The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 1
flamedramon chided as he moved out from behind the bar, rubbing atop digitamamon's egg as he passed. "you know i have a thing for goblimon." flamedramon teased, smiling to himself.
Little Gray Paws
Davis went to kiss him again but flamedramon put a finger on his davis's lips, silencing him. flamedramon stood up, and davis followed. flamedramon went to a small stream, and they began to wash each other.
Elegy of Emptiness
He shuffle/slithered over behind the flamedramon and slipped his hand over the back of his head. with careful precision he tilted the flamedramons head towards him.
Digimon Tamers: A new evolution
Forth what had to be a good litre's worth of flamedramon seed.
The Flame Within: Kapitel 8 - Vermächtnis
Dann sagte flamedramon: [es wird zeit] er verabschiedete sich von flamedramon und kehrte in die menschenwelt zurück, wo ihn seine schmerzen plagten. er weitete die augen, als er wieder seine gebrochenen füße spürte.
DigiMonster Rancher (Crossover)
The hot liquid sensation filling flamedramon suddenly caused him to shoot off himself, and the seed flew into the air around them. hare hugged flamedramon tightly, emptying himself of all his white load.
The Outer Flame: Kapitel 1 - Der sechste Sinn
Er sah, wie flamedramon mit blutverschmierter brust vor ihm lag und sah hände, die nicht die seinen waren, auf flamedramons brust gelegt. das gefühl der nackten verzweiflung ergriff von ihm besitz, während er den fremden händen dabei zusah, wie sie flamedramon
To tame a king
Kazuma nodded slowly his eyes never leaving flamedramon's.
Unenlightened 1
flamedramon stared back. it was flamedramon who broke the silence."hi."he said calmly my dad looked like he was seeing the devil himself,and he slowly inched forward to the taller lizard,and slowly put his hand on flamedramons arm.
Unacceptable Love
flamedramon replied. " i have a heart?" black asked. " yes" flamedramon said as he came close to blackwargreymon.
Adventure in the Virtual Realm
flamedramon seemed torn between whatever he was thinking about.
Elegy of Emptiness 3
The goblimon began to walk forward as well, his eyes still blank and staring, but blank and staring at flamedramon. "get....get away from us" flamedramon shouted, but his voice was wavering and he didn't sound brave at all.