3:26 The Times Between
#26 of the underground part 3: parasite _parasite is the third part of the underground series_ _chapter 26 of 29_ **the times between** the underground was a strange place.
Things to know about Portumel
Origin: named after the prince who went to the darkest parts of the underground and defeated the mighty dragon noxous. he is the only mortal known to actually travel to the underground and make it out alive. sol:sunday. color:white.
The Traveling Chronicles of Twix: Ch1. Island of Furs :Not finished
The arts they practice, if they practice them are usually elemental, or things to help traverse the vast caverns underground.
The City of The Night
We have a section of the underground city that is sections off for the dwarves to build structures.
1:14 Conference #1
#14 of the underground: the mercenary the mercenary _is the first arc of the underground series chapter 14 of 32_ **conference #1** palamont.
2:14 The Essence of Fear
#14 of the underground part 2: pitch black pitch black _is the second arc of the underground series_ _chapter 14 of 22_ the essence of fear _could i ever say these things to you? would you care even if i could?
Instincts of Justice Chapter 2: Rescue of the Heart
What kept guards up at night was the underground crime. if a person wanted to place a hit on someone, or buy and sell stolen goods, or make profit under the table the underground was the place to go.
The chains instantly writhed and then surged violently through the underground as the man set off again.
3:3 “The Little Death”
#3 of the underground part 3: parasite _parasite is the third part of the underground series_ _chapter 3 of 29_ **"the little death"** bliss.
3:18 The Hand Of God
#18 of the underground part 3: parasite _parasite is the third part of the underground series_ _chapter 18 of 29_ **the hand of god** he always hated the rancid smell of dark alleyways in the lowbrow sections of cities.
Being Red- Chapter 14
Well, crime is a tricky matter since a lot of what the underground prevent are things that would not be considered crimes.
Everwinter Ch17: Clash of Realities
I motioned to the tidy offices and desks that lined the underground tunnel, "this is supposed to be the underground? the mighty organization that deals in forbidden goods and knowledge?"