Mhisani's Desire - A commision for Mhisani
Rojono blushed, "i like the movie." he said taking some popcorn, "the movie is about findings oneself through love." he said. "i agree, there's just something about it you know?" mhisani said starting the movie.
Section III
It definitely seemed odd, though it had a similar "fresh off the grill" effect to those restaurants where one was supposed to cook it oneself at the table.
Lost Son (commission for lucaslunar)
There was nothing to anchor oneself to, nothing to use as a reference, and yet there was a sense, however faint, of movement. the despite the complete absence of light, it could still see its master, as if he possessed some form of luminescence.
At dinner with dragons, ACT VI
He couldn't blame the people of sunny valley for not wanting to talk about the world outside of the barrier: only now that rael discovered it for himself did he start to see the point of wanting to remove oneself from chaos and violence to lead a peaceful
A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - A runner's memory; Feather's Story. (2) Part I
Like how to clean oneself when you're \*wearing\* a messenger bag wrapped over your neck and inbetween your wings, so that it touched the ground when you stood, and hung between you when you flew.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 3-A
The fox would have protested, except that he realized that the snow leopard had a rather valid point; there was no point revealing information about oneself if the other party was not going to give them information in return.
Keith Solo: Back on Track
It is said they are like train station sandwiches: a good way to punish oneself if they have to regret something. but keith actually had had worse. he remembered days where he had not had anything else but male semen for long periods of time.
Prologue and Chapter One - Saturday
Thus began the tedious but necessary process of making oneself appear presentable. several minutes and a multitasked tooth-brushing later, her coat was smooth, glossy, and smelled vaguely tropical.
Love & Magic - A Dragon CTF Story
At first, it felt strange - like trying to suck oneself off while still attached to one's own body. but soon, he got into a rhythm, his lips closing around my head and pulling me deeper into his mouth.
Silver Goes To The Pool
Length of the pool at a leisurely pace, silver's ears picked up the normal sounds of a public swimming pool: people splashing around, older kids shouting, younger kids crying, a lifeguard blowing their whistle; all noises best tuned out if one was to enjoy oneself
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 20)
Sometimes to improve oneself, and live in harmony with others, one must... do difficult things." i peered down at my meal, at my blurry reflection in the rich, succulent, brown sauce, unable to look away. and i found out why it tasted so good.
From Lord to Jester (Commission)
Better to enjoy oneself, at the foot of his queen. "this is the lord you swore fealty to!" queen asimara cried out to the masses. "a lord who had lost himself in fine clothes and is so easily inebriated.