Flamechild - Chapter 5: "Accommodations and a Salt Trail"

Kira bursts through the door to her house, leading rowen by his wrist; both cubs had soaked and unhappy faces. her mom jumped up, about to be angry, but, when she saw their faces, she opened her arms wide hugging both of the cubs. "what happened?"

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(poem) Let’s Hear It for the Fox

Those who utter it are ripe that's ripe, not right, i say again or rather, write here with my pen a bald-faced lie of a cursed cur a damnable trick of old ur appearances will start the course for jealous hearts' lies fan the source the fox has no unhappy

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Descending on a Feast

He'd only had a bite before sampling the watering hole, and it was clearly unhappy he'd waited this long to have his dinner, water or no. the behemoth crouched low, his wide rear end taking a seat as he glanced over his kill.

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The biggest misstake

I still even have his quote for stories on my home page but in the past few weeks of our brake up i have broken cried and wanted to die :c we have never been so unhappy but we are trying to get him back, and we will do next to any thing to help this any thing

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Keeping it in Royalty, Part 1 - Impregnation (A Super Mario Bros. Fanfiction)

Bowser snarled at her, unhappy with her displeasing comment. "i beg to differ; i've been studying human anatomy for horny dummies," he said in a stern voice. peach sighed as she watched him strip her clothes.

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 20: Cold Climb

He'd been quite unhappy about the idea of damaging the cat by breaking its crystal. that wasn't good. he'd be really depressed if they didn't find anything inside the plush animal.

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Sandshift snuggled up to hir, sensing hir older sisters unhappiness, and gave hir a hug followed by a kisslick. dawnlight looked at hir and smiled, scritching the cubs ears and head softly.

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The fox and the pixie

All he could see was people being unhappy, people fighting with each other; there was surely something he could do to help this situation, but he had no clue. ¨oh, little boy, it seems like you're facing quite the trouble¨ said a voice near him.

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Zombiology - Guinea Pig

The pig had never been so neglected since being brought home and her squeals of unhappiness demanded attention, yet went unanswered. her owner, a young girl, was not particularly far away.

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Strings Attached

What an unhappy thing indeed.

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Chapter 5: Old Friends and Sins

She wanted you to be happy so i did this for you, if you really decide your unhappy which i can't imagine you will you have palk call me and i'll do what it takes to make you happy."

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Penchant: CH 12: Crystal

~ i awoke to the prodding of a hoof into my side, opening my eyes in an unhappy squint. "umm... excuse me... its time to wake up now." fluttershy quietly whispered. i managed a small smile.

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