2626 CH 23 (An Orr World Story)

It would have known where the transporter was heading and why. that it had known of the relationship between the transporter and some of the people there meant it had gone beyond looking through their eyes and accessed their memories.

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Grand Disruption ch1

He spoke into it as he turned it on, talking directly to the commander of the fleets transport.

Zion: Light of the New Moon, Bannihar's Post Milestone

Kayte confirmed, climbing back up into the transport without another word. "i really don't like being out in the open like this."

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 5 -- The First Portal

"if she survived the rough transportation, yes, she'd be here, but she'd be lucky to be conscious." "why?" cynder asked.

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Velius - The Day of Infamy

Two beams of energy, so bright they could not be looked upon directly by human eyes, lanced out from the platform and carved across the transport ship.

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Expedition: Diplomacy

The shuttle bay of the _marauder_ was a relatively simple affair, holding just as many tortoise landing craft as were needed to transport the entire complement of the ship to a planet's surface plus a few extras and a pair of the personnel transports she'd

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Everwinter Ch42 & Epilogue: Cycle of Life

_ the runes on the floating obsidian activated, and a link formed with the transporter. energy surged into it, the process started, and the transporter lit to life as it started channeling.

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Distant Earth CYOA part 17

The banter ended as a loud bleep gave the one minute cooldown, the small pod was approaching the transport. the cylindrical pod landed softly on the hull and a bright flare could be seen as the pods cutters sliced a doorway into the transport.

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Ch 1

I said bowing slightly and motioning towards the transporter. mocking me she curtsied and walked over to the professor who turned on the transporter and showed her the choices on the screen. after that the wait was hell.

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Return To Base

Waiting for him, leaned against the transport or sitting down, were his crew of four elite operatives.

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Somebody Touch Me

Sensor transporting retrieval electronic ecological transference systems (streets) allowed for maximizing transportation time, efficiency, minimizes accidents, and all it takes is a transport interface with the streets.

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Fulfilling a Promise

I then boarded the transport with james' helmet with me just before i felt it rise into the air while princess celestia placed his sword and shield in the rear of the transport.

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