Valentine's Tease: Filled by His Mistresses
Story © amethyst mare / arian mabe characters © respective owners **valentine's tease** **threesome** ** ** **filled by his mistresses** ** ** _written by arian mabe (amethyst mare)_ _a gift for razak_ _ _ _ _ _happy valentine's
Filling My Brother Ch. 3
#3 of filling my brother kyle starts to have second thoughts about his relationship with cody after talking with his best friend.
Filling My Brother Ch. 4
#4 of filling my brother a delightful saturday morning becomes a much more serious as kyle begins to realize something is different with cody. filling my brother chapter 4 by wafflesquadron "yeah, suck my dick. you like that, don't you?
The day Scar fill into the FEV vat.
Scar is out exploring an old enclave lap feeling more and more friction from his older brother so he left to find food and go side tracked by the lab he sniffs around finding a few dead enclave workers but were fair to gone to eat. He then smells some...
Filling My Brother Ch. 2
#2 of filling my brother its the morning after their late late night romp, and the two brothers are about to have the whole house to themselves.
Filling My Brother Ch. 1
#1 of filling my brother a late night tryst between two young brothers. they have been fooling around with each other for awhile, but tonight might just mark the start of a real change in their relationship.
A Very Special Fill For A Very Special Prompt
A "special" fill i made for a equally "special" prompt on the mass effect kink meme. tali'zorah waltzed into commander shepard's quarters with a very smug garrus vakarian in tow.
The Somersworth Incident Pt. 3
That that desperate need to be filled was finally nearing some kind of satisfaction. it gave another thrust, and the scream came. i screamed for pleasure. i screamed for shame. i screamed for satisfaction.
Morning Milking
Small strokes were still given and gordie was quick to point that tip at the other bucket, watching at powerful shots of male milk splashed within, quickly filling up the bottom and only coming, more and more, thankfully dwindling just as it was filling up
Suited for the Show
With each shot the color cycled between those three and the weight of the filling reservoir gradually dragged the mighty cock forward, towards the floor. beau gripped the base of his cock with both claws, panting softly, and braced his ankles.
A Birthday to Remember
"i filled you up so much we look like twins!" the collie attempts to lean back and see what he was talking about, but his pecs were just too massive to do so.
Penthouse Sweet
Just like montiga, he had two erections proudly working their way out of the sheath and filling the entire penthouse floor with musky flavor.