The Education of Crisp: The Curse Returns
A boot came flying out of nowhere, hitting him right in the stomach. xander went down hard, hitting the ground before he even realized that he'd been knocked off his feet. the same boot that had hit him came down over his crotch, pinning him in place.
A Passion For Hi-Tops / ch2
His cock and balls still hanging a little despite the former's steady swelling, Wolf obeyed. He looked at the sneaker, and then - perhaps for reassurance that Lisse was finding this hot too - at the cat's jeans to see if a bulge was happening yet....
A Passion For Hi-Tops / ch1
Well now, he _was_ an interesting one! The dark-furred Alaskan malamute. Young, slender, obviously gay to Lisse's perceptive gaze but so subtly so even Lisse couldn't pick out exactly what he was reading in the canine. It was something in the way he...
You Belong Beneath
He was just a ragged mouse for him to wipe his footpaws on, to have his boots polished and worked over, nothing more. "i think those are clean enough now," rock announced, finally lifting his boots away from the mouse's desperate hold.
The wolf was wearing his boots today - the big ones. slowly he watched his master's booted paw draw nearer and nearer, until it stopped and settled down, directly on the fox's growing tip.
A Good Father Figure
Limon groaned audibly as he felt the old work boot sink into his stomach. when he looked down, the fox saw his abdomen completely crushed, just before the second boot came down on his chest and blocked the view. "ha-urgh..."
Downsized and in the Paw of a Tiger
However, the state of the boot didn't matter much given their current situation.
The Big Heist
The hybrid pulled off one of their boots and set it down on the table inches away from the mouse, who instantly fell over from the felt quake.
Making Life Worth Living [TSR]
I am puss in boots!" the boastfulness puss expected to portray wavered as the wolf nosed along his impressive bulk.
Streak, Season 1, #1, Origin of Streak
Then i took my blue boots out of my backpack, sat down, slipped off my shoes, and pulled on the lycra semi-socks. my outfit was complete.
Making Life Worth Living [PTRN]
I am puss in boots!" puss stomped a boot on the ground in indignance. "how shall i put this? you have been rather..." death curled the fingers of the hand he held out in front of him. "careful, as of late.
Lilac - Escort Turned Sex Slave
I consider myself someone of exceptional balance; the boots have no platform beneath the sole, so my footpaws are angled quite severely.