Love under the Christmas Tree

There was no surprise anyway, i didn't realise when you came back. but anyway, i know you will be worried about me when my phone had no power, it's kinda obvious, i don't think someone will ever give me 30 miss calls in a day.

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Canine Society: Chapter 2: Discovery

I have a lot of money saved up anyways considering i don't spend much of it." "well at least have your credit card back. you'll probably need it anyways and i'm not going shopping tomorrow."

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The Human Species Ch. 39 - Epilogue of Year 10

anyway, we got ambushed by another champion, blue." ![[image: muralblue.png]]( "... seen here as a juvenile instead of the old coot he was.

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Team Smartz Ch.3 - Take Me To Your Leader

"hey, it's okay, i've been mistaken for worse," i admitted, "so, anyway, it looks like it's getting late, maybe we should hit the hay." i said as i jumped into the bed. "sounds good to me."

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Jared and Gnat - Part one - Habit

He wasn't ready to get up just yet, anyway, he thought as he lay on his belly on the carpetless floor. there was silence, and the air was stiflingly warm and smelt musky.

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Coffee and love ch5

anyway back on topic, hope you like this one and please comment and maybe even fav i don't know, anyway, [took a while, hope you like, maybe comment, oh yeah...] almost forgot the ;d. enjoy it, maybe a new one out in the next few days. here we go...

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Ixen story, a different point of view from Tharivol

She cried anyway because sometimes it made her feel a bit better about the path of life she was walking on. the child gave ixen a hug. "so where are we going anyway? you never did tell me. not to mention you have a pretty singing voice.

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Joy Cometh In The Morning

"we gotta wash 'em every day, anyway," she insisted, referring to the fact that they bred several times a day.

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Chapter 4: A Shocking Revelation Part 2

"anyway, that aside, then there's even your own son, who got beaten senselessly...""but that's all in the past." zekrom replied, a stern expression on her face.

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Sigmundurr (Kreet 34)

Working with unfamiliar tools was the only challenge, but it was a slow and intricate process anyway. yet she had gotten good at it.

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Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up Prologue

anyway, it went really good at first. we were just making funny conversations like always. josh has a really goofy laugh. he won't admit it though. anyway, when back to my apartment...everything was just silent. we barely talked.

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