Cyanide of Riddance chapter 2.

"this competition is ridiculous. it almost sounds made up." "that's why you're going to lose!" grey squirrel sneered. "suck it!" "and go!" lioness ordered and the stomping competition began.

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My Journey Through High School: Chapter 8: In Honor of the Fallen

It was to be used for the cadence section of the competition. i wasn't (and still not) knowledgeable about these kind of competitions.

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Little Drummer Dog (8)

Enough to reach the final, the sunday of the competition is held over for a huge party that is to be attended by all of the competitors.

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The Portal Games: Arrival

._ and he set this up as a competition. but he needs competitors for the competition. our contracts basically say that once we come through the portals, we basically agree to keep going until we reach the end."

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The Third Circle: Vision

Both of them were at least seven dogs behind him at the five minute mark in regional competitions barely a month ago.

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A Dubious Bet - Montiga Commission

On the rare occasions they did meet in person, it was usually to place a wager on an upcoming competition. the bets started small enough, sometimes a little bit of money or doing something partially humiliating to the other.

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Negotiation Breakdown - Sci-Fi Summer Entry

A thousandmiles high, and falling. Razor loved free fall. He let the peaceful tranquility of high-orbit insertion surround him. It brought him a peculiar kind of zen--the calm before the storm. All the way up here, there was nothing to distract him...

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Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Emperor's New Groove

Luckily, the goat caught a good seat in the wings on either side of the stage before they became too overcrowded with other contestants checking out their newest competition.

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Weekend Recreation

Where they had started as equal but competitive lovers, lex was now starting to assert his dominant victory over the short pokémon in his grasp.

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Dinner Is The Show

This is a competition, after all. so here's what's next."

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Week 1 - HOH

And as the competition surged past the 100-minute mark, the rules changed yet again. this time, the houseguests had to keep their free arm in a side pocket; no more supporting the arm holding up the crown.

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