Dread Zone Rebirth : Celestial's New Vegas Return Part 1
Her floating mansion residence that rested above the central arena of dread zone, and the four lights below were the four major spot lights of the dread zone core arena.
For now it's just going to be teams from zone 3 and zone 5 prepping and digging the site before the rest of the teams join in for their parts electrical, plumbing, and the rest." i look over to see all the scalies.
Two Man Advantage (Part One)
His teammate won the draw, allowing basil to handle the puck and carry it up the neutral zone.
D.E1 Chapter 9: Haunting Memories Part 2
We were the first in this zone complex and worked hard to organize everything and assign the ones in charge of the rest of the zones. so we've been very close even if it's just in a working environment." vinnie took a pause to continue.
Etherials Revelation
My family lives in a green zone. i...haven't told them yet, were incredibly poor... i'll...
The Gam3 - Chapter 1
"the black zones are pvp zones, they are strictly player against player. so be careful. white zones are pve zones where there are random spawns of monsters and environmental hazards.
The Golden Alchemist: Cleansing Worship 1
They needed to be ready for a fight if something pushed in from the orange zone, or through from the red zone. and that...why? why would they not...
Mary's School Pt. 1
"well thats all for today i expect you to pay me a visit tomorrow at the construction zone before school starts." with that said jessi let herself out and walked to her house.
D.E1 Chapter 13: Promises
"i know you are worried for him, but it is clear now that being with you two in this zone is only an escape for him. if you keep on living this way, that's only going to feed him a false sense of security.
The First Crossroads
"welcome to the yiff zone, girlfriend!" vixen handed the map to lily and observed her as she scanned the map with read names aloud under her breath. "the yiff zone is categorized by its four key regions. i think you should know what you're in for."
Chronicles of Aramat: Hellroses WIP
Together the group entered the forbidden zone.
D.E1 Chapter 49: The silent threat
Rika rushed to meet them at the zone's lobby. jade and another evo named viz where with her. not a few minutes passed when rika saw a group of evos walking through the green areas of their zone complex.