Minerva and Tik TIk 3
Slowly, minerva glides forward, ignoring the captured lizard to inspect the totem on the altar instead.
Minerva and Tik Tik 2
It should be easy enough to crack the lock of his magical totem with her applied magecraft, just as opening the lock with her trap-making skills is simple.
Greenwood - Leo Investigation FR
Je ne pouvais accepter que son dossier rejoignît la pile de ceux du maire, totem de flemmardise et corruption. je repensais à l'étoile filante de la veille et au fait que leo refuserait d'agir si je lui envoyais ce client.
Day 6 - Pendulum
Trinkets and books everywhere, potions and herbs and strange totems to sell to travelers and adventurers such as yourself. you imagine that it's pretty lucrative.
New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 9 - "Communing"
"totemic's heir," the black cat whimsied, rubbing his chin and staring into the fire. "who would have thought?" conway didn't answer. he grunted and changed the subject. "mackenzie needs some work, too.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 12
With a flick of her wrist the little totem ignited in flame. "voodoo totem deployed" she said, commandingly, "all fire damage is multiplied by thirty-three point three per cent!"
Indomitable Book 1: Warm Welcome-Seventh of Revival
A ring of six totems hold a band of marble aloft. one of the totems i recognize as king, all the others seem unfamiliar. the band holds faces with space for more, among those faces i see crispy and quarry. "i'll get your face up there eventually.
Collared - Chapter 20 - Lance
A slight amount of aer remained in his totem, and collars were amazingly resilient. everett knew enough first aid to keep riley from bleeding out completely, but it was cold, and he had stained a lot of snow red.
Collared - Chapter 12 - Lucidity
_ [_where's your totem, jensen?
A Good Smell; A Nice Voice
Whether you raise the child yourself is of little consequence, but you will not just sit in here, a hermit with your totems, and wait for death to take you.
The Other Dragon World Epilogue
Now, in avalar, where spyro looked over hunter's tomb, a totem of a cheetah in its real form, growling in sorrow as if ashamed of being killed. no, maybe not that, but maybe because relieved from the world's nasty development.
Dawn of Chaos Pt 3
From these prayers came the small gods, with each tribe having their own totems for the night. these memories were fragmented, like viewing through an insects compound eyes.