DragonBlood Ch2
I'm genuinely curious.' reena shivered at his touch, and wondered briefly if she should tell him. _should i? how curious is he? what if he wanted to experiment?
Don't Tell Your Mother (Part 1)
, she asked curiously.
Horny Fledgling
"i was curious!" jarzyl retorted, and her neck frill perked up around her head. the orange-scaled dragon fledgling hesitated, then she stuck her snout forward and licked again. "hmm." despite himself, atlas was curious too. "what does it taste like?"
Cow Appreciation 7
"you really are a curious cow, aren't you?" came the reply. billy furrows his brow, typing. billy: you know, a cow is female cattle. technically, i'm a bull. cody: "technically?" okay, but what about the curious part?
The Family He Never Had Part 5
Asked terk curiously. "that would be right." said kenji at first as they both looked at each other.
Koda asked curiously looking at ashley who was now cleaning off her face and paws.
Desperation: Part 1
Troy asked curiously. "boris. well, whenever he's not chasing feathers in the forest." balto said and laughed "didnt he already have feathers with stella?" troy asked curiously again. the wolfdog huffed. "nah.
Allen and Penny (Episode 6)
, she asked in a curious tone as allen smiled.
Roen's Tale, Chapter 13
curious but satisfied with the quality of the weapon, i set it with my armor and reach back into the pack. what i pull out next confuses me, "why do i need a picture frame?"
Amidst the building sensations and aching tightness welling in his balls, john became aware, vaguely of a curious tingle running up and down the length of his spine.
The Family He Never Had Part 3
Terk, mungo and everyone were curious to what kenji just did, it looked like a healing power that could heal anyone of anything.
Abigail's Boyfriend (Episode 2)
Every time she'd do this, i'd get horny and curious and end up doing as she asked.