Chie's Ascension
The towering amazon reached out with a hand and clenched her powerful claw, the sound of ice being shattered ringing out. "you turned into my persona..."
Regressive Tendencies: The Beginning (Chapter 2)
In the middle of the amazon jungle." he paused. "and yet, if she _is_ kammy, we have a different remarkable phenomenon to explain.
Chapter 6 - New York Amazons
Yet, on the day of the graduation she dreamed of a wolf-woman who transformed into a giant wolf-amazon. regardless, she eagerly awaits her first assignment. chapter 6 - new york amazons amanda entered her office and found a folder atop her desk.
EoN Haiku - Cassandra.
The fire of the amazons flares. the madness of the sun-god has not touched her.
Scavenger Hunt
Four amazons with machetes, two with executioner's axes and one carrying a very long spear of iron gathers around a denuded fenryx.
A Fair Hunt
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Going home for Christmas
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If you go down in the woods tonight
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Black Night
The amazon seemed to be barely conscious, nearly knocked out by a combination of exertion, pain, and multiple orgasms.
Selestral - Ende auf
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Bred by Mares - part 1
The sisters were often compared to the stereotypical legendary amazons. however, their physical stature was not the only reason people compared them to amazons. the sisters behaviour was....weird. there was no other way to describe it.
The jungle book: a new jungle toy
"baloo, mowgli get over her and help me turn her into another jungle slut," sher-kana says as the two watch her holding the busty amazon.