Two Heads Plus One
It's coat was a velveteen shadow, and it's wild red eyes held an otherworldly intelligence that ben couldn't comprehend. the thing's eyes so mesmerized the young eighteen year-old that he nearly disregarded the monstrous event before him.
Spreading the Burning Love
"i know this is probably a foreign concept to someone like you, but i'm trying to **fuck** you," ash let the sarcasm drip through his explanation as he kept aaron pinned with a single arm, demonstrating his otherworldly strength.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 40
Flare didn't even look his way, his otherworldly draconic face was directed at the wall, attention only enlarging the already big hole his claw carved.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 19
From behind her back stretched out six otherworldly, gleaming with yellow essence blades, three for each side.
Expendable: Pleasing Royalty
She felt the monster's rough scales slide across her as it shivered over top of her, clearly enjoying the otherworldly sensations her fur provided.
World Tournament Champion (Chapter 4 of DBZ Fanfic)
#4 of dbz flame waited with roshi, bulma, oolong, yamcha, krillin, and the others, having a small chat with gohan before he left to go back to otherworld.
The Fourth Siren
He looked up to see the three of them, bright sun filtering through their wings and tresses as his eyes wandered across their pert breasts while they continued heave and sing with their otherworldly voices.
A Glistening Lift
#98 of patreon reward vignettes this first vignette for ingersoll is similar to some commissions they've gotten from me in the past: a little account of an otherworldly encounter with one of their characters. this time, echo as a desert plains cryptid.
Tik Tik's Demon Chapter 1
It was then that i recognized the voice, and knew who my tormentor was, for the tale had been told to me by one of my companions during one of my quests, i had become separated from my companions, and during that time, they had encountered something otherworldly
RedTails : The Missing Lynx and The Misbehaving Lynx
Clad in naught but the light of the perpetual day here in the beastlands, frelic awaited the arrival of his otherworldly teacher.
Summerwind's Journey, Part 1
Summerwind has a long way to go, and anything can happen in the otherworld he now inhabits... i hope you like this chapter; there will definitely be more like it. as usual...
Tales of the Convenant, Part 4
Sometimes people would marry them not in spite of who the otherworldly beings were but because of who they were...because a surprising number of people got off on being, to put it simply, vored.