Movie Night
Snacks, beer, and a big pile of cheesy horror movies to watch. everything arranged in such a way that he'd spent the least amount of effort until next morning. he had even brought his favorite blanket to keep him warm.
Burdens - Chapter 127: Forward
Still, with the way his fur was now shaped, it looked odd, almost out of a horror movie. luckily, the cast covered it, but unluckily, he looked a little more ridiculous. he was finally back in his own clothes, much to his relief.
Burdens - Chapter 121: Useless
He looked like something he would have seen in a horror movie. he touched his face and rubbed his cheek. he splashed some water on himself just to freshen up.
Hit and Run
I felt like i was in a horror movie now and it was reaching its crescendo, "what do you want with me?" "you weren't supposed to live." the chorus of voices behind it echoed out "join us" as it moved closer.
The First Football Game
"something on tv, it's a horror movie i forget the name" "i don't like horror movies, they can give me night mares course there is some i'm ok with seeing" "i know i'll find something else to watch" "you don't have too" "i know
Meet Me at the Haunted House
And so there it sat, gray, broken, and silent, an extremely cliche haunted house right out of some bad horror movie from the eighties. a chain link fence separated the house from the sidewalk, on which a lone girl stood staring at it.
Into the Pit Chapter 5: Fight Night
She's a fan of horror movies." helga dragged her hand across her face, hoping to wipe away this revelation at just how blind her sub was.
Walking in on Dad
He often liked to turn out all the lights when we watched a horror movie. he always said it set the spooky mood to watch in the dark or with a few candles burning.
Whispering Twins (Part 28)
"and likes horror movies? yah sure she's not a psycho?" a smirk escaped him, trotting over to the couch, "horror movies are one thing, real blood is another.
Chapter Four, Memories Fond and Fearful
The scared girl turned around quickly to see that a horror movie was now playing. the t.v. showed a dirty wet and dead looking girl dragging herself out of an old well somewhere in the woods. "nope, not happening...scary movie and critters?
Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade part 4
movie** **jake: yeah and finally i can kick his butt** **tsume: can you please stop fighting with him** **jake: no ,he will be put down !
The Changes Resolved
Slowly joshua saw his human self appear like a ghost in a horror movie standing between the two doors. joshua looked at him and saw a rather distressed look on his face. "what is going on?" josh inquired.