God of Hunger chapter 19-25
His hands are cramped and arms become numb with hunger; his veins grow dark, but with nerves of steel and a heart of stone, he pushes against his own mortality to carry on.
God of Hunger chapter 12-18
"job the endless, forsaken by the slave's god, condemned to my servitude and by endless hunger, hear the voice of your savior." job snaps at crow vengefully.
God of Hunger chapter 6-11
# Chapter 6 Heroes I return to the front of the bar, I walk around looking for many more information I can find on what is going on here. I give Tail "the list" and she gives me the facts; Tail is wonderful. I still can't remember how long we have...
God of Hunger chapter 3-5
A man in a silk suit has gunned down one of the dancers, and the old man that pistol saw come in with a pair of kids several minutes ago as he headed to the restroom is swinging a chair leg at a group of flesh-hungry beasts.
Emerald Maiden Chapter 1: Hunger
# chapter 1: hunger * * * pain. hunger. darkness. everything hurts. i can't see anything, even from my night eyes. why? i blink. there is... nothing. at all. emptiness.
Now Dispensing Hunger (Otherwise Untitled)
~ having watched his only coins vanish into the void of the vending machine's endless yawn, the kobold glared with the vigor of hunger and desperation at the bag of chipto-discs.
Part XII - The Marks of Wanton Hunger
"What about Thursday?" "Won't he have," Sam didn't bother getting up from the couch, "work in the morning?" "He oughta have enough PTO to take one day off, though," Will yelled up the basement stairs. "It's at least worth asking!" \> Thurs? "You...
Kobold Off-Duty Duties
He'd already gone seven service-chunks without getting it, and he was hungry for it, so hungry.
Country Pursuits
And much like a buffet, whenever a pred feels hungry, he will tear a strip of flesh from the morph and gulp it down.
Power Trip
Healthy and athletic draco-cheetah xilimyth holds a secret in her perpetually power-hungry body.
Loverhood's Beginning: Chapter 3 - Hunger Strike
Neither of us needed to wait long for replies to our job applications. All that the convenience store's manager--a black-furred, potbellied wolf in his late thirties named Randy--wanted to know during the interview process was if I had a drug or...
Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 2 Uncontrollable Hunger
The longer he sat there the more unbearable his hunger became. finally with a tiered groan he dragged himself to his feet, and started towards the dead dragon. as he walked his hunger got worse and worse.