Phillip reached up and shook the anthros paw which to his surprise with how the anthro looked was gental. "nice to meet you." the lion smiled at the boy.
The anthro just smiled at him. "don't worry you won't hurt me."
Teasing on the Beach: Anthro Ladies (erotic eBook teaser)
That's the case too for helen, an anthro kangaroo, and nora, an anthro red squirrel.
Selestral 1 - Genros Vermächtnis - Kap 26+27
, mischte sich anthro ein. „ein so bezauberndes und junges luchsmädchen hat keinen freund?" kira schüttelte immer noch den kopf. anthro schaute mal wieder betroffen. „wie kann das sein?"
The anthro took a step back out of the range of the sword.
Penitatas: Retribution Prologue
anthro's and humans formed the first world government but being only one of thirteen humans quickly learned of the deception they were a minority among the anthro.
Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 1 Emergence of anthropomorphic canines(1143-1165)
From here, canines began to form an anthropomorphic tribal society anthropomorphic tribal canine life after the anthropomorphic canine appeared, there was a conflict with the original canine, and the anthropomorphic canine decided to slaughter all the original
Chapter 1 - Her Reasons
A wolf-anthro walked up. her gigantic breasts blocking her lower periphery. the collie-anthro nodded. "you should just come with us." the tiger-anthro was quiet. "you wouldn't be caught around that freak." the wolf stated.
chapter four
Variations 1x1 rp human a female x human b male human a male x anthro b female anthro a female x anthro b male anthro a male x human b female other genders can be played as well.
War, Peace, and Love
In the following years, more than one million anthro-morphs inhabited the territories of the naa. the anthro-morphs were feline or k-9. after this a group called the human right started to form. they rejected the anthro-morphs and tried to kill them.
Mages Apprentice - Prologue -
\*\*\* in a world dominated by the superstitions and beliefs of countless anthropomorphic people, there was a unifying belief in the goddess and god, two aspects who ruled over the anthropomorphic people with a watchful gaze.
Excalibur senior staff
Semi-anthro kuvasz, and second wife of tom hammond.