Jason's Nightmare - Part 1

If you get to choose who you'll be with, then we have no guarantee of your discipline." as the professor went on about his list of partners, some of the students mumbled their complaints to themselves.

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A Growl Like Thunder, A Storm Like War

Another, more discreetly delivered instruction from alpha was to discipline his lust. the season of winter was long for beta, and it didn't help that his...proportions preceded him in his advances.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-Two

The discipline remote was held loosely by his side, in plain sight, should lucas have chosen to look down. he did not.

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May Poems of 2018

Lessons of discipline example is that of which i enamor, punishment is what i fear and abhor, of all lessons of discipline, the best society does ignore. one leads and teaches not by brutality, but by that of logic and rationality.

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School For Slaves Chapter 1

After growing up all my life in a small room with nothing but a mattress and my collar to call my own and whatever clothes I could get from the pile before the others to wear, I started school. Though its much like any school you have ever seen. Here...

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Kayla: Two Years Strong

The ‘penny', as the old ex-con spoke of lightly and affectionately, had placed a bit of herself into her own discipline.

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Kayla: Vindication

Like a naked prisoner, he was spanked and disciplined like any penitatas that had committed a grave violation, experiencing what kayla sought to save him from.

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Kayla: Mark of Penance

Sinking into it by the window, the bus spirited him away from the first site of his discipline, to his likely next.

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Master & Slave: Reconsideration

"Finally, I can relax with my Pet." Dizzles sighed, muttering to himself as the key turned over the front lock, opening the door to his apartment. As he slipped inside, he let out a relieved groan, shutting and bolting the door behind him as he started...

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Good Slave - Toby 1

The black wolf stretched slowly as his alarm clock went off, popping his back and stretching his arms far above his head as he looked groggily at the alarm for a second, the irritating beeping bounced off the bare walls and floor of the room he lay...

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Science Class Blues

So maybe some old fashion discipline will make you reconsider your efforts in completing it. chelle nodded, cursing under a breath.

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Kayla: Mirror of Evil

A penitatas; a criminal that is sent back to childhood to live a highly strict and disciplined life to start anew.

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