Ainge's Changes, Part 2
Tommy woke up to the sound of a loud engine driving by his street, and stopping nearby. His eyes finally managed to pry themselves open a few seconds later, and he quickly hauled himself upright, his back resting against the headboard of his twin-size...
A new life
**A new life** **By Janus Oberoth** "I need something to eat" Luna thinks while she laid her paw on her swollen belly. She is a wolf with a black fur and eyes of a penetrating amber color. Until a month ago Luna was considered one of the most...
Tony's Room - Commando
At long last!! Four drafts and 2 years later, I have finally completed the next chapter! I hope I did alright, it's been a long, long while :\ Contains sexy stuff and underage characters. Read at your own risk! And Enjoy :3 Tony's Room - Commando ...
The Engagement
Saline awoke in the arms of her new lover Bronn as the first glimpse of sunrise rose over her kingdom. She got out of bed completely naked for a morning stretch as her mate began to awake from his slumber with the sound of her voice welcoming him to...
To Be Somebody...pt4
Only one more part! woo! -- Cyrno burst into the hospital wing. As soon as he did that, a nurse that happened to be nearby dropped a cluster of E.R.'s in surprise. Facing her, he saw that she was about to yell at him until a flicker of recognition...
ABC's - In the Open
Acutely aware of the coldness, I sit next to her. Britanney is steely and cold. Coughing, I try to ease the awkward pause. "Dammit Zach, why did you have to do this to me?" Easing into the class would be more difficult with her like this. Frankly,...
A Very Happy Birthday
Alex was a young, gay (unknown to his parents) fallow deer who had only just turned eighteen. He was so excited to be going out on his own for the first time in ages, no friends coming with him, just a big trip in to the wide and wonderful world. He...
Unusual Love #14 (Updated and Finale)
Sam led Lucy through the city streets back in America, but she still had no idea where she was. They were Wearing clothing that could only be described as ninja gear when they climbed the stairs of a tall building still in construction that had a sky...
Making up(Chapter 28)
Alright, my next chapter, got some happy stuff in it. Actually, it's all happy except for maybe a few paragraphs. Anyways, it's short, I know. It's probably rushed too, lol. \*\* One week after Raymond's birthday Wyatt groaned as Clarice pushed...
Summer Daze (revised)
\*This is a rewrite of the original. I read all your comments and I fixed the story. This version will have more character development, the characters' relationship will have more background, and yes....... THERE IS YIFFY ^-^\* As I was staring...
Adoption(Chp11), Dinner with Alec(Chp12), The Dance(Chp13)
Ok, so, I know I have been rushing my stories and running scenes together into chapters. Sorry about that and hopefully this will be the last time I do that. I set myself up this time. I'm going to try to not rush this one at least. All characters...
Her One and Only Part one: The Lovers
It was a hard day of work for the tigress, her boss's shouts still ringing in her head louder than her Suzuki GS500's engine. Natasha revved her engine as she pulled to a red light. Though eager to get home to see what Madeline was doing for her...