The Halloween He Didn't Remember
While the raccoon had called it a "costume", the male wasn't wearing much else other than it--just a pair of false-fangs, after all!
They regaled him with tale after tale until he politely asked them to stop. "It is not that I do not believe you my friends, but I find it too much to take in. I am aware of the veracity of some of the information you...
The Nightshift
The dirty yellow rag settling over it like a disappointing halloween ghost costume, he noticed. "speaking of costumes..."
The Zoo Poké
"now i wonder if i should put up some new costumes in the gift shop..."
Clothes Make the Maid
In fact, she hadn't even registered she was still wearing the costume, or george in his own costume, curled on the floor.
Miracle Goo!
He then pulled the tiger into his hands, and carefully slid his body inside of the temporary tiger costume. waste not, want not; he'd wear the tiger as a costume for a little while since it was already emptied out.
3. Forging a Bond (Adult)
As his hands press down on the costumes fur, jake nearly moans with the new sensation as he feels every fur on the costume's body as if it were his own!
Better Trick than the Treats
While the dragon and the lynx stretched their bodies; natsuru in particular removing parts of his costume to be more comfortable, riku was busy fawning and drooling over their many treats they gotten from the party.
Thomas's Luxray Lament
He looked it over and saw that it seemed more humanoid than other luxray costumes he'd seen before in costume shops. "huh..."
08 - Masquerade
They loved our costumes! roger had heard what we would be dressed as, and did a ninja costume to counter it. he told us he was meeting someone at the dance, a casual friend from the anime club, who would be dressed as a geisha.
Transformation Story: Soarin Outta The Box
It wasn't just what he saw through the costume, but in the mirror as well. his tail flicked back and forth, but when it was out to the side, he could see a big pair filling in, stretching the costume under...under the pucker that was his new hole.
Cubnappied By Cows
All done and ready to go to the park in your new diaper and costume. won't that be fun?"