Death by Chocolate

With a sigh the fantasy ended and she picked them all up together, an audible complaint coming from her midsection as it was squeezed between her chest and thighs.

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Oak in Grey Hollow - 4

In our line of work, we get the most peculiar complaints. your's is quite normal, really. your wife doesn't know you're here, does she?" "oh no, miss," the farmer stammered, not able to make eye contact with her.

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Council Session

His eyes twinkle in my direction then, "the first order of business is a complaint. issued by jane lorance, she has a complaint against hunter gwen's body guard shadow and ecthelon the arms master."

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"i wish to make a public complaint to the council about the behavior of the hunter and her people." jake looks at me a moment and raises an eyebrow, "and what does this complaint contain miss..?"

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Scraps - Chapter 2

For all of his complaints, she knew he fuckin' loved it. she mashed her hips down, shoving her lips harder against him until she could feel him suckling against her like he was thirsty.

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Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 6

"i'd joke that you can take that complaint up to the order when you meet it," he chuckled, smiling slightly, "but well... you already have." he then frowned, shaking his head, "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to point out..."

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Based on the arcanine's grin, he had no complaints adopting that name temporarily. he had even made sure to stress it exactly as the lucario had.

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A Gay Lion King Parody 7: The Hyenas' Game

If there were complaints coming from beneath, he couldn't hear them. all that he heard were the grunts, the mutters, the growls that came from the hyena, and nothing more. in, out. in, out.

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Sylvie: Chapter Six

In all the years i've been here, i get maybe one complaint a month, which is usually easily fixed. only twice have i ever had a problem firgil questioned me about and he agreed with how i handled it both times.

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Now onto your complaint, you disputed some of the information given by your slave's previous owner, can you repeat the items you challenge?"

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Eating Lightning's Dust

You keep quiet - nopony is gonna write some stupid complaint." "i'll write the stupid complaint," fluttershy offered helpfully, her hoof raised like a school filly intent on volunteering to clean the whiteboard.

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The Strawberry Lube

At the desk a stallion sat in a blue two piece suit, motioning her to sit, "i heard about the complaint from hr." "mr. delancy, greg touches my ass every time i go into the security office." "he said you filed the complaint after you slept together."

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