The Story That Began on East Second Street
We moved out stuff from an old apartment to the antique that is my house. i was around five at the time, and was excited for the change into a new place to call my home. now, i look back at that old place as a distant memory.
Internals (Poem)
With transitioning, my ex moving out and being transphobic towards me, lack of money, needing my parent's help until i get my job back, but knowing if i tell them or they find out i'll lose all support and never get to see them or my sisters again, and this
Our Story: Chapter 1: The Beginning
It was just as i had expected, everything would become perfect as soon as i moved out, my dad got a pay raise and he was happy as could be. i knew i was always the one who was holding him back.
Last Job of the Night
Harbeson grunted assent and moved out of the doorway to let me in. from the entry already i could see the problem, or at least the spreading water stain that had spilled out into the carpet from the kitchen.
Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 5. (Everything becomes right that has to be right)
I need some rest. " both nodded a yes and together they moved out of the room. **a few minutes later** victor was laying on his bed, a sleeper, and tried to sleep in when somebody knocked on the door. \* knock, knock \* „oohhhh....
Justice for The Monster [Chapter 2]
Marines, move out." i always hated getting stuck on these kind of missions. fuckin' white coats; always poking and prodding things they don't understand. they never know when to leave shit alone.
View of a dragon: Night Fury
--- it was time, time to move out, to move out there and feed this gigantic beast of a dragon. i'm ashamed at what have become of us dragons because of that monster.
March to Dead Chapel
move out of the way." the wizard chuckled to himself, "balsy, aren't you? well that's fine. if you want to get by so bad, you'll have to get through me. i wouldn't mind selling that armor of yours..."
Section 6
Falling asleep for a couple of hours to regain some of my spent energy before moving out. i kept this pace up for the next four days, traveling at night and sleeping in the daytime.
A new start Chapter 4: The First Relationship
This house had an almost empty feeling to it; like rayne was ready to move out at anytime. there were no photos or pictures on the walls, and even the kitchen lacked decoration. it was sad, almost to the point of depressing.
With Every Black Cloud....(Storm part 2)
The white aurora from before started to move out of its oval pattern and race towards the man, shrouding him in a cocoon of light. the white light was so bright, will put a hand to cover his eyes.
Generation Fighter
Leon and two other soldiers shot at the fox, but all of them missed as they saw the fox was nowhere to be seen and has disappeared from their sight "shit, everyone move we're moving out, cliff call base now!"