New Perspective, Chapter One: Denial
"Aiden, Wake up. You're going to miss the bus," called a voice from the opposite side of the room. Aiden opened his eyes, then recoiled in pain as he stared directly at the brightness of the dull, gray sky through the curtains that...
Second Chances 11.5 (Lukes perspective)
Authors note - So... I realize I havent written anything in a while, sorry about that, but I've got a small chapter for all yall out there. Is this chapter short? Yes. Am I trying to get back into the swing of things? Yes. That said...
Ch. 1 - First Person Perspective
Alex sighed as he sat down at the table in the corner of the college cafeteria. The person across from him looked up from her book. "Hey Alex. What's got you so down today?" she asked. "Hi Jen. Got destroyed by a math test today. Making up for...
Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 4
#46 of change of perspective a continuation of my change of perspective series, and a commission based on it for zucca been sitting on this commission for a while and its a unique one as i wrote the story below, and the art is done by the amazing croft it
Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 3
#45 of change of perspective a continuation of my change of perspective series, and a commission based on it for zucca been sitting on this commission for a while and its a unique one as i wrote the story below, and the art is done by the amazing croft it
Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 2
#44 of change of perspective a continuation of my change of perspective series, and a commission based on it for zucca been sitting on this commission for a while and its a unique one as i wrote the story below, and the art is done by the amazing croft mass
Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 1
#43 of change of perspective a continuation of my change of perspective series, and a commission based on it for zucca zucca been sitting on this commission for a while and its a unique one as i wrote the story below, and the art is done by the amazing croft
Deviant Delights #21 - A New Perspective
Uther focused more on the walking than any conversing they were doing, though he was careful to stick close to them. The last thing he wanted to do was accidentally wander off, especially with his earlier ribbing of Davin. He wondered if maybe he had...
A Security-Oriented Perspective feat. Armitage
A security-oriented perspective (a syntech story) by danath written during the corporate recruitment livestream, 7/10/18 roanan and armitage are © vishki \* \* \* roanan glanced left and right before refocusing his eyes on the black and white screen
Three Perspectives pt 4 Sleep on It
Monday morning in the shared apartment of Tio and Rod was welcomed with grunts and moans of displeasure. Tio had an alarm for five thirty. Rod on the other hand worked from home so he didn't have a set time to rise. Tio being the furthest from a...
Digimon Darkness Chapter 15
Real time (told in renamon's perspective) black tears rolled down my face! renamon: why!? \*i pounded my fist to the ground\* i remember everything so clear but matt doesnt! the only one who can save matt is me!
Digimon Darkness Chapter 10
Wyatt (all told in wyatts perspective) i was laying on my bed feeling helpless the tv was still on and had suddenly gone to a digimon card commercial....