Tales from the shelf

I know him for years, he wasn't a bad man. "good morning devon!" we shook hands and i shot a suspicious look to the soldiers behind him. he understood it. "by the order of the council we have to search the area for intruders. this is the warrant."

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 2

Kicked the bad man in the shins? true way be blind, trisha, you were but a young kitten still gawking at boys and harassing your poor mother. bless her dear soul, she was a sweet tabby." he said. "i know." i said in frustration.

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The Best Bachelor Party EVER!

"she needs it bad man." one of the stallions said. "i'll take care of you." sticks said, walking behind her. "no wait!" rainbow dash exclaimed. "i don't - " she was interrupted as sticks stuck his muzzle deep into her snatch.

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Dance with Me: A Marco and Mitch Story

You've got it bad, man. geez, i thought i was thirsty. that look alone should've been rated r for adult content." "sh-shut up! is..." he let out a tense breath. "is it that obvious?"

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Early Retirement

This is bad, man! real fucking bad!' hearing a creaking noise off to his right, the young pitbull stilled his deep breaths and listened hard for the latest panic-worthy development.

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Cabin Sasquatch Jerky

"it hasn't been long enough for this stuff to go bad man. i didn't see a hint of mold," said jermey offering it up. nick was too focused on the unwanted offering to notice the bulge in jermey's pants.

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The Treetop Inn - Chapter 6

The bad man is coming." elizabeth was stunned at the boy's ability to divine the previous unknown approach, though she was still uncertain about the title he had given the jackal. "he's not a bad man. he's the prince.

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[c] Partners, ch 5

He was a bad man who kept a bad team. let him stew on his loss, sydney thought. this was her moment.

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LiM Ch3: Orientation

My bad man, got carried away with all the awesome shit in here. name's ash. and the shiny pup over there?" "i'm coda..." coda simply replied, in his usual shy-natured tone.

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Falling for a Lugia 2

"because we will not let a failed experiment escape and give team galactic a bad man" grunt says trying to move, but failing. "i'm tired of all you humans.

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The Comforting Words of A Reptile Stranger: Andreas Remembers and Reflects on his Life and Best Friend Rep at a Pub

The king of olde england was a bad man towards people who defied his tax collectors. he once told his tax collectors to behead those who did not pay his tax collection or couldn't pay it.

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I was his first Client

) "too bad man, but a sexy dragon like you, gets couple of chicks i bet!" "i'm not really into that kind of relationship, you know." ( wait did he say i'm sexy ? ) "what kind of relationship are you looking for then?"

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