocolates, as well as sandwiches to tie you over. have a birthday?
Vore Thursday Quickie: A Wild Encounter
#1 of vore thursday quickies fun little project of mine i will be doing to try to be better at making and releasing stories, for this well the name pretty much says everything but i will be well writing a story on thursday that is vore related and posting
[Detective Thusrdays] Banned
" * * * may 20 response to poetigress' thursday prompt. theme waas 'banned'
The Heirloom
#4 of thursdays a beautiful, demure young bride, a handsome, proud groom and an ancient tradition... whatever will befall? written for a thursday prompt a long, long time ago.