Mizalin-on-Sky: The Floating Mountains
The landscape had a fractal pattern to it--big mountains were accompanied by smaller mountains, which had their own even smaller mountains surrounding them--from floating mountain to floating hill, to ever smaller stones.
King of the Mountain – Spoils of war
# king of the mountain - spoils of war the war against the firescales dragged along for the rest of the year without any big change.
I had managed to conclude a meeting a little earlier with this beautiful zebra, he had accepted that i accompany him for his excursion in the mountains, i had an hour drive.
Wind and Mountains: Chapter Three
#42 of the old kingdoms chapter three of part four. as always leave a comment or criticism if you'd like.https://www.sofurry.com/view/1545731 wind and mountains chapter twohttps://www.sofurry.com/view/1545737 wind and mountains chapter four chapter
Wind and Mountains: Chapter Two
#41 of the old kingdoms chapter two of part four. as always, if you guys want to, leave a comment.https://www.sofurry.com/view/1521366 wind and mountains chapter onehttps://www.sofurry.com/view/1545735 wind and mountains chapter three chapter two: growth
King of the Mountain – The death of the king!
The heir of the black dragon tribe of dusty mountains. son of the great king onyx the strong. or at least he used to be. only one sound lay upon the corridor and the whole mountain fortress like a curse.
King of the Mountain – The second wife
She also seemed to be very reserved and so they just stood there silently and watched the mountains while the sun slowly hid behind the mountains in the east and clouds were piling up over the fortress.
King of the Mountain – Princess Peach
He saw them fly towards the mountains, the dragons much bigger than the leo-gryphons, black next to golden, and when they vanished behind the mountain.
Chapter 4: A Mountain Retreat
The keep was much larger than expected, clearly having been carved into the side of the mountain.
Wind and Mountains: Chapter one
The cliffside was enormous, as was the mountain that sat atop it. it just kept going and going, till it disappeared in fog and clouds. strong crisp greens broke against faded stoney blacks, there were mountains everywhere. "baka!
Meet Me in the Mountains (Patreon)
To the mountains that shadowed the village, they were often considered to be dangerous and unlucky.
Whisper of the Mountains: Chapter 3
She could have been in the market, or out to the west of the mountains selling her teas.