The Thrall (Commission)

Down into darkness, the fox slid and in the darkness she died, growing cold in the unknowing passage of time. she tried to remember her name, tried to pretend she was alive. her breathing stopped, and her thoughts slowed as if frozen and waiting.

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Heavy Braking Zone

They heard a few muffled comments about the status of the race and had a vague sense the pit stop was coming soon, but they had no way to perceive the passage of time within the amphibian's racing boot.

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Backseat Driving

The red monoliths stood resolute against the heavens, unmoved in their ageless witness to the passage of time. i wondered how many lovers they'd seen pass by and whether they had any advice for me. "yes... but don't you get bored of the driving?"

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Sakura Gets Sumosized

The only thing that did give her a clue as to the passage of time was the effect this constant, never ceasing nourishment was having on her body.

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The Darkfang Curse

Kravex had descended into shadow and memory of him faded with the rest, whether from the natural passage of time or from his manipulation was never known.

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The Club (Part Three)

The gryphon lost the passage of time ever since his transformation. robin, a hooved cheetah, promised frysco something, but frysco couldn't even remember.

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The Club (Part Two)

He couldn't even tell if there was a clock in the room, and there were no windows to indicate the passage of time with the sun's location. after some time passed, the door opened and a male bluebird anthro stepped inside.

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Worthy of the Goddess? - Kinktober 2021, Day 14

He could feel her pussy convulsing, cumming as it seemed to have been without pause for minutes at a time, or perhaps hours given how little awareness the panther had been able to glean about the passage of time since amaterasu entered his bedroom and commandeered

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Sauna Snipping

These were the only way that he could mark the passage of time, as more and more of his body became thoroughly relaxed and unresponsive meat under their expert care.

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Chance Encounters: High School Junior Year.

They would be kicked under the seat eventually and be left inside the dog's car for a couple of weeks, lost and forgotten with the passage of time. only to be discovered and kept by jasper as chew toys.

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The Shrine

The monolithic stone which served as a pedestal for whatever ceremony once happened here was blank, having either always been this way, or simply had whichever marking or engravings on it be erased by the passage of time.

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A Hard Lesson in Teamwork

Many of the obelisks had been toppled over, and even some walls and structures were covered with sand from the passage of time. at the far end of the grounds was the huge main building, and presumably what they were looking for.

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