Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 02: Der Krieger des Wassers
Aus dem stab flogen viele wassertropfen. er schwang den stab um seinen körper, bis aus dem stab wieder dieses helle licht strahlte. suichiro war nun zu einem husky geworden.
Spider Empire 03: Warrior
The poison helps when stabbing his victims, it makes the stabbing zone numb, so there's no pain.
Noble six- chapter 3- I'll see you in hell
The hammer buckles the sniper as the spike stabs into romeo who yells out hoarsely in pain. the brute tosses the sniper off the roof and roars. i run at him from the side. he swings a massive arm towards me as i stab out with my knife.
Asriel and Toriel
He put out his little finger, and toriel went and put a poisoned stab in it, and asriel fell dead.
The Tide has Turned, A New Front, The Cavalry has Arrived
And as our forces mixed together, we reached the german trenches, jumping inside as we shot and stabbed them down.
That was awesome...
Most disturbingly of all he was chanting, "stab him...stab him....stab him..." in a deep mechanical voice that sounded nothing like the kermit we all know and love.
My deep dark twisted fantasy pt. 5
They pulled it too far as they toke a knife and stabbed it deep into my chest...
Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt. 6
He turned in time to avoid being stabbed in the back, saved by a pure, deep-rooted instinct, instead only receiving a long, deep gash across his side.
Des Zauberers Stab - 1 / Über die Hügel und weit weit fort
#1 of des zauberers stab ein lehrling wird zu seinem neuen meister gebracht. er geht nicht freiwillig, doch hat er keine wahl. denn der meister ist zauberer, und jedermann weiß was man über die sagt...
Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 10: The Dinner Party
Screaming as that person was stabbed by a crude rusty knife. over and over. stabbed again and again. till there was no screaming. but it was being stabbed anyway. he fell to his knees and shrieked " please make them stopp.. please it hurts.
husky hot alone time part 3
The rottwiler's balls and then stabs him in the cock.the rottwiler yelped loudly crying and whimpering loudly he says"please dear god make it stop just end for me." he begs.the husky replys"but what fun whould that be huh?"
Cop killer
I poke his shoulder, as he turned around i stabbed him so fast the blood was squirting out and his life didn't last. as he's laying on the ground struggling for air i cut out his heart and stuffed it in his mouth.