Furnace of Stars, part 4
"but death is the cessation of consciousness," i pointed out. "yes. that is what i felt. the consciousness, snuffed out in an instant, and replaced by nothing," he countered. "but it was only a copy of you. this copy remained conscious, didn't they?"
Onward to better times: Chapter 1: Aristotle wouldn't visit the lake a second time.
Getting light-headed was the first symptom of him trailing away into the fabric of space, losing consciousness.
Shaiden's Story :: Chapter Two - Prophetic
Suddenly the storm became muted and reality began to slowly bleed back into shaiden's wounded consciousness. heat and pain throbbed in his head as he suddenly sat up and looked around wildly.
Koszmar Lore
It is believed that it began as an idea, a concept, a lost consciousness that was given a face within the dreams of a young boy. as the consciousness came to realize whats become of it, and become self-aware, it manifested into reality.
Deviant Pack (2) - Home Sweet Home
Alexandria slowly gained consciousness, but she had been in situations like this before, and believed she was either about to be raped, or murdered.
D'sim Kalumee and the Xenomorph Hive Part 3.
He rubbed his mandibles weakly against y'thnam'sss, giving one final breath before he felt himself lose consciousness, going limp in the grip of the female drone.
When I Was Young
I felt self conscious about my hair touching his arm, but he either didn't feel it or didn't mind it.
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"there we are, good boy~" tulip hugged him from behind and petted him on the head as he whimpered, shaking in her grasp, suddenly losing consciousness due to the blood loss and shock; the bunny just laid him on the ground, snickering.
Dria Deepthroat [IRAM]
It was only when he was certain he would pass out that she started to thrust again, this time pulling back regularly to keep the fox conscious. but even with the chances to breathe, how long could the fox remain conscious at this rate?
Fuck-Me-Pumps, Designed by Mini
Fireworks in her mind while she lost consciousness from the intense pleasure she received on her former groin. unaware of the strapping of the other ankle and even her new owner standing up before she was conscious again.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Fifty Four
Something cracked in his hip, and it took every conscious fiber he had not to scream. tthe currents spun him around the tree, and pushed him onwards.
Just meat
She was still conscious at the time they cleaned up her liver and placed it in one of my bowls to be carried away.