G'lek's Encyclopedia: Farmier

The only other species who has shown any ability to harness the natural energies are humans, who lack the ability to control the energies once accessed.

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The Anti-Diary

I haven't held the not wolf's paw at the lack of sight of loathsome night sky.

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The Parahuman Baseline

The presence of fur helps insulate parahumans but makes higher temperatures unbearable, especially as they lack sweat glands.

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Chapter 7: "No Better Way to End It...."

But as i said, i got tired of seeing a huge lack of pokémon romance stories that used pokémon that got little to no attention, and the way i see it, what good is it for me to write if that's all i'm doing?


Fiddich and FurSeth

Maybe it was the lack of my roommate, whom you couldn't miss by a mile because of his bright white coat and loud singing voice. however, what alerted me to his absence was neither of these. it was the distinct lack of aroma coming from the kitchen.

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A Bronze Rising: The Gift of Patience

Not that i couldn't, but that approach lacked finess and besides, they tiny things would probably attempt to kill me as soon as i shut my eyes; not that they would have a chance of succeeding, but still, it'd be annoying.

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Chapter VI: Upgrades

He made you a captain because you show promise, which is something that is lacking in kids today. deal with your hand as you will, but the cards are dealt. now, do us all proud, and don't fuck up."

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More then just friends... lThe Alcoholicl

But what he really wished was to befriend the alcoholic because lexiharin as well lacked in friends and perhaps another wouldn't be bad regardless of his faults?

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Nightmare. (Warning, May cause nightmares)

I could feel my body jerk and twitch helplessly, chest beginning to burn from the lack of oxygen.

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Styreks the Laurossin

That's why it lacked the intelligence to be considered a proper citizen, but was still more intelligent than any feral. even the dolphins of the sea and apes of the jungle couldn't match his intelligence.

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Warmth in the Arctic: 11 (Patreon Platinum)

While she had been responsible for tyke's death it would seem she would be responsible for taylo's as well with her lack of intervention.

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