The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 20

Decided that he would get back camp with no more delays, he turned back and his eyes fell on the firewood. "oh man...!"

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A Serpentine Snack

The remaining two remained there for a while before they agreed to go out to get firewood, though matthias didn't know as he had fallen asleep.

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The Northern Lights | Entree Sized Commission

A veritable starry night encompassed the ceiling and walls, shimmering in time with the crackle of firewood, the roasting heat only registered as a tickle dancing across his body. like every ox every year, aurora was quiet.

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Feeling his heart begin to slow down, chris stood up and picked up a few pieces of firewood. "thanks, lara," he said. "i'll just get a fire going and we can start getting dinner ready.

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"we have to put up the tents before it gets dark, and pick up the firewood for s'mores." she liked s'mores and  picking up firewood, she got to run with finding the sticks for the fire. then the bubbly energy  feeling started to come back.'

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A Taste of Wealth [COMMISSION]

We had camped on the outskirts of a town one day and while bruthal went into town to inquire about caravan contracts, odal had demanded i collect firewood.

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Chapter 1 ( added more)

I gathered some firewood and built a small fire. while i let the fire get going i cleaned and gutted the rabbits. i then removed the meat from the bones.

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Twokinds Revolution Chapter 3

Seth set out to collect some firewood like he always did, though this time his mind was in a different place entirely. he couldn't figure out why he helped that human.

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Inside>Out! Ch4 A New Start - Lions' POV

He returned to the shack in which they had lived together, gathered some meager provisions in a satchel, and brought some firewood outside. he built a pyre around his master, and lit it.

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Arianna 4

When he went in search of firewood, arianna lied back to think of current events, her family dead, along with the rest of the caravan, seeing the lifeless bodies of her family brought her once more to uncontrollable tears.

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