Sleeping Paralysis

Suddenly the atmosphere grows denser and breathing becomes more difficult for me, i cannot move my limbs , i am completely paralyzed, i scream for help but nothing comes out. then a burden appears on my chest like someone is sitting on me.

The Royal Apples - Part XIX

Unlike the other ponies, she was not encased in crystal, but stood, paralyzed, one leg raised as if she were favoring it.

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Hold you in my arms, sharing my love caring for your needs, i feel for you this day i can't dream, i share it with you i gave you the life that i hold true in my arms, a warm embrace in your eyes, our own special place together we share this paralyze

Specs and Filbert: Dragon Fever

"paralyzing spell... you can still feel, you just can't move." muttered specs, moving over a bit and placing a foot on filbert's side, pushing him over onto his back.

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Waffle for Breakfast

"because you are either paralyzed with fear or you are ready to go to the next level. and either way i can help." "paralyzed with fear, definitely paralyzed with fear." she undid another button and pulled apart the top of his jacket.

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Orange Bunny Vs. Gay Xenomorph Hive

The xenomorphs penis hanging between his legs, pre dribbles from it as the bunny even though paralyzed can still feel himself a bulge growing in his pants.

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A Synthetic Puppet

You didn't even get close to reaching up and pressing the button to open the door before you were completely paralyzed.

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Haruki, Pt 4

Do not ask me how, i do not know, but it only paralyzes the limbs. which is enough, for what i do." he smiled evilly. â "and that is?" i asked, attempting to grab my sword, but the venom was spreading rapidly.

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The great white stopped dead in his tracks and looked back, paralyzed with both fear and fascination. he had never seen anything like it, and as the eyes rose from their position and began to move towards him, he wondered why.

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A Special Gift

Foxelle paralyzing him. jess was already charging at ms. foxelle and in one swift motion punched her in the face and grabbed the angel who had fainted. the foxelle's lay paralyzed and unconscious on their lawn.

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Epilogue (Your Lancer Part 4)

Tiredness left me paralyzed by the end of it; but also in the perfect position. * * * our final full day in dystos. we assisted with the dismantling of the installations of the event, but that only took half of the morning.

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Portrait of an Italian Noble

As soon he stepped away, those sounds began: the sounds which had drawn him here, paralyzed him, and made him long for more.

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