Evil Quill-Weave:Sidekick (Part 4)

"still, having an incarnation of evil living nearby must bring in some tourist dollars." quill laughed and rummaged through her bag, pulling out a little wooden figurine. "look mae! this is what one of the shops is selling now!"

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A Single Spark

Hey, incarnations have to eat too! he was about to tell rouge to speed it up, but stopped when he saw her return to sonic's side. shadow could feel a tiny prick of jealousy beginning to rise from his chest.

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Ke.shin - incarnation, personification been meaning to write a pokemon tf for a while now. i'm not 100% if i like how this one turned out but i still have plans for an alternative answer chapter if anybody could be at all interested. also, rawr.

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The Witche's Heart P1

She dismissed him with a wave and returned to picking her herbs while speaking, "i need nothing from you ra, you may leave" yet again she was hefted up into a vice grip of a hug and the gnoll spoke, "you are a saint, a goddess incarnate thank you human witch

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Dreams [Filler]

My sight was quickly placed back at this angry incarnation of myself. i know when this happened, i was after the team captain for attacking my brother and sister.

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The City XI

Beauty incarnate. i may have acted a bit... hastily. it was right in the long run. you said no to a long-distance, and if was stationed in bella..." haka sighed lightly. "what stops you now?"


The Gates of Heaven and Hell Prologue: The Afterlife Projects

The serum is to strong, and they themselves are the sins incarnate!!!!!" pride laughed ignoring him and motioned for wrath to get their equipment while he leaned back in his chair. robert ran past mr.

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Predatory Discussion (Part II)

"well, yeah - they do, but all these politician asshats try to be all 'family friendly' and shit and act like it's the devil incarnate and if the government catches one of your employees with it, they...i dunno, they do stuff!"

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Five

Get yours today from your local place of hell incarnate. _kulg-o-vision!_

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Evil Quill-Weave:Invisibility (Part 3)

But really, it just wouldn't be seemly for evil incarnate to show up and dance with a bunch of villagers now, would it?" her minion sighed. "i guess not. we're going to have a big bonfire though! really it would be so nice of you to join."

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Blueberries's snuffie contest part 4: robotics

But at this moment i was death incarnate, burning with adrenaline and lust as i waited for him to take just one more step towards the door. those long legs turned foolishly away, and the resounding crash of wood splintering caught him by surpise.

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Breaktime Shorts 5 and 6

The demon declared, its voice rumbling the stone beneath her.â "i am carnal incarnate!â i am lust!â i accept this sacrifice and grant all within this room life eternal."

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